Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CISC 300 University of South Florida Wk 4 Create a Program Code C Programming Task

“tracks.dat” is available in the ~tburger/class directory• Your program is to read the provided data file and write the contentsto standard output in a readable format.• Each record is to be read in a single read operation.• The information in the “Misc” field is to be extracted using shifts andmasks.• The file contains 4 data records – you must read and print all of them.• Submit your program along with the output from your program…

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Attributes & Properties in a Car Class Python Program

Part A

1. Write a Car class. This car should have the following attributes and properties:

A class variable called wheels with value 4 (since all cars have four wheels).
An instance variable make (string), e.g. “Toyota” , “Subaru” , “Chevy” ).
An instance variable model (string), e.g. “Corolla” , “Outback” , “Tahoe “).
An instance variable year (integer) the year the car was manufactured e.g. 2010).
An instance variable miles_per_gallon (float) the number of miles the car can drive per gallon of gas: e.g. 18.0)
An instance variable current_gas_level (float), the number of gallons currently in the tank of the car.


  1. Your function should have an __init__ method which checks that make and model are strings, that year is an integer which is greater than 1900, that current_gas_level and miles_per_gallon are floats or ints, and that current_gas_level ! 0. You should also check that miles_per_gallon >0.Make sure to raise informative errors if any of these checks fail. You shouldappropriately use both type errors and value errors in your solution.
  2. Write a drive() method. This method should accept an argumentnumber_of_miles giving the desired number of miles to drive. The current_gas_level should be reduced by an appropriate amount. If the current_gas_level is not sufficient to drive the specified number of miles, thenraise an informative error of an appropriate type, and do not change current_gas_level .
  3. Demonstrate one example of successfully constructing an object of class Car and three different examples of raising an error from checks in the __init__ method.
  4. Demonstrate one example of sucessfully calling the drive method, printing the current_gas_level before and after. Demonstrate one example in which there isnot enough gas and the corresponding error is raised.

Comments and docstrings, please!

  1. Remember that the class itself should have a docstring describing its overall purpose, instance variables, and methods.
  2. Each method (with the possible exception of __init__ should have a docstring describing its purpose, inputs, and outputs/other effects

# define your class here : Show the required examples in the code blocks below. Feel free to make new code blocks as needed.

#demo 1 :

#demo 2 :

#demo3 :


# demostrate successful driving here:

# demonstrate unsuccessful driving here:

# (not enough gas)

Part B

Write a Motorcycle class that possesses the same class variables, instance variables, and drive() method as the Car class.

Demonstrate a working example of an object of class Motorcycle . Then, print the wheels instance variable of the object to verify that the object has the correct number of

wheels (which should be different from a Car ). Note: motorcycles have two wheels.


Your solution should be under five lines long.

Comments and docstrings are not required for this part

# class definition here

# contruct object of class

#show number of wheels

Part C

Write a function called age whose input is an object of class Car and whose output is the age of that object, computed according to the formula

age = 2021 – year manufactured

Your function should check that the input is an instance of class Car . This implies that it should also work for objects of class Motorcycle , and other classes that inherit from Car .

Demonstrate that your function works and raises an appropriate error when the input is a

Car or Motorcycle , but not when the input is an int or a string .


Comments and docstrings are not required in this part.

# define function here

# show that it works on Car

# show that it works on Motorcycles

# show an error on other inputs

Another part of HW

Here is a list of all of the presidents of the United States as tuples in the format (first_name,last_name) . (Middle initials are added to last names occasionally if needed to distinguish between father/son pairs.) For example, the tuple (“Thomas”, “Jefferson”) corresponds to president Thomas Jefferson.

presidents = [(“George”,”Washington”), (“John”,”Adams”),

presidents = [("George","Washington"), 
                  ("John","Adams"),                                                                                  ("Thomas","Jefferson"),
                      ("James", "Madison"),
                      ("James", "Monroe"),
                      ("John", "Q. Adams"),
                      ("Martin","Van Buren"),
                      ("George", "H. W. Bush"),
                      ("William", "Clinton"),
                      ("George","W. Bush"),

Part A

Write a function called count_distinct() . This function should take a single argument, which you may assume to be a list. The return value of count_distinct(L) should be the number of distinct items in L . For example, count_distinct([1,1,”b”]) should return 2 , since 1 and “b” are the 2 distinct values in this list.


