Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Orgone Using ERD Assistant Notation to Narrative Problem Project

provides practice with advanced problem
narratives, conversion of an ERD to a table design, and analysis of an
ERD for errors. For each conversion problem, you can use an abbreviated
table design with table name, columns, and designation of the primary
key and foreign keys. For each foreign key, indicate if it allows null
values. You do not need to write CREATE TABLE statements or indicate
data types. Label the problems in a Word document so that the grader can
easily match your work to the specified problems.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Source Code and Java Math Round Project

Implementation of:
  a) functions
  b) if, else if, else
  c) for loops
  d) printf
  e) primitive types
  f) String class, char x[], with several functions
  g) single dimension arrays

1) In the main function
   a) Create the following variables:
      int i = 7;
      int j = 9;
      double x = 72.5;
      double y = -0.34;
   b) Passing the previous variables, call the following functions:
      processTrigFunctionsValues (cos, sin, tan)

   c) Create a single dimension array containing ONE index,
      which will have ONE string with your full name as follows:

      "first name $ middle name % last name and ONE space"
	  Example: "George & Washington % Rodriguez "

      Note: if you do not have a middle name use MN as your middle name.
2) Create the previous functions, and in their corresponding functions,
   using the data received, implement the following Math functions:
   abs, round, ceil, floor, min, max, cos, sin, tan, exp, log, pow, sqr, random
3) Create a method called myName.
   Using the for loop, if, else if, else, ||, &&, printf, and any other
   command you want that we have learned in class,
   a) Examine each character of your name and determine if it is:
      a space, a vowel (a,e,i,o,u,A,E,I,O,U), a consonant (b,w,g, etc), the symbol %
      or the symbol $, and using the current value of x in your for loop print:

      character [x] located at position x is a consonant or
      character [x] located at position x is a vowel or
      character [x] located at position x is a space or
      character [x] located at position x is a symbol

      example: My name is [George $ Washington % Rodriguez]

      character [G] located at position 0 is a consonant
      character [e] located at position 1 is a vowel
      character [o] located at position 2 is a vowel
      character [r] located at position 3 is a consonant
      character [g] located at position 4 is a consonant
      character [e] located at position 5 is a vowel
      character [ ] located at position 6 is a space
      character [$] located at position 7 is a symbol
      character [ ] located at position 8 is a space
      character [W] located at position 9 is a consonant
      character [a] located at position 10 is a vowel
      character [s] located at position 11 is a consonant
      character [h] located at position 12 is a consonant
      character [i] located at position 13 is a vowel
      character [n] located at position 14 is a consonant
      character [g] located at position 15 is a consonant
      character [t] located at position 16 is a consonant
      character [o] located at position 17 is a vowel
      character [n] located at position 18 is a consonant
      character [ ] located at position 19 is a space
      character [%] located at position 20 is a symbol
      character [ ] located at position 21 is a space
      character [R] located at position 22 is a consonant
      character [o] located at position 23 is a vowel
      character [d] located at position 24 is a consonant
      character [r] located at position 25 is a consonant
      character [i] located at position 26 is a vowel
      character [g] located at position 27 is a consonant
      character [u] located at position 28 is a vowel
      character [e] located at position 29 is a vowel
      character [z] located at position 30 is a consonant
      character [ ] located at position 31 is a space
4) Create a method called pyramid.
   Using a for loop, display to the screen, the string containing your name so that each
   loop will NOT contain the first and the last character from the previous line,
   with the length of the string being printed, and the string surrounded by square brackes []

   NOTE: Every method dealing with your name, MUST be called from main, PASSING your name to it.

   Example: 32 [George $ Washington % Rodriguez ]
             30 [eorge $ Washington % Rodriguez]
              28 [orge $ Washington % Rodrigue]
               26 [rge $ Washington % Rodrigu]
                24 [ge $ Washington % Rodrig]
                 22 [e $ Washington % Rodri]
                  20 [ $ Washington % Rodr]
                   18 [$ Washington % Rod]
                    16 [ Washington % Ro]
                     14 [Washington % R]
                      12 [ashington % ]
                       10 [shington %]
                         8 [hington ]
                          6 [ington]
                           4 [ngto]
                            2 [gt]
                             0 []
5) In a method called parsing do the following:

   NOTE: Every method dealing with your name, MUST be called from main, PASSING your name to it.

   a) Print your name in upper case letters.
   b) Print your name in lower case letters.
   c) Print your name taking all spaces out.
   d) Print your name with all vowels in upper case, and all consonants in lower case.
   e) Print your name backwards.
   f) Print your name in ASCII values. 

