Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. FIN 383 SUSS Programming a Python Script Portafolio


1. Instruction as provided in the question paper.

2. All documentation and assumptions must be indicated and made within the ipynb file using either Markdown or inline comments.

3. Good programming habits to ensure your code is readable

4. Submit a Jupyter Notebook (ipynb) for this assignment

5. Financial knowledge and python skill required

6. Data will need some processing

7. Errata provided for the Main ECA correction

8. No Cash remaining, stock can be fractional purchase

9. Portfolio drifting. To main the percentage allocation. Sell and purchase of stock is require.

Example: Allocation Stock A is 60% , Stock B is 30% , Stock C is 10%

Initial Price Stock A is $60 , Stock B is $30 , Stock C is $10

Later Date Price Stock A is $100 , Stock B is $30 , Stock C is $10 = Total Market value is $140

Therefore, allocation for Stock A is 100/140 Not 60% as required and have to sell and vice versa

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Plano West Senior High Explain the Time Complexity of The Programv Python Coding Task


Input : [1,2,3,,4,………….., 20], Target sum of integers = 23

Output: [[3,20], [4,19], [5,18],…..[1,2,20],……… [1,2,3,17],……..[1,2,3,4,13],……] [e.g., all possible combinations of the integers that produce the target sum 23]

1. Implement the above subset sum problem.

2. Explain the time complexity of the above program. you can write the code with Java or Python

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. ASU ACME Tour Company C++ Code


ACME Tour Company offers tours to various locations; all tours include a tour guide. Write a program for the company which will allow tour guides to input the data from their trips. The program should implement the do-while control structure for the overall control of the program and for input validation. Each tour guide’s data should consist of the following:

employee ID number

number of days of the tour

  • dollar amount for each day (total of meals, tips, entry fees, transportation, etc)
  • dollar amount for each night’s accommodations
  • The program should then repeat the process if there is more data to be entered.
  • This data should be added to the spHWtourGuidesData.txt file which is provided with this assignment. Each tour guide’s data should be on a single line with a space separating each piece of data. The data should be stored in the file in the order listed above. The file write position should be remain on the line after storing the last piece of data; there should be no whitespace following the last piece of data.

When accepting a tour guide’s data, do not accept invalid data. An employee ID must be between 1001 and 9999. The shortest tour is 6 days, while the longest tour is 92 days. All dollar amounts should be non-negative and should be stored with two decimal places. There will be a dollar amount for each day of the tour; some daily totals may be $0.00 as there may be a free day built into the tour. There will be one less night than the total days of the tour; some accommodation costs may be $0.00 as transportation may include overnight lodging. Do not include commas in any number.

The program should then repeat the entire process if there is more data to be entered; the user should be queried about adding more data.

After all the data is added by the user, the program should read all the data in the file spHWtourGuidesData.txt and display a report to the screen. See the screen shot to see the required formatting and data that should be included in the report. Include commas in the formatting of all the numbers in the report.

To get the values printed with commas, include the locale library and use the following statement prior to displaying any numbers that should have commas:


spHWtourGuidesData.txt prior to running program

1001 6 35.56 15.25 69.34 152.35 0.00 65.35 125.65 250.35 0.00 412.36 321.24
9999 10 0.00 12.50 0.00 65.75 95.35 34.53 0.00 0.00 125.68 0.00 138.25 156.35 0.00 358.25 423.52 115.35 0.00 0.00 142.35
5521 8 25.65 159.35 125.35 1265.35 124.35 456.35 458.35 123.00 125.36 345.57 310.25 2500.00 365.35 1452.00 1520.00
4563 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125.00 356.35 356.36 356.36 356.36

The output of your program should look exactly like this. Data values may differ.

Enter employee ID number (1001 – 9999): 999
Enter employee ID number (1001 – 9999): 10001
Enter employee ID number (1001 – 9999): 1234

Enter length of tour (6 – 92): 5
Enter length of tour (6 – 92): 100
Enter length of tour (6 – 92): 7

Enter expenses (0.00 or more) for day 1: -8.15
Enter expenses (0.00 or more) for day 1: 98.15
Enter expenses (0.00 or more) for day 2: 150.25
Enter expenses (0.00 or more) for day 3: 52.35
Enter expenses (0.00 or more) for day 4: 65.51
Enter expenses (0.00 or more) for day 5: 126.40
Enter expenses (0.00 or more) for day 6: 45.23
Enter expenses (0.00 or more) for day 7: 0