Comments and docstrings are not required for this problem, although they may help us give you partial credit.
You are not required to perform any type-checking for this problem.
this needs to be three lines or less.

# your function definition here

Next, use count_distinct() to determine the number of different people who have been president of the United States? (Note, at least one person is on the list twice)

#check count_distinct() here

Part B

Write a function called first_names_dict which turns inputs a list of names (stored as tuples similar to the presidents list above) and returns a dictionary where the keys are first names and values are the number of times that someone with that first name appears on the list.

Demonstrate your function on the list presidents and print the resulting dictionary.


Comments and docstrings are not required for this problem, although they may help us give you partial credit.
You are not required to perform any type-checking for this problem: it’s ok to assume that the input is a correctly-constructed list whose elements are 2-tuples of strings.

My solution has 8 lines but it is okay if yours is longer or shorter.

# define first_names_dict() here

# demonstrate first_names_dict() here

Part C

Write a function called most_common_first_name() which determines the most common first name in a list formatted in the same way as presidents. Your function should return both the most common first name and the number of times it appears.

In the U.S. presidents list, the most common first name is “James”, which appears 5 times. So, your function should be able to do this:

first_name, num_occurrences = most_common_first_name(president s)
first_name, num_occurrences

(“James”, 5)


Comments and docstrings are not required for this problem, although they may help us give you partial credit.
You are not required to perform any type-checking for this problem: it’s ok to assume that the input is a correctly-constructed list whose elements are 2-tuples of strings.

You may assume that there is a unique most common first name. In a hypothetical list in which two names were equally common, it would be sufficient for your function to return one of them (with the correct count).

Write python code which determines what the most common first name amongst U.S. presidents is. Print the most common name and how many times it’s been used when you are done. (You don’t have to worry about ties. No comments are necessary for this part, but adding them could help me give you partial credit. My solution was 6 lines.)

#write your function here

#demonstrate ( using the testing code from the problem prompt ) here

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University Dallas Python Project Complete Working Code Program

Please read Python CRASH COURSE, Project 2:Data Visualization(Chapter 15: Generating Data 、Chapter 16: Downloading Data 、Chapter 17: Working with APIs ), Please read these 3 chapters to answer the following questions. ((Please use APA Style.)

questions 1
Python Project Complete Working Code (Note: This part is very important, please be sure to explain in detail and analysis)。

questions 2:(Note: This part focuses on the analysis)

  • What are the Python files, classes, and functions used in this project and logic of each functions?
  • High-level activities or Major functional implementation of this project.

  • questions 3 : (Note: Brief description)

  • The assumption made during the project implementation.
  • Python code running instruction.
  • Scope of the Project or High-level goal of the Project in five lines.
  • Software and Libraries required for this project implementation
  • What are the Importing Modules used in this project?
  • Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. Rasmussen College Total Crime Numbers Java Program

    You are working as the software developer for the police department. You will need to use the dataset provided below to complete this assignment.

    our Java program should perform following things.

    Step 1: Read the data from Seattle-crime-stats-by-1990-census-tract-1996-2007.csv

    Step 2: Analyze the data

    • Step 3: Add all the numbers from Report_Year_Total
    • Step 4: Create another file and write the output of total crime numbers(from above step)
    • You need to submit the following things:
    • An entire Java solution

    An output screenshot created using Microsoft Word

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. Rasmussen College BMI Score Project

    I’m working on a java project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

    You are working as a software developer for a large insurance company. Your company is planning to migrate the existing systems from Visual Basic to Java and this will require new calculations. You will be creating a program that calculates the insurance payment category based on the BMI score.

