Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Saudi Electronic University Web Design Stages Essay


I’m working on a website design discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

As you learned, Web design includes 4 stages to be completed; these stages are:

    • Design
    • Development
    • Content strategy
    • Multimedia

In your opinion and own words, as a web designer which stage should take a fair amount of time and which one is important to do well in your project? How do you incorporate current design trends into your projects?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania PyTorch Tensors Code


Write some code that uses PyTorch tensors.

  • Create tensors with Python lists with the following dimensions (shapes): 1, 2×3, 2x2x2. Show the tensors’ shapes.
  • Create a 4D tensor with random numbers between 0 and 1. Use the relevant tensor function to do so.
  • Create a 2D tensor with all zeros and another with all ones. Use the relevant tensor function to do so.
  • Using a 4D tensor and using indexing: show a single scalar; show a single vector; show the first scalar from each vector.
  • Demonstrate adding a scalar to every scalar in a 3D tensor (using broadcasting).
  • Demonstrate element-wise dividing a 3D tensor by a vector (using broadcasting).
  • Demonstrate the use of the item() and tolist() functions to get Python values.
  • Demonstrate the use of min() and mean() providing the dim= parameter to find the min/mean over a certain dimension.
  • Combine two 2D tensors so one is “on top” of the other.
  • Reshape a 2D tensor to a 3D tensor.
  • Convert a tensor to single-precision floating point (float32), upload to the gpu, perform an arithmetic operation with another tensor, and then download from the gpu. Demonstrate that these steps worked.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Maryland Baltimore Baltimores Ransom Dilemma Paper


Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts files and requires a key to decrypt the files. To get the files decrypted, the company or organization must typically pay the hackers a large fee, often in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. It is important to note that cryptocurrency payments are one-way transactions that are impossible to trace. There is risk, too. If the hackers do not provide the organization with the decryption key after payment, there is no refund.

Hackers in recent years have targeted businesses such as hospitals for ransomware attacks, as well as cities and towns, large and small. Black hat hackers encrypted the city of Baltimore’s systems, as well as two smaller cities in Florida.

Read these brief articles from the UMGC library to learn about the ransomware incidents:

Chokshi, N. (2019, May 23). Attacked With Ransomware, Baltimore Isn’t Giving In. New York Times, p. B6(L).

Mazzei, P. (2019, June 28). Another City in Florida Pays a Ransom to Computer Hackers. New York Times, p. A17(L).

If the organization does not pay the ransom, it would need to either use backups to restore to an earlier network or system state, or to rebuild its systems and data. In the case of the Baltimore city government, its backup systems were also encrypted, so the city was unable to process real estate transactions.

Depending on the complexity of the environment and the amount of data encrypted, this could cost the organization more than the ransom, perhaps even 10 to 20 times the amount.

  • What would you do if you were the cybersecurity analyst that had to advise the city of Baltimore and/or the smaller cities?
  • Would you pay the ransom? Consider both sides of the argument by conducting internet research to understand the different viewpoints. When you are ready, explain why you would or would not pay the ransom.
  • If you agree to pay the ransom, what are you going to tell the CEO if the hackers don’t end up providing the decryption key to unlock the files or come back and ask for even more money?
  • If you don’t agree to pay the ransom, what are you going to tell the CEO, especially if the costs to restore far exceed the ransom?
  • Are there ethical considerations? If your organization pays, will other organizations be vulnerable to similar attacks on their systems?
  • Would you have a different decision if you were working for a small organization like Mercury USA?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CS 405 SNHU W5 Code XOR Encryption Project



You are a senior software developer on a team of software developers who are responsible for a large banking web application. Your manager has recently discovered that none of the data is encrypted. She is panicking and now wants to put encryption into everything. However, she wants some proof of how it works. Another developer on the team started creating the application to show encryption, but cannot figure out how to load and save files or to do encryption. The task has fallen to you to finish the work.


You will learn to do the following:

  • Implement XOR-based encryption character by character across a file of data
  • Implement loading data from a text file into a string
  • Save a string to a text file

The source code has been commented on using TODO to explain the detailed rules you must follow. When implementing XOR encryption, you will need to account for the length of your password key. See the example file in the module resources section. The file format that is loaded and saved is defined in the source code. You must use the format specified for the program to work. You are provided a sample input file to test your program, and you will need to change the data file to complete the assignment. Use the file names defined in the source code file, and don’t forget that you can leverage capabilities provided by the standard C++ library to help you achieve success.

