Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. SPC Java Programming Project


Assignment Requirements

Create a new Eclipse workspace (on desktop is good so it’s easy to find later).

Create a new Java Project in your workspace that includes your surname and the chapter # in the name of the project, such as smith1and2 or jones1and2.

  • Create a package with the same name as your project. Do not make files in the default package.
  • In this one package, write one Java program for each exercise as required below.
  • Control of decimal places is not required for this assignment.
  • Adhere to naming conventions for variables and classes as in Chapter 2, section 2.8.
  • Choose descriptive variable names and identifiers in all programs.
  • Use the Java style for braces.
  • Start each program with your name and SPC ID# in a comment.
  • Add a few more comments in each program to explain what your code is doing.
  • When all programs are done, locate your project folder in your workspace.
  • Right-click on the project folder folder (don’t open it!) and select “Send to” –> “Compressed (zipped) folder”. This will make a zip with the same name as your project.
  • Take screenshots of your running project (the Java code) and the project output and put them in a separate folder. Name it “screenshots” + module #+ your last name. The screenshots can be jep or png files. Zip up the folder.
  • Upload the zipped folders to this drop box.
  • Type your collaboration statement (Have you worked with others or used other resources on this assignments?) into the message area of the drop box.
  • Submit your assignment.
  • 1. Write a program that outputs three lines:
  • your full name

the full name of the programmer who created Java

Java rocks!

  • 2. Write a program that prints the result of this expression.
  • (12.5 + 5.5 / 3) / (6.25 * 6 – 5.0)
  • 3. Write a program that prompts the user to enter a weight in kilograms and then displays the equivalent weight in pounds. Control of decimal places is not required.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. KSU Visual Basic Test Average Scores Program


Design the following program on VB

1. Design a GUI and code for a program that will allow a user to enter three test scores. The program should then calculate the test average and display it. (20 points)

2. Include clearing the values when the user starts entering a new test score in the first text box, designating a default button, and using string concatenation and formatting to display the result. (20 points)

3. Include highlighting the text in the text boxes when the focus is received, testing the input for each test score to ensure that it is between 0 and 100, and disallowing any characters to be input except numbers and the period. (20 points)

4. Use the FormClosing event and a message box to determine if the user truly wants to close the form. (10 points)

5. Use a one-dimensional array to store the entered test scores, and then compute the average from the array. (10 points)

6. Add a button that will write the test scores and the average to a sequential file. (10 points)

7. Implement a class that calculates the average score of three test scores. (10 points) there are all powerpoints of Visual Basic.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CMIT 421 University of Maryland Baltimore Ransomware Attack Management Presentation


Remember to be clear about what action you are recommending. Executive management will want to understand not only what you discovered, but also what you propose as a solution. The company’s leaders will want to know what decisions they need to make based on your findings. Give them the actionable information they need to decide.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. UMGC Information Technology Professional Conferences & Target Job Discussions


Networking is simply exchanging career-related information, contacts, or experience with someone else. Recent surveys of employers indicate that over half of all open positions are filled through networking, so take time to develop this valuable skill.

For this discussion, select one option below:

Option 1: Building and Expanding Your LinkedIn Network

Have you started a LinkedIn profile? We realize that some may not be able to do so because your employer has asked you not to use that site. If you already have a profile on the site, and you do not mind others in the class adding you as a connection, make note of it here. You also may want to add your instructor, keeping in mind that some of our faculty members are in the same position as students who cannot have a profile.

While graduating with a CNAS degree from a nationally respected university and having some certifications are imperative to getting a good job, it also helps to have a large network of people. Keep in mind that recruiters will often friend you or contact you on LinkedIn, so it is a great opportunity to learn about new job opportunities.

Post the URL for your profile or a screenshot of LinkedIn.

Option 2: Professional Conferences

Have you attended Black Hat, DEF CON, a cyber “capture the flag” competition, or a local IT-related conference or event? Talk about employers and/or people you met, and networking opportunities you developed. What are some of the benefits for some of your colleagues to attend these types of events to build their networks?