    Your Java program should perform the following things:

    1. Take the input from the user about the patient name, weight, birthdate, and height.
    2. Calculate Body Mass Index.
    3. Display person name and BMI Category.
    4. If the BMI Score is less than 18.5, then underweight.
    5. If the BMI Score is between 18.5-24.9, then Normal.
    6. If the BMI score is between 25 to 29.9, then Overweight.
    7. If the BMI score is greater than 29.9, then Obesity.
    8. Calculate Insurance Payment Category based on BMI Category.
    9. If underweight, then insurance payment category is low.
    10. If Normal weight, then insurance payment category is low.
    11. If Overweight, then insurance payment category is high.
    12. If Obesity, then insurance payment category is highest.
    13. Implement exception handling.
    14. Store all the information in the file. You need to use the loop and keep asking users to enter patient name, height, weight, and birthdate. Your program should calculate BMI Category and Insurance payment category and write it to the file. Your program should stop once user enter q character.

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. Blackjack in Java Computer Coding Task

    1. For this final project, you are required to develop a casino Blackjack in Java, so that a user can play multiple hands against the computerised Casino. Blackjack, also known as twenty-one, is the most widely played casino banking game in the world. It is a card game between the dealer and one or more players in terms of a number of hands of cards. There are variations in the Blackjack rules in different casinos, and we will adopt the following simplistic rules for the project:
      • The game will be played out on one or more decks of 52 cards, shuffled together, and each deck of cards consists of 52 cards in 4 suits of spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs, as in the following table
        Spades: A♠ 2♠ 3♠ 4♠ 5♠ 6♠ 7♠ 8♠ 9♠ 10♠ J♠ Q♠ K♠
        Hearts: A♥ 2♥ 3♥ 4♥ 5♥ 6♥ 7♥ 8♥ 9♥ 10♥ J♥ Q♥ K♥
        Diamonds: A♦ 2♦ 3♦ 4♦ 5♦ 6♦ 7♦ 8♦ 9♦ 10♦ J♦ Q♦ K♦
        Clubs: A♣ 2♣ 3♣ 4♣ 5♣ 6♣ 7♣ 8♣ 9♣ 10♣ J♣ Q♣ K♣
      • Each card can be counted for a value. Cards for Jack, Queen, and King will all have the value 10, an Ace can be counted either as 11 or as 1 up to the owner of that card, and the rest of cards will be counted according to their respective face value.
      • Before a game starts, all players must first place their bet or wager on their respective hands. Then 2 cards, all facing up, are dealt into each hand, and 2 more cards are finally dealt to the dealer as well, one card facing up and one card facing down.
      • The players will take turn, in the order of hands displayed on the table, deciding whether to “Hit“, which means to add another card to his hand, or to “Stand” or “Stay”, which means to stop taking more cards. A player can choose to hit repeatly until he either decides to stand or his hand has gone bust, i.e. the total of the card values of his hand has gone beyond 21.
      • Once all hands are finalised due to staying or gone bust, the dealer will show the value of hidden card dealt to him earlier on. Then depending on the total value of his cards, he has to carry on drawing another card if the total remains less than or equal to 16, and must stand if the total is 17 or more.
      • If the dealer has gone bust, then all the remaining hands on the table will all win.
      • Any hand whose total value is greater than the dealer’s, then that hand wins. If the total value of a hand is less than that of the dealer’s, then the dealer wins. If the dealer wins, he gets to keep the bet on the hand; if a hand wins, the player gets to keep his bet as well as an extra payment of equal amount from the dealer.
      • If a hand’s total value is equal to the dealer, then there is no win or loss between the dealer and the hand.
      • We note that our game rules exclude doubling-down, splitting or any other features not listed above, but may be applicable to some real-life casinos.
    2. This project is open in that students are expected to have their own design to enrich their final software product. Hence what functionalities should be implemented will be a part of the project design, aiming for the excellence of the product at the end. Some of the following questions may affect your design:
      • How many decks of cards can be chosen for the games?
      • Is there a pleasing and effective way to display all hands of cards?
      • How to effectively place (game-wise) bets and keep track of the wins and losses?
      • Can you keep track of all the cards already dealt, and calculate the chances of getting a high card or a lower card, or getting busted with the drawing of the next card?
    3. It is up to each student group to decide how to design and implement their Blackjack system. However, the project will be evaluted according to the functionalities, user interface, robustness, and how much object-oriented programming is being utilised.
    4. Do not use any existing Java classes unless they are a part of the official JDK package, or you have written those classes yourselves. Beware also that the Blackjack rules on this particular sample may not be identical to those of ours.
    5. A primitive Blackjack simulator is available on the Internet or on this local site. However, you are not make use of their code directly.
    6. Two simplified sample Java programs (Attached) and (Attached) can also be helpful. Students can feel free to use or modify any part of these 2 Java programs to suit their own project purposes. However, the more you design and write your own programs, including modifying/improving these provided 2 Java programs, the more you have achieved in this project.
    7. should not utilise any of the Java GUI components nor any form of database servers for their project.
    8. The final Project Report must be written to include, among all the other relevant matters, the following aspects.
      • The main functionalities, along with the demonstrating examples and screen shots if pertinent.
      • The design of your user interface and how it impacts on the user experience with your software product.
      • How and where you made use of the paradigm of object-oriented programming, if any.
      • The most advanced 3 (or more) Java technical aspects, in your opinion, you have made use of in the development of your BookStock System.
      • Brief conclusion and reflection on your experience in completing this project.