Enter accommodation expense (0.00 or more) for night 1: -12.50
Enter accommodation expense (0.00 or more) for night 1: 120.52
Enter accommodation expense (0.00 or more) for night 2: 0
Enter accommodation expense (0.00 or more) for night 3: 156.37
Enter accommodation expense (0.00 or more) for night 4: 156.37
Enter accommodation expense (0.00 or more) for night 5: 250.14
Enter accommodation expense (0.00 or more) for night 6: 325.67

Is there more data to add (Y or N)? j
Is there more data to add (Y or N)? n

Employee Tour Daily Accommodation Total
ID Number Length Expenses Expenses Expenses
1,001 6 337.85 1,109.60 1,447.45
9,999 10 333.81 1,334.07 1,667.88
5,521 8 2,737.75 6,618.53 9,356.28
4,563 6 0.00 1,550.43 1,550.43
1,234 7 537.89 1,009.07 1,546.96

spHWtourGuidesData.txt after running the program for screenshot posted above

1001 6 35.56 15.25 69.34 152.35 0.00 65.35 125.65 250.35 0.00 412.36 321.24
9999 10 0.00 12.50 0.00 65.75 95.35 34.53 0.00 0.00 125.68 0.00 138.25 156.35 0.00 358.25 423.52 115.35 0.00 0.00 142.35
5521 8 25.65 159.35 125.35 1265.35 124.35 456.35 458.35 123.00 125.36 345.57 310.25 2500.00 365.35 1452.00 1520.00
4563 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125.00 356.35 356.36 356.36 356.36
1234 7 98.15 150.25 52.35 65.51 126.40 45.23 0.00 120.52 0.00 156.37 156.37 250.14 325.67

When you have completed and tested the program, submit the source code by using the course submission utility.

Spend enough time with pencil and paper to satisfy yourself that you truly understand the problem and can work examples by hand before starting to write program code; you cannot explain a solution to a computer if you do not understand it yourself. If you find you do not understand a problem well enough to work examples by hand, seek out input from your instructor or fellow classmates; discussion with classmates can be particularly rewarding for both parties (as long as collaboration stops here). Start as early as you can to give yourself every opportunity to think through a solution; starting close to the deadline increases pressure on you and can make it even harder to think.


1. C++ code 

2.Test Cases**

Note: Avoid Turnitin and plagiarism-detection software**

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. STAT 4520 Relationship Between the Covid19 Deaths and the Covid19 Cases Essay


On the final day of the semester, the final report will be due. You should submit a typed report (<1500 words or so) which roughly has the following structure:

  • Introduction: Reiterate the data you chose and your research question. Discuss why your work is valuable in the context of current world events. If your own data was used, describe the data’s
  • background and relevance to your eld, your research question(s), etc.

  • Methods: How will the data be analyzed in a way which can address the questions you have proposed? Which techniques will you use?
  • Results: Communicate your results clearly and succinctly here.
  • Discussion/Conclusion: Interpret your results in the context of your questions and discuss the implications. Conclude by providing an overall summary of your work.
  • The report should clearly tell the story but should be relatively concise. From a statistical perspective, a complete analysis will include at a minimum:

  • Exploratory analysis with plots of the data and/or hypothesized relationships.
  • A statistical model with a structure that is in line with the methods covered. Ideally, random effects should be used as this was a major component of the course, and diagnostics should be run.
  • Interpretations of the fixed/random effects of the model, and how it is into your objective.
  • In short, you can think of this as an open-ended homework assignment.

    To be submitted

  • The report.
  • Your R code(no need to submit data).
  • Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. Create a bootstrap website HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT


    Hello, I need help with the following assignment using bootstrap to create a simple website. I honestly do not care how the website looks as long as it hits the requirements (keep it PG). you could copy and paste code from your other projects I don’t care, i just need to meet the requirements.


    • Create a website using Bootstrap with a minimum of three pages
      • Template/theme use is encouraged
    • If not automatically included in the template/theme, be sure to include each of the following Bootstrap capabilities.
      • Carousel
      • Navigation bar
      • Glyphicons or Font Awesome Icons
      • Tooltip or Popover
      • A form for users to contact person/business
      • Badge or label
    • Comments as necessary
    • The directory structure of the website must be in good form:
      • Parent folder of the website has the index.html file only
      • An html folder for all other pages of the site
      • A folder for all other resources based on their content
      • Pathing must be relative not absolute

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. Non-Linear Story by reading a text file.