Turn in the source code on paper, and upload your source code.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CISP 340 Davenport University Android Studio Simple Reflex and Dexterity Based Game Project

In this assignment you will develop a simple reflex and dexterity based game. This app needs to be made in Android Studio and contain all files to be functional. Java is the language. The book for this subject is Android Programming, the big nerd ranch guide, 4th edition. Listed below are all the requirements.

1. The game has the following objective. 

a. The objective of the game is to obtain as many hits on a randomly moving  graphic on the screen. 

2. The rules are as follows

a. A hit occurs when the user touches a point that is within the area defined by the  target graphic. 

b. A miss occurs when the user touches a point that is not within the area defined  by the target graphic OR the time to display elapses (see below). 

c. The game is over when the sum of hits and misses reaches 10. 

d. The graphic will be displayed for a random amount of time (TBD) and will be no  shorter than TBD.

e. If the time to display elapses, then a miss will be recorded and the graphic will be  repositioned on the screen unless the game is over. 

3. Utilize Canvas to: 

a. Draw the graphic on the screen. 

b. Determine the size of the screen. 

c. Determine the size of the target graphic. 

4. When the game is over, display a graphic that announces the hit percentage. 

***All literal string data must be contained within the strings files. No strings may be hard-coded  within the application. 

***The application must not crash due to invalid or missing input. 

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CUNY Lehman College Development of the Update GPA Delegate Project

Need help with the following c# problem

I’m going to attach what I have so far, my problem is the colors keep coming out the same for all the updated GPA. instead of red and blue.

Create a delegate called UpdateGpaDelegate. Next, create a class called Student with id, name, and gpa fields. The class also includes an event that is of the UpdateGpaDelegate type. When a student’s gpa is increased, it will be displayed in red font. When a student’s gpa is decreased, it will display the font in blue.

Demonstrate the class by creating three student objects with data you make up. Display the student data on the console screen. Then, update each student’s gpa. Make sure that one student’s gpa is increased, one decreased, and one not changed. Finally, display the student data again. You should see the font change to red for the first student, blue for the second, and the normal color for the last student. (Hint: use two events, one to handle gpa increases, the other to handle gpa decreases).

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. NJIT Stock Market Social Media & Network Analysis with The Louvain Method Exercise

  • Use Louvain method to find clusters of newmarket. Take the third largest cluster and name it as G3.
  • Compute pairwise distance in G3 and recale it into 2D corrdinate system with MDS method.
  • Finally apply KMean methods to partitition G3 into 4 communitites.
  • Plot G3 in 2D coordinate system, with different colors for the different communities

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSU W3 Cryptographic Systems in Enigma Machines Report

This project uses an Enigma® machine simulator. It functions like the Enigma machines used during WWII. This example has been included to help you better understand how encryption worked in the early days. It is a great learning tool for when you first start exploring the subject of cryptography. Enigma machines provided good encryption strength for their day. Modern cryptographic systems are much more secure than Enigma machines.

Pay attention to the “red ball” path as the simulator encrypts text. The red ball goes through the three rotors, bounces off the reflector, and then goes back through the three rotors. In the physical machine, the rotors would move with each keystroke. If it completes one full cycle, it will advance the middle rotor and, subsequently, the left rotor as well.


  1. Open a web browser and go to Observable Enigma Machine (Links to an external site.).
  2. Type your first name and last name without a space into the “Input” field.
  3. Wait until the complete encryption is completed. Note: The text in the Input text box is what you typed. The text in the Output text box is what you would send.
  4. Take a screenshot. 
  5. Now Open a web browser and go to Crypii (Links to an external site.). (This is a visually simpler but faster Enigma simulation.)
  6. Click in the “Plaintext” text box and type in again your name without spaces. (The three rotors or “rings” should be set to their AAA position.) Click on “ENCODE”.
  7. The encoded text appears instantly in the “Ciphertext” textbox.
  8. Now click on the “DECODE” button and the encoded text is decoded.
  9. Take a screenshot.

Submit your screenshots and answer the following questions:

  • Why did Enigma machines use multiple rotors?
  • How did WWII cryptographers know which rotor settings to use?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSU Security within IT Discussion

I’m working on a programming discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

Consider the placement security functions within an organization.

  • What are the advantages of placing security within IT?
  • What are the disadvantages of placing security within IT?
  • Where has your organization placed security? Is that working? Why or why not?

Programming Homework Help