      Here are several execution sessions on some related Blackjack Java programs, ranging from the (provided) basic card representation via, to a single deck and single game, then to multiple games with bets, and finally to multi-games with auto-simulations (auto-simulations are not required for this project nevertheless).

      • A game session by the sample implementation (about 130 lines in code).
        C:JAVA>java BlackJack
        A deck of 52 cards in random order:
        7 25 20 15 28 29 21 26 23 0 30 46 31 19 9 5 41 37 16 38 34 14 32 3 18 35 
        27 47 49 40 51 50 17 36 10 48 4 22 12 44 42 43 24 8 13 2 45 39 6 11 1 33 
        1. Player gets an card facing up:7 C:2
        2. Other players, if any, each gets a card in turn before the dealer's turn.
        3. Dealer gets a card facing up:25 H:7
        4. Player draws another card facing up:20 S:6
        5. Other players, if any, each gets a card in turn before the dealer's turn.
        6. Dealer gets the 2nd card facing down:xx X:xx
        7. For each player, he can keep drawing an extra card facing up until he chooses to "stay"
           or his hand busts (total value goes over 21). Then the next player takes his turn.
        8. Players now choose to "stay" for simplicity.
        9. Dealer turns his 2nd card facing up:15 C:4
        10.Dealer can keep drawing an extra card until he stays or his hand busts.
        11.Dealer now chooses to stay for simplicity.
        Player has cards C:2, S:6 with the total value 8
        Dealer has cards H:7, C:4 with the total value 11
        Dealer wins the betting amount from the player.
      • A game session by a simple implementation (about 165 lines in code). Dealer and players’ input is highlighted in this color.
        C:JAVA>java SimpleBlackJack
        1 decks of cards in random order:
        41 38 33 4 9 16 28 22 14 36 50 34 43 30 37 46 0 8 32 24 15 48 21 12 49 35 
        6 18 1 45 23 47 51 42 20 44 29 11 40 13 17 7 27 5 26 39 19 3 10 31 25 2 
        Blackjack game starts:
        Player gets H:J
        Dealer gets D:10
        Player gets H:9
        Dealer gets another cards.
        Player (H:J, H:9 -> 19) hit or stand? >>> s
        Dealer (D:10, S:2 -> 12) hit or stand? >>> h
        Dealer (D:10, S:2, H:3 -> 15) hit or stand? >>> h
        Dealer (D:10, S:2, H:3, S:5 -> 20) hit or stand? >>> s
        Player's hand: (H:J, H:9) has 19 points.
        Dealer's hand: (D:10, S:2, H:3, S:5) has 20 points.
        Dealer wins.
      • A game session for an implementation (about 340 lines in code) that supports multi-players, multi-decks, betting, and auto game-playing.
        C:JAVA>java BlackJackCards /p:3 /d:2 /s
        Usage: java BlackJackCards [/p:#] [/d:#] [/a:#] [/s]
        /p:    number of players (default 1)
        /d:    number of decks of cards (default 1)
        /a:    number of automatic game runs (default 0)
        /s     show the randomised full decks of cards (default none)
        2 decks of cards in random order:
        3 52 79 75 74 91 56 88 70 77 39 49 60 93 58 99 89 65 50 78 90 63 29 47 80 83 
        38 96 14 12 102 18 98 92 0 59 10 5 23 57 13 8 11 33 84 42 66 76 37 81 46 86 
        71 1 21 22 72 19 20 48 95 61 101 6 40 2 55 36 87 94 35 4 53 45 100 41 103 7 
        15 17 28 67 97 64 24 25 16 26 43 73 27 34 31 85 30 82 69 9 68 62 54 44 51 32 
        --- place your bets ---
        P1: place bet (max=100) >>> 10
        P2: place bet (max=100) >>> 8
        P3: place bet (max=100) >>> 6
        --- everyone gets 2 cards ---
        P1: gets a card -> C:A (C:A -> 11)
        P2: gets a card -> S:A (S:A -> 11)
        P3: gets a card -> C:7 (C:7 -> 7)
        Dealer: gets a card -> C:6 (C:6 -> 6)
        P1: gets a card -> D:6 (C:A, D:6 -> 17)
        P2: gets a card -> C:10 (S:A, C:10 -> 21)
        P3: gets a card -> S:2 (C:7, S:2 -> 9)
        Dealer: gets a card -> X:xx (C:6, hidden)
        --- winning outright by blackjack ---
        P2: wins 8 with Blackjack (S:A, C:10)
        --- hit or stand for players ---
        P1:(C:A, D:6 -> 17) hit or stand? >>> s    
        P3:(C:7, S:2 -> 9) hit or stand? >>> h
        P3:(C:7, S:2, D:5 -> 14) hit or stand? >>> hit
        ---  resolve the game with the remaining players ---
        Dealer now has cards  (C:6, S:10 -> 16)
        Dealer: gets a card -> C:10 (C:6, S:10, C:10 -> 26)
        P1: wins 10 with (C:A, D:6)
        P3: wins 6 with (C:7, S:2, D:5, H:7)
        --- display remaining funds ---
        P1 ($): 110
        P2 ($): 108
        P3 ($): 106
        Dealer ($): -24
        *** another game? n
      • Auto-running 20 games: just click the switch icon on the left.
        C:JAVA>java BlackJackCards /d:8 /p:3 /a:20
        Usage: java BlackJackCards [/p:#] [/d:#] [/a:#] [/s]
        /p:    number of players (default 1)
        /d:    number of decks of cards (default 1)
        /a:    number of automatic game runs (default 0)
        /s     show the randomised full decks of cards (default none)
        ======  auto game 1 ========
        --- everyone gets 2 cards ---
        P1: gets a card -> S:2 (S:2 -> 2)
        P2: gets a card -> C:J (C:J -> 10)
        P3: gets a card -> C:A (C:A -> 11)
        Dealer: gets a card -> S:4 (S:4 -> 4)
        P1: gets a card -> C:2 (S:2, C:2 -> 4)
        P2: gets a card -> H:3 (C:J, H:3 -> 13)
        P3: gets a card -> D:6 (C:A, D:6 -> 17)
        Dealer: gets a card -> X:xx (S:4, hidden)
        --- hit or stand for players ---
        P1:(S:2, C:2 -> 4) hit or stand? >>> hit
        P1:(S:2, C:2, C:7 -> 11) hit or stand? >>> hit
        P1:(S:2, C:2, C:7, S:6 -> 17) hit or stand? >>> stand
        P2:(C:J, H:3 -> 13) hit or stand? >>> hit
        P2:(C:J, H:3, C:A -> 14) hit or stand? >>> hit
        P2:(C:J, H:3, C:A, H:A -> 15) hit or stand? >>> hit
        P2: lost 10 with (C:J, H:3, C:A, H:A, S:7)
        P3:(C:A, D:6 -> 17) hit or stand? >>> stand
        ---  resolve the game with the remaining players ---
        Dealer now has cards  (S:4, D:J -> 14)