    ● File with story text

    ● Source code (cpp and header files) – it must compile or you will receive a 0

    ● Questions (in a separate text file)

    Note – there are two versions of this assignment:

    ● One uses an array

    project is to create a non-linear story engine programmed in C++ . It will be similar to the types of

    stories you can find on NOTE: you are not to use to complete any part of this

    assignment – It is noted here just to give you an idea of what an interactive story is.

    Your project must have at least 10 story elements. In a non-linear story, some elements will move the story

    forward, while others represent an alternate path. At each decision point, you can have any number of options,

    but I suggest limiting to 3 for this assignment.

    Here is an example of an interactive story- with five story elements – only 3 of the elements are listed here:

    Story scene #1

    A little girl is going through the woods with her red cape on the way to her grandmother’s house. It is a lovely

    sunny day and she is singing and admitting the lush foliage in the forest. Suddenly she hears a movement behind

    her and she sees a friendly wolf.

    Should she:

    Talk to the Wolf [goes to scene 2]

    Give the basket to the Wolf and get out of there [goes to scene 3]

    Story scene #2

    The Wolf says, “Hello little girl, where are you going”. “To bring my sick grandmother some fresh eggs”, said the

    little girl. “Can I help you carry all of those precious eggs so that they arrive safely”, the Wolf replied.

    Should she:

    Tell the Wolf she wants to visit Grandma herself [goes to scene 4]

    Give the basket to the Wolf and get out of there [goes to scene 3]

    Ask the Wolf to accompany her to her grandmother’s house [goes to scene 5]

    Story scene #3

    The Wolf says, “Hello little girl, where are you going”. “Hello sir”, she says sweetly. “I was going through the forest

    to give my yummy eggs to someone and I think it should be you.”. The Wolf was pleased by the gesture and

    distracted long enough for the little girl to slip away.

    End of story

    ● Create your story

    ● Create the input file

    ● Create a class to store each “scene”

    ● Read the input file into a dynamic array of scenes

    ● Make it interactive: Create an engine to “run” a scene- i.e., display prompts and go correctly to

    the next scene until you get to the end

    Implementation Guidelines:

    Read the story elements/scenes in from a file with the following format:

    @s1 This is a description of a scene in the story.

    It can span

    several lines.

    @p1 prompt for choice 1


    @p2 prompt for choice 2


    @p3 prompt for choice 3



    @s1 beginning of a scene and also the scene number

    @p first line is question to prompt user. Next line is scene to go to.

    @0 terminating scene – it has text only. It may not be the last scene

    In the example above, choice 1 will jump to the 4th scene.

    For the story described above – here is the file to correspond to it. Note that this is NOT complete!

    ———————- Beginning of file ——————–

    @s1 A little girl is going through the woods with her red cape on the way to her grandmother’s house. It is a lovely

    sunny day and she is singing and admitting the lush foliage in the forest. Suddenly she hears a movement behind

    her and she sees a friendly wolf.

    @p1 Talk to the Wolf


    @p2 Give the basket to the Wolf and get out of there


    @s2 The Wolf says, “Hello little girl, where are you going”. “To bring my sick grandmother some fresh eggs”, said

    the little girl. “Can I help you carry all of those precious eggs so that they arrive safely”, the Wolf replied.

    @p1 Tell the Wolf she wants to visit Grandma herself


    @p2 Give the basket to the Wolf and get out of there


    @p3 Ask the Wolf to accompany her to her grandmother’s house


    @s3 The Wolf says, “Hello little girl, where are you going”. “Hello sir”, she says sweetly. “I was going through the

    forest to give my yummy eggs to someone and I think it should be you.”. The Wolf was pleased by the gesture

    and distracted long enough for the little girl to slip away.


    ———————- ETC——————–

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. R Question


    This is an appointment.

    An ‘Data Mining’ final test scheduled from 9:30 am to 11:30 am on August 3 needs to be completed with a correct rate of no less than 80% within the specified time. The paper will be sent to you at 9:30 on the August 3.(British Summer Time, which is GMT+1).

    This test is very, very important to me, please see the following outline and example questions to assess whether you can do it with quality. The question types for this final test are the same as those in the ‘DemoExam’ file. So please refer to the question type and difficulty of this examination question. If you are confident that you can complete this exam, then I am very happy to cooperate with you!

    Programming Homework Help