Option 3: Join a Professional Group

Have you considered joining a local Linux user group or your local ISSA chapter? How about a hacker space local to your area (Unallocated Space is local to central Maryland); the UMGC Cyber Padawans, the university’s competition team; or a similar group? These are excellent opportunities to network and meet with people, many who know of job opportunities at their places of employment.

State the group you have joined and describe your experiences with the group (what resources did you gain access to, job leads, etc.). What is your plan for making the most of it in the future?

Option 4: Other Networking Events and Opportunities

Networking is simply sharing information about careers and jobs with others, so you can network with other students, family friends, professors, supervisors, and professionals you meet at career fairs or other events.

UMGC’s office of career services offers ongoing job fairs and events, both in-person and online. Have you had a chance to attend one at UMGC or another job fair? Describe your experience and talk about your interaction with employers and other prospective employees.

Tell us if the career fair was worthwhile. If you have not been to a job fair, you may belong to a church or community organization and been able to find other people who work in the field of IT and have been able to help you.

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads

What Is Your Target Job? (Required/Graded)

Developing your job-seeking skills with a career plan and strategies for achieving that plan will help you in the workplace. When you are taking the capstone course in your chosen field at UMGC, that usually means that you are approaching graduation. We realize that many of our students are in the military, are employed full time, or are currently working in the IT field.

Regardless whether you are currently in the field or not, have you thought about your career goals? As a CNAS major, you have had an opportunity to be exposed to a variety of topics within cyber, including networking, hacking, forensics, Cisco, operating systems, and computer hardware. Many of you have career goals. What would you ultimately like to do within the field of cyber?

Some suggested careers are listed below.

  • penetration testing
  • incident response
  • computer forensic examiner
  • analyst
  • network administrator
  • security engineer
  • chief information officer
  • CEO of technology
  • Cisco specialist
  • Linux admin
  • Windows admin
  • reverse engineer
  • other IT-related jobs

Describe your goal job in the cyber field. What appeals to you about this job? What steps are you taking to help you get there?

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Code in C Program Snake Game Project


good projects will make use of operations that are appropriate for assembly language, and include games, numerical methods, simulations, graphics, bit manipulation operations and the like. Projects using files, databases, adventure games and minimal computation or logic are not a good match for this assignment.

First, you will write and debug a simplified version in C and then translate it into MIPS assembly code and demonstrate it using the MARS development environment.

Write a code in C program Snake Game is a common game where user has to eat Food which will be available in different Coordinates. User will find it quite easy to play. User has to move the direction of snake simply using arrow keys. Though there is no such graphics, the game is designed simply under C Programming Language. The snake is represented with a 0 symbol. The fruit is represented with an * symbol. The snake can move in any direction according to the user with the help of the keyboard.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSCI 102 Montana State University Java Arrays Beginner Problem Project


Write a program to grade an n-question multiple-choice exam, where n is between 1 and 10. You receive the information about the exam from standard input (so you should use scanf), but you should read it using file redirection instead of typing the input. The first line contains the number of questions followed by the correct answer for each question. All of the following lines contain a student id number followed by that student’s answers to each question.


8 ccddabce
100 bcddabca
107 ccddcbab
112 ccddabcc
115 bbccabcd
120 cdcdabde

our program should print out a report about the exam that shows the correct answer for each question, the grade for each student (by ID and in the same order that they were passed in), and a count of the number of students who missed each question. For example, your program should output the following given the provided sample.txt

./program< sample.txt 
Question        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
Answer          c c d d a b c e 

ID      Grade(%)
100     75.00
107     62.50
112     87.50
115     37.50
120     62.50

Question        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
Missed By       2 2 2 1 1 0 2 4 

>>prints the number of students who missed a question correctly.

>>uses arrays to store the right answers and the missed number of answers.

