Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Sxyz Java Methods Strings Question

Below is the script given by my manager and I will have to solve this. Kindly review it and send the related java script along with the test results

public static void main(String[] args) {

String[] titlesArray = { “Pluto TV Kids”, “CNET”, “Pluto TV Sports”, “Naturescape”, “Fear Factor”, “Flicks of Fury”,

“PeopleTV”, “Rescue 911”, “The Amazing Race”, “Pluto TV Drama Life”, “Western TV” };

String[] categoriesArray = { “5c12fe491c932b67bd8e3d80”, “5c12f932be491cbd678e3d87”, “5c12fe491cbd932b678e3d8f”,

“5cffe094ad44e55543791bfc”, “5f19a84079572700079d28e0”, “5c12fe2b678e3491cbd93d84”,

“5c12fe491cbd932b678e3d7b”, “5f18407959a72700079d28e0”, “5f197995727a808e04070d20”,

“5f19a84079572700079d28e0”, “5f19a8763eae7b0007f5c45e” };


* Objective:

* Write a method that takes in the 2 arrays provided as parameters then displays the values as:

* “title”, “category”

* In main, call the method that was created to test the function.



Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Finger Lakes Calculation of Current Level of Retirement Savings Python Program

This question will implement the algorithm you developed in the Week 1 Algorithm lab (See uploaded file). The Retirement Advisor algorithm.

To complete this question, you will develop a python program that will determine how many years until retirement and how much is still needed to save.

To complete this program successfully the program must be designed to collect the following inputs from the user:

  • Full Name
  • Current Age
  • Desired Retirement Age
  • Current Level of Retirement Savings
  • What Is the Total Amount of Retirements Savings Is Needed at Retirement

Finally, the program will need to output a simple statement (or statements) that show the name, how many years left to retirement and how much needs to be saved to reach your retirement goals.

The program must run when called up in Python or running from the command line. You must document your code using comments so reviewer will know what you are attempting to do.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Importance of the Visual Representation of Data Discussion Paper

So there are three tasks so I will be needing help to complete them.

Task 1:

I have attached an excel below. Review the attached file. Suzie has an issue. She can either move to NY or FL and needs to review some data that her agent gave her. The agent reviewed house prices and crime ratings for houses that Suzie would be interested in based on her selection criteria. She wants to live in an area with lower crime but wants to know a few things:

  1. Is it more expensive or less expensive to live in FL or NY?
  2. Is the crime rate higher in FL or NY (Note a low score in crime means lower crime)?
  3. Is the crime rate higher in lower or higher house price areas?

Using the R tool, show the data in the tool to answer each of the questions. Also, show the data visualization to go along with the summary.

  1. If you were Suzie, where would you move based on the questions above?
  2. After you gave Suzie the answer above (to #4), she gave you some additional information that you need to consider:
    1. She has $100,000 to put down for the house.
    2. If she moves to NY she will have a job earning $120,000 per year.
    3. If she moves to FL she will have a job earning $75,000 per year.
    4. She wants to know the following:
      1. On average what location will she be able to pay off her house first based on average housing prices and income she will receive?
      2. Where should she move and why? Please show graphics and thoroughly explain your answer here based on the new information provided above.

Note: The screenshots should be copied and pasted and must be legible. Only upload the word document. Be sure to answer all of the questions above and number the answers. Be sure to also explain the rational for each answer and also ensure that there are visuals for each question above. Use at least two peer reviewed sources to support your work.

Task 2: Answer Six questions from the book in an apa format with references. The questions are displayed below. The book will be provided by me.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Saudi Electronic University Volafox and Cal Linux Installation Report & Presentation

Digital Forensics and Investigation, you are expected to carry out Volafox forensics tool. The study includes installing kali linux and the volafox tool, trying it with 2 or 3 use cases and then report the findings in a report and a presentation.

The study should cover the major features of the software tool by using it on benchmark forensics data such as Computer Forensic Reference Data Sets (CFReDS), etc. or any benchmark for use cases.

The deliverables of the project should include:

  1. A report detailing the student’s work including all installation and application steps of cal linux and Volafox tool . These should be illustrated using text, diagrams, and snapshots.
  2. A presentation of 8 to 10 slides about the work introduction and the use cases of Volafox tool steps.
  3. the report and presentation should include defining the tool(waht’s Volafox tool and it uses for what, and what are the requirements for using and installing Volafox).


Volafox is an open source toolkit that you can use for Mac OS X and BSD forensics. The tool is a python based and allows investigating security incidents and finding information for malwares and any malicious program on the system

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. College of Eastern Utah Linux Operative Systems Worksheet

The correct answers are already there.

For each question that does not have the full credit, Explain: 1) Why the chosen answer is incorrect i.e. what went wrong, and 2) How to get the correct answers. demonstrated that you understand the matters being asked in the exam question and know how to get to the correct answers.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. MCS UAH USD Converter Program

Your task is to write a program that takes API from the exchange rate site (UAH to USD) and make the program store the values in the text document. The program should then check if the rate has GROWN every 5 minutes and compare it with the previous value.

If the rate has grown the program should then send the new rate to the gmail address

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. C Programming Neural Network Model Project

Using data housing data in following Github repository, develop a neural network model that will provide best housing price estimate:

Use Tensorflow from you Colab account to document your code and AI/ML model.

Your submission will consist of providing explanation of your development of your model in 1 to 2 pages.

You will need to share your notebook showing the code and documentation of every step of your process including

* Definition of the problem

* Get the data

* Explore and analyze the data

* Prepare the model for training

* Split the data (training and teest data)

* Train the model

* Improve performances

* Deploy the model

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. The University of South Florida Develop a Tableau Data Dashboard Programming Task

Develop a Tableau data dashboard.


according to the professor it should take about 30 minutes to complete the tableau part

Create an organized, 3-5 minute YouTube video that explains a minimum of five cogent insightsobserved in the data. Here is a list of minimum requirements:

1. A Tableau dashboard of at least 3 visualizations. Creating the visualizations alone without having them together in one view defeats the purpose of using Tableau.

2. The dashboard should be interactive: clicking on the filters and the visualizations themselves should change the data in the dashboard.

3. The video should be at least 3 minutes.

4. The video should include: a brief introduction (a few seconds, and you must show your face and provide your U#), an explanation of the dataset and the assignment (less than a minute), and the rest should be an explanation of multiple insights found while navigating the dashboard.

5. The link should be accessible from the internet, no recorded video files. We simply do not have the bandwidth to store them.

6. The video should be recorded from a laptop using video recording software. Phones are not allowed for recording, per instructions from the Data Citizens Program.

7. Business casual dress is required for the video.

Please complete the Canvas quiz, following the directions along the way. The Tableau Helpdesk is available (schedule posted on Canvas) to answer questions. Please see due date on syllabus schedule. No late submissions are accepted, so complete the assignment well ahead of the deadline.

Programming Homework Help