Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Campbellsville University Data Completeness Checking for Missing Information Analysis

This week our topic shifts to working with data.  In this week’s discussion post, think about the topics that Kirk (2019) briefly went over in the textbook. When you work with data, it can come to you in a variety of formats: scraps of paper, spreadsheets, or databases, to name a few. The way the data is presented in any of the formats also varies significantly. There are two main reasons that you work with data before visualizing it: exploration and cleaning. 

More often than not, data is examined for cleanliness with visual analysis. However, that doesn’t seem to align with what has been covered so far. When Kirk (2019) discusses the process of visual analysis, most of the processes apply to a finished product, something you’ll present to others. The processes are not necessarily important for visualization you use for your own understanding.

There are many ways that could explore data; for this forum we’re going to focus more on collection and cleaning.

Considering the textbook and Zumel (2016), consider the different elements that need to be investigated everytime you clean data. Discuss the folllowing:

Provide two different aspects of data that need to be checked for when you clean the data.

Provide real examples and explain why it’s necessary everytime you clean data and why it’s mportant. 

Keep in mind there are many things that could be checked or cleaned, but they don’t need to be done everytime. For example, analyzing the data distribution is important for certain types of analysis, but it’s not necessary something that has to be cleaned. It is not needed when conducting visual analysis. It could serve other benefits, but it’s not needed.

  • References
  • Kirk, A. (2019). Data analysis: A handbook for data driven design. Sage.

Zumel, N. (2016, March). Preparing data for analysis using R. Github. 

General forum requirements:

Three posts are required: the initial post and two peer responses.

Initial posts are needed by Friday at 11:59 PM ET.

Peer responses must be sustantive: connect with the discussion topics and what your peer has contributed – Sunday 11:59 PM

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. SNHU My Programming Experience Python in Context Discussion

Reflect on your work in the whole course, considering all the different aspects of programming in Python that you’ve learned. How can Python be applied to solve real-world problems? You may need to do a little research to find some interesting applications. Be sure to include citations, in APA format, for any resources that you use.

In your initial post, address the following:

  • What was your experience level with programming when you started the course?
  • How has your comfort level with programming changed as a result of this course?
  • What was the most challenging activity?
  • What is an interesting way that Python is used to solve a real-world problem?
  • What are your goals with programming?
  • What additional skills would you like to acquire?

In responding to your classmates, compare and contrast your posts.

  • What did you find interesting or relatable in your peers’ posts?
  • Based on what you have written in your response post, consider sharing an interesting website or article related to Python.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.



I had very little programming experience when I first started this course. After taking a bonafied programming course, however, I begin to look at the world very differently. Every computer, program, game, automated function, I start imagining what the code would look like (in python) and when I come across a challenge or necessary task, I think about how I would design a program that would fix it. This course not only made me a better programmer, but a better end user as well. I started thinking about a program that I could write that would detect if I had certain software running, (my stream software) it would terminate other programs that I don’t want running while I stream. This could be really useful and likely wouldn’t use many resources. I’m very comfortable with programming now and I am very excited to see what I do with it. The most challenging activities for me were the defining functions, and the final project at first, but once I got in the groove I had it down. I originally didn’t have any goals in particular with this class, it was just a course needed for my degree but now I think I may want to be a software developer, and I’d like to learn a few new languages as well as polish and refine my python.



At the start of this course my experience level with programming was nonexistent. I knew nothing about programming, and was extremely nervous to learn. I have never been good with technology, so taking this class was completely out of my comfort zone. Throughout this class, my comfort and understanding of programming has increased by such a crazy amount. It honestly feels shocking thinking back on how nervous I was before the first week started. I definitely have trouble with coding in Pycharm still but my skills have progressed so much from before.

Through this course, one of the most difficult challenges was understanding some of the material in the written sections. Occasionally when reading the material, before the participation activities, I did not understand the new function or way to use a function until I saw the visuals of each concept. Seeing the use of Python for video games and even GUI applications for some departments at the VA Medical Centers. At the VAMC, Python is used to generate purchase orders for veterans and it’s interesting to see how my mom’s work applies to my current course. But my particular interest is in video games, so learning about the games made with Python has been pretty cool to see too. My goal with programming is to possibly create a small game in order to practice and learn more about the process of video games. To further my knowledge of creating video games, I am also interested in learning something like C++, but that is even further out of my comfort zone.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Robert Morris University C++ Class Notes Question

– Advanced C++_ Assignment 6 _ Due November 02 _ 200 points

Everything about the assignment is located in the file uploaded

please show nice quality work.

You are to copy your code to Word along with a screen print of the final output copied to the same word document.

What to turn in:

  • You are to copy your source code and a screen print of the final program output to Word and upload the Word document to Blackboard
  • If you do not have Word, upload a text file containing your code and screen shots of the final program output

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Car Class Python Program Project

Problem statement

For this exercise you will develop a Python module containing a Car class. Instances of the class will be able to turn and drive forward. They will have three attributes: x (an x coordinate), y (a y coordinate) and heading (a direction the car will drive, in degrees; for this assignment, a heading of 0 indicates due north, a heading of 90 is due east, etc.). They will have three methods: __init__(), turn(), and drive().

You will also write a sanity_check() function outside fo the class that instantiates the class, invokes the methods, and prints the attributes.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Harvard University Network Architectures and Technologies Question

The evolution of WAN architectures has involved a variety of dominant designs such as T-1 and T-3 lines, which are still quite popular but do not meet high-traffic demands. Instead, Frame Relay and ATM are more commonly used to provide an interface to public high-speed switched networks. ATM, SDMS, and SONET are capable of handling voice, image, and data traffic concurrently. In addition, most ATM suppliers provide permanent virtual connections of dedicated time division multiplexing (TDM) channels to set up private networks.

1.Explain the differences between ISDN and IDN. How is ISDN accessed?

2.What is broadband ISDN? Compare and contrast the services used in B-ISDN.

3.Which are the three layers under X.25 protocol in relation to the OSI layer?

4.What are the advantages and disadvantages of ATM compared with X.25?

5.Explain the ATM protocol architecture.

6.Give two examples of ATM networks.

The report should:

  • Demonstrate clear understanding of the subject and address all key elements of the assignment.
  • Show analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of required material.
  • Demonstrate writing proficiency at the academic level of the course; address the Learning Outcomes of the assignment.
  • Use and cite relevant and credible sources to support assertions. The report is well organized and follows the structure of a well-written paper. APA style format is applied for all citations.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. California State University Bakersfield Randomly Populate Arrays of Size 100 Project

Randomly populate arrays of size 100 containing integers from 1 to 1000. Send the arrays to the Heap Sort. Use a copy of the Heap Sort class from the source code jar file. Change the Heap Sort class to count the number of upheap swaps (while building) and down heap swaps (while sorting). Print the final number of swaps for each type performed during the Heap sort call.
Try to build the heap with different orders, like sequential order, reverse order, to see the impact of the initial order on the algorithm performance

Programming Homework Help