Specifically, you will need to complete the following:

  • Code XOR Encryption: Complete the coding activity by successfully implementing XOR encryption, accounting for key lengths.
  • Code the Loading of a Text File: Complete the coding activity by successfully implementing the logic to read a text file in the specified format into a string in the read_file method.
  • Code the Saving of a Text File: Complete the coding activity by successfully implementing the logic to save a text file in the specified format in the save_data_file method.
  • Data Files: Create an original data file in the specified data format, produce the encrypted and decrypted data files, and ensure all file names match the source code defined file names.
  • C/C++ Program Functionality and Best Practices: Demonstrate industry standard best practices, including in-line comments and appropriate naming conventions to enhance readability of code. Develop functional C/C++ code that illustrates a software design pattern approach.
  • Process Summary: Provide a summary of the debugging that is thorough and systematic, including specific types of bugs, and accurately describe the corrections.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. WU Suzie Case Agent Reviewed House Prices and Crime Ratings R Studio Exercise


Review the attached file. Suzie has an issue. She can either move to NY or FL and needs to review some data that her agent gave her. The agent reviewed house prices and crime ratings for houses that Suzie would be interested in based on her selection criteria.  She wants to live in an area with lower crime but wants to know a few things:

  1. Is it more expensive or less expensive to live in FL or NY?
  2. Is the crime rate higher in FL or NY (Note a low score in crime means lower crime)?
  3. Is the crime rate higher in lower or higher house price areas?

Using the R tool, show the data in the tool to answer each of the questions.  Also, show the data visualization to go along with the summary.

  1. If you were Suzie, where would you move based on the questions above?
  2. After you gave Suzie the answer above (to #4), she gave you some additional information that you need to consider:
    1. She has $100,000 to put down for the house.
    2. If she moves to NY she will have a job earning $120,000 per year.
    3. If she moves to FL she will have a job earning $75,000 per year.
    4. She wants to know the following:
      1. On average what location will she be able to pay off her house first based on average housing prices and income she will receive?
      2. Where should she move and why?  Please show graphics and thoroughly explain your answer here based on the new information provided above.

Note: The screenshots should be copied and pasted and must be legible.  Only upload the word document.  Be sure to answer all of the questions above and number the answers.  Be sure to also explain the rational for each answer and also ensure that there are visuals for each question above. Use at least two peer reviewed sources to support your work.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of The Cumberlands Android Installation and Sample Project


  1. How to create an example web service in Android. For submission : 1. Describe the main steps in installing the Android SDK at Describe in short the packages you added from the procedure shown at Go to (‘Creating an Android Project’) and describe main ideas in less than 2 pages from the steps given to build example app:
    1. create:
    2. run:
    3. simple UI:
    4. activity examples:

    4. Take the snapshot of the running app you created under 3, and submit the snapshot.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. OCC Concerns Regarding the Management and Development Issue in a Project Essay


  • Assume that you are a project manager in a tech startup located in San Francisco, CA. you are responsible to manage a new global software project and your team is composed of 10 software developers, 5 on-site, and 5 outsourced from a company located in China. Come up with an imaginary project and explain how do you plan to setup,execute and overcome the challenges of this project. You must discuss the following questions and concerns regarding the management and development issues in your answer: Communication, Coordination, Cultural difference

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Hudson County Community College C++ Programming Exercise


A bank charges $10 per month plus the following check fees for a commercial checking account:

  • $.10 each for fewer than 20 checks
  • $.08 each for 20–39 checks
  • $.06 each for 40–59 checks
  • $.04 each for 60 or more checks

The bank also charges an extra $15 if the balance of the account falls below $400 (before any check fees are applied). Write a program that asks for the beginning balance and the number of checks written. Compute and display the bank’s service fees for the month.

Input Validation: Do not accept a negative value for the number of checks written. If a negative value is given for the beginning balance, display an urgent message indicating the account is overdrawn.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Walden University Package Planning and Abstract Factory Pattern Project

I am trying to learn how to create an abstract factory from an existing code and then refactor the existing code. Enclosed are a couple of screen shots from the Java file. I believe the Abstract Factory would be inserted at line 47.

Plan class is a tightly coupled factory. The part of the constructor that chooses absorbents and special cautions based on spill type can be modified to use the Abstract Factory pattern to get the correct absorbent and cautions once the spill type is known, without any further logic. This decreases the coupling by removing the knowledge of absorbent and caution details and moving it into subclasses specifically designed for that information.

The Plan constructor method creates the correct plan for a situation based on input from a responder about an emergency chemical spill. Instead of having the Plan make decisions and update state variables in both the absorbents and the cautions objects, I am trying to encapsulate this logic as an abstract factory. The old conditional can then be refactored into a compact choice of which concrete factory to use, based on the spill material.

Programming Homework Help