Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. ISM 350 Wilmington University Week 4 Power of Social Media Discussion Board

After watching the Branding – The Power of Social Media (Links to an external site.),
think about how companies use social media to reach customers with
similar interests. Consider how companies like Amazon use data analytics
(business intelligence) to better serve customers by making
recommendations based upon what other customers, similar to you, are
buying or browsing on their website. iTunes uses the Apple Genius to
recommend songs based upon what you have already purchased. How could
Wilmington University use similar approaches to better serve student
needs? P

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Java Script Programming Simple Java Programs Project

I need a simple java language 

Program 1

Two files are required, a data class named Book and an executable class named TestBook.

Class Book

has instance data members (all private) String title, String author, int pages, double price.

has a public static int variable named numBooks with an initial value of zero.

  • has a parameterized constructor that will be used to make a Book object and assign values to its data members, and increment numBooks.
  • has a no-arg constructor that increments numBooks.
  • has getters and setters for all instance data members.
  • has a toString() method that returns a string displaying the state of a Book instance.
  • Use the numBooks variable to report the number of books instantiated.
  • Class TestBook
    This class needs a main method and two more methods.
    In main:
  • create an array capable of holding six Book objects.

use the parameterized constructor to specify the data in the first four elements of this array

use the no-arg constructor to create the two remaining books in the array.  

process the array with a foreach loop to display the array at this point.

call the finishArray() method with the array as the only argument.

  1. call the reduceBooks() method with the array as the sole argument.
  2. repeat the code needed by Step 4 above.
  3. display the most expensive book after the discounts.
  4. In finishArray():
  5. this is a void method.
  6. use the setter methods to specify the data in all fields of the last two books in the array.
  7. In reduceBooks():
  8. this method returns a Book instance.

use a loop (any type) to reduce the price of every book in the array by 40%.

determine the most expensive book after the discounts and return this book to main.

  2. books

Program 2
Write a Java program that prompts the user to enter a password that matches a specific pattern. Your program must approve the user’s entry.. Here is the pattern, in this order:

1 or more upper case letters

  1. two lower case letters
  2. 1 or 2 digits
  3. zero or 1 upper case letters

any two of this group @#$%^&

Program 3

Prompt the user to enter a string containing a hexadecimal number.

Use class Integer to parse the input to a base-10 integer variable and display it.

Convert this base-10 variable to a string holding an equivalent number in binary.

Print this binary equivalent.

Use class Integer to convert the binary string back to base-10 and display it.

  • HexOutput

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. COMP 2313 North American University Data Structure Code & Binary Search Trees Project

A Dictionary implementation using Binary Search Trees

Program requirements and structure

You should be able to do the following:

  • Add dictionary entries
  • Search for an entry
  • Print the whole dictionary

You will be using the .compareTo method from the String class in order to move through your tree.

Recursive method to print the tree in inorder traversal (you need little mods below code).

Please be sure you are using the assignment template. I attached in down here a sample.

public void printTree(Node root){
      if(root != null){
           System.out.println(root.toSting( ));

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Western Kentucky University AutoCAD and Interior Designers Project

I didn’t know exactly what to categorize my project as, but it deals with Revit. A program very similar to AutoCAD and Interior Designers use it. Attached below are the files to get you started: A PowerPoint I made which incudes the sketched floor plan of first and second floors & inspiration notes along with the Revit file for the floorplan. That file should mimic the sketched floor plans you see in the PowerPoint. The Revit file should include rooms, furniture, finishes, and renderings (see word doc). If you have any questions I am more than happy to point you in the right direction. I’m willing to tip really well because I am banking on this to graduate. I wasn’t able to finish due to family issues. 

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Atlantis University Vehicle Service Centre Data Flow Diagram

From the project opportunities you have identified during week 1, build a Data flow diagram from an application or system you will develop for the project.

Draw a context diagram identifying the Diagram 0 DFD.

Build Lower Level DFD’s from your 0 (zero) DFD.

Include a data dictionary for your DFD for each of the data elements, processes, data flows, data stores, and external entities.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. COP 3337 FIU Package Structure and UML Diagrams NetBeans Programming Question

I need help completing this assignment. Please see directions below and attached.

This is your Programming Assignment 2 . When you have completed the assignment please ZIP you ENTIRE Netbeans project and upload it using the assignment upload link. Note, you must upload the entire Netbeans project in a zipped file; because, I check all your code to see if it runs. Remember that you must upload the assignment before it’s due date to get credit. Otherwise, you will receive a zero for the assignment grade.…

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Atlantis University Software Development DFD Diagram

From the project opportunities you have identified during week 1, build a Data flow diagram from an application or system you will develop for the project.

Draw a context diagram identifying the Diagram 0 DFD.

Build Lower Level DFD’s from your 0 (zero) DFD.

Include a data dictionary for your DFD for each of the data elements, processes, data flows, data stores, and external entities.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. IT 216 GMU What Are Potential Risks Involved in The Fairfax Town Project

This is a group project I need just part 3 done

Part 3 Preliminary Analysis of your solution [10 points]


Critically analyze the solution proposed:

a. What Are potential risks involved in the implementation of your project?UseaFishbonediagram to provide

examples of potential risks. Include at least three different factors (eg.: quality, time, costs, etc.) and two examples for each factor (eg: the performance is too slow, the time for completion of each activity is underestimated, the budget for programmers is insufficient).

Programming Homework Help