        Dealer: gets a card -> C:6 (S:4, D:J, C:6 -> 20)
        P1: lost 10 with (S:2, C:2, C:7, S:6)
        P3: lost 10 with (C:A, D:6)
        --- display remaining funds ---
        P1 ($): 90
        P2 ($): 90
        P3 ($): 90
        Dealer ($): 30
        ======  auto game 2 ========
        --- everyone gets 2 cards ---
        P1: gets a card -> C:A (C:A -> 11)
        P2: gets a card -> D:J (D:J -> 10)
        P3: gets a card -> H:6 (H:6 -> 6)
        Dealer: gets a card -> C:5 (C:5 -> 5)
        ... content here skipped ...
        --- display remaining funds ---
        P1 ($): 120
        P2 ($): 0
        P3 ($): 130
        Dealer ($): 50
        ======  auto game 20 ========
        --- everyone gets 2 cards ---
        P1: gets a card -> D:3 (D:3 -> 3)
        P3: gets a card -> C:4 (C:4 -> 4)
        Dealer: gets a card -> D:Q (D:Q -> 10)
        P1: gets a card -> D:Q (D:3, D:Q -> 13)
        P3: gets a card -> H:3 (C:4, H:3 -> 7)
        Dealer: gets a card -> X:xx (D:Q, hidden)
        --- hit or stand for players ---
        P1:(D:3, D:Q -> 13) hit or stand? >>> hit
        P1:(D:3, D:Q, C:2 -> 15) hit or stand? >>> hit
        P1: lost 10 with (D:3, D:Q, C:2, D:9)
        P3:(C:4, H:3 -> 7) hit or stand? >>> hit
        P3:(C:4, H:3, S:6 -> 13) hit or stand? >>> hit
        P3:(C:4, H:3, S:6, C:7 -> 20) hit or stand? >>> stand
        ---  resolve the game with the remaining players ---
        Dealer now has cards  (D:Q, S:K -> 20)
        P3: draws with the dealer.
        --- display remaining funds ---
        P1 ($): 110
        P2 ($): 0
        P3 ($): 130
        Dealer ($): 60

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. CS 123 Harvard University Implementation of the Quick Hull Algorithm Project

    Quick Hull

    Implement the Quick Hull algorithm section 5.5.

    The input is a set of command line integers representing each point (the x coordinate followed by the y coordinate).

    The output is the set of points in the convex hull order listed clockwise.

    Hint: List the top arch in increasing x coordinates and the bottom arch in decreasing x coordinates.

    Break ties with the Y coordinate.

    For example:

    ./quickHull 0 3 1 1 2 2 4 4 0 0 1 2 3 1 3 3

    The points in Convex Hull are:

    (0, 0) (0, 3) (4, 4) (3, 1) (0, 0)

    ./quickHull 0 0 0 4 -4 0 5 0 0 -6 1 0

    The points in Convex Hull are:

    (-4, 0) (0, 4) (5, 0) (0, -6) (-4, 0)

    book link:…

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. CSIT 575 Los Angeles Pierce College Binary Code Structures Array Program Practice

    Link to program: (just copy and paste it into your own software to fix)

    I have completed the entire program but for some reason I am getting completely random 0s in my output and want help removing them. I have included a screenshot with the unnecessary zeros highlighted. I also included the actual assignment prompt in case you wanted to see.

    Programming Homework Help