>>uses at least 2 functions in addition to main

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Object Oriented Programming Principles Discussion



This week, you have learned about various object-oriented programming principles and their importance in programming. In this discussion, you will spend time discussing these principles with your peers. You will also reflect on what you have learned in the first few modules of the course. In your initial post for this discussion, address the following:

  • How do the four main OOP principles (inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, and polymorphism) work together to make a well-designed application? How do they allow a programmer to create more reusable and maintainable code?
  • What was the most interesting thing that you learned in the course so far?
  • What concept(s) do you feel are unclear or that you need more practice applying?

In responding to your classmates, address the following:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s post? Do you have any additional information on any of the principles for your classmate to consider?
  • What did you find interesting or relatable in your peers’ posts?

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.



OOP plays a role in programing by enabling four different principles to work together by allowing you to separate code into different classes. For example Encapsulation allows you to lock down classes that are not allowed to be touch by other classes in the code or scripts. While on the other hand you polymorphism that allows you to use other classes to create sub-classes to work off each other. Then abstraction allows you to nick pick what you want to use for each classes with different inputs. Then inheritance does what it means it can inherit other properties to fill its child or traits.

I think for me as I go into week three and my second programming class I am learning more on how I don’t think I have a mind set of a programmer to sit down and focus. I am having a hard time to sitting down and absorbing all the information that I need. I am slowly working through it but it is something I am noticing as time goes on.


So far learning about object oriented program has been pretty interesting. The four concepts working together form a nice cohesion.

First up is Encapsulation which is going to reduce the complexity of your code by helping to eliminate the overall number of parameters in the code. Increasing the reusability within our code is going to help us out as well. Instead of writing out entire equations we can just write one and reuse it over and over.

Next is Abstraction which is going to reduce the complexity. Whenever you create a new object it should only expose a high level mechanism for using it. The relevance needs to stay within the current object and what it needs to function. Good implementation of this will isolate the impact of changes as well.

With Inheritance we can start to do some unique things. After creating a parent class, we can begin to spawn child classes. Each of these child classes can be unique and have their own specific functions. Of course these can also spawn more child classes that can all use the fields and methods of the parent class. This will help eliminate redundant code.

Lastly polymorphism helps us refactor ugly switch/case statements. Instead of creating many switch statements we can polymorph one to be use over and over. This is necessary within the hierarchy of child parent classes. Without this we would not be able to have a method implemented for the parent class that we’d like for the children too.

Learning about OOP and how everything is coming together has been the best so far to me. I’ve enjoyed learning java quite a bit more than I initially expected I would, but I think I’m starting to understand the concepts a bit. I feel I just need more practice and review so I don’t forget to utilize all the tools available.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Analysis of Housing Locations in NY and FL Questions


Is it more expensive or less expensive to live in FL or NY?

  • Is the crime rate higher in FL or NY (Note a low score in crime means lower crime)?
  • Is the crime rate higher in lower or higher house price areas?
  • If you were Suzie, where would you move based on the questions above?
  • After you gave Suzie the answer above (to #4), she gave you some additional information that you need to consider:
  • She has $100,000 to put down for the house.
  • If she moves to NY she will have a job earning $120,000 per year.

If she moves to FL she will have a job earning $75,000 per year.

  1. She wants to know the following:
  2. On average what location will she be able to pay off her house first based on average housing prices and income she will receive?
  3. Where should she move and why?  Please show graphics and thoroughly explain your answer here based on the new information provided above.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CCP 526: Found Data Sci I: Data Prog R


Replicate the graphic published by the NYT (link below). You need to modify axes and provide the code used to recreate the graphics.… To start the code, see below.

plot.window(xlim = c(1900, 2012), ylim = c(,

points(x = year, y =, col = “gray85”, pch = 16, cex = 0.75)

axis(side = 1, lwd = 2, hadj = -0.1, padj = -1, at = seq(from = 1900, to = 2010, by = 10))

axis(side = 4, lwd = 0, las = 1, col.axis = “gray85”, at = seq(from = 0, to = 9, by = 1), font.axis = 2)

Programming Homework Help