Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Python Program and Service Personalization Features Project

KPI 15: we have 3 questions, and we should have 2 service weights and 2 actual weights for each service:

1. The user should choose one option from the following:

Rating not Available

One Star

Two – Three Stars

More than Three Stars

Rating not Applicable ( Web Optimized Interface)

(service weight #1) = 0 for option #1, 0.2 for option #2, 0.6 for option #3, 1 for option #4, empty string (” “) for option #5

(actual weight #1) = (service weight #1) * (weight % of this service)

2. Enter any number

3. Enter any number less than or equal to the input number of question #2

(service weight #2) = input of question #3 / input of question #2

((actual weight #2) = (service weight #2) * (weight % of this service)

calculating the KPI score here is different

KPI Score = { ( [sum of actual weights #1 for all services in this KPI] / [ (sum of weigh % for option 1) + (sum of weigh % for option 2) + (sum of weigh % for option 3) + (sum of weigh % for option 4) ] ) + (sum of all actual weights #2 for all services) } / 2

KPI 16: we have 2 questions, and we have to calculate 2 service weights and 2 actual weights:

question 1. The answer should be Yes or No

service weight #1 = 1 for yes, 0 for No

(actual weight #1) = (service weight #1) * (weight % of this service)

question 2. The answer should be Yes or No

service weight #2 = 1 for yes, 0 for No

(actual weight #2) = (service weight #2) * (weight % of this service)

KPI score here is different:

KPI score = [(sum of all actual weights #1 for all services) + (sum of all actual weights #1 for all services)] / 2

just a note for KPI 11 score: calculating its KPI score is different but easy

KPI score = {(sum of all actual weights for all services) / [ (sum of all service % weights whose answers were Yes) + (sum for all service % weights whose answers were No)}

So calculating the KPI scores for KPIs 11, 15, and 16 is different from the rest, and I send their rules, so please take a note of this.

So everything is with you right now for the first 16 KPIs (first code), please do your best to submit the work by tomorrow (maximum). And ask me in case there’s anything that may seem not clear! Thank you in advance

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSCI 2521 Columbus State Community College Sentence into a Morse Code Program

allow a user to enter sentence and then output the sentence into Morse Code. I am using visual studio 2019 and I need it by friday before midnight

1. The approach should be Object Oriented. I don’t want to see parallel arrays or a long if/else if/else or switch statement.
2. Prompt the user to enter a sentence. This means you must support whitespace in the string input. The sentence can have a maximum of 50 characters.
3. Output the sentence character by character by translating the character into it’s Morse Code equivalent. You can print each on an individual line or on one line separated by a space.
4. Use the Morse Code table as shown on Wikipedia. Represent with periods and hyphens. For example the character ‘B’ would be output as string “-…”
5. Morse Code is case insensitive. ‘a’ and ‘A’ are the same character. You will need to handle this in your code.
6. You can ignore any character in the sentence that is not a letter or number.
7. I will not only be grading program correctness, I’m also going to be grading your Object Oriented approach. So please take the time to think about the design of the program before implementing.

Extra points

I’m offering 10 points extra if you also support translating Morse Code into English Alphabet characters. You can ask the user to separate the Morse codes with a space. Same rules apply as above, except you’ll expect Morse codes as input and output the sentence. You must support more than one character. The sentence you output can be all upper or lower case characters. You do not have to be case sensitive in your output.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. ITS 410 Colorado State University Database Management SQL Query Lab Report

Your assignment Project consists of two items, a lessons learned reflection report and a database design and analysis project.

Lessons Learned and Reflection

Write a 2- to 3-page summary that outlines the lessons you learned in this database class. Reflect on how these lessons can be applied toward more effective database management and reporting.

Database Design and Analysis

The following database project will create an educational attainment “demand” forecast for the state of California for years greater than 2010. The demand forecast is the expected number of population who have obtained a certain level of education. The population is divided into age groups and education attainment is divided into different levels. The population of each group is estimated for each year up to year 2050. Implement the following steps to obtain and educational demand forecast for the state of California. The files can be downloaded below.

  1. Create a ca_pop schema in your MySQL database.
  2. Using your ca_pop schema, create an “educational_attainment table which columns match the columns in the Excel spreadsheetca_pop_educational_attainment.csv“.
  3. Using your ca_pop schema, create a “pop_proj” table which columns match the columns in the Excel spreadsheet “pop_proj_1970_2050.csv“.
  4. Using the data loading technique for a csv file you learned in Module 1, load the data in “ca_pop_educational_attainment.csvinto the table “educational_attainment“.
  5. Using the data loading technique for a csv file you learned in Module 1, load the data in “pop_proj_1970_2050.csv into the table “pop_proj“.
  6. Write a query to select the total population in each age group.
  7. Use the query from Step 6 as a subquery to find each type of education attained by the population in that age group and the fraction of the population of that age group that has that educational attainment. Label the fraction column output as “coefficient“. For instance, the fraction of the population in age group 00 – 17 who has an education attainment of Bachelor’s degree or higher is 0.0015, which is the “coefficient.
  8. Create a demographics table from the SQL query from Step 7.
  9. Create a query on the “pop_projtable which shows the population count by date_year and age.
  10. Use that query from Step 9 as a subquery and join it to the demographics table using the following case statement:
demographics.age =           case              when  temp_pop.age  18 then '00 to 17'              when  temp_pop.age  64 then '65 to 80+'              else  '18 to 64'              end

“temp_pop” is an alias for the subquery. Use the following calculation for the demand output:

round(sum(temp_pop.total_pop * demographics.coefficient)) as demand

Output the demand grouped by year and education level.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. SNHU Pymongo Import Mongo Client Pyhton Project

Hello Partner,

I need help trying to put the pieces to the puzzle, which I mean by working with Juypter Notebook in Python code. Instructions are given as followed:

Develop a CRUD class that, when instantiated, provides the following functionality:

  • A Create method that inserts a document into a specified MongoDB database and collection
    • Input -> argument to function will be a set of key/value pairs in the data type acceptable to the MongoDB driver insert API call.
    • Return -> “True” if successful insert, else “False”.
  • A Read method that queries for document(s) from a specified MongoDB database and specified collection
    • Input -> arguments to function should be the key/value lookup pair to use with the MongoDB driver find API call.
    • Return -> result in cursor if successful, else MongoDB returned error message.
  • An Update method that queries for and changes document(s) from a specified MongoDB database and specified collection
    • Input -> arguments to function should be the key/value lookup pair to use with the MongoDB driver find API call. Last argument to function will be a set of key/value pairs in the data type acceptable to the MongoDB driver insert API call.
    • Return -> result in JSON format if successful, else MongoDB returned error message.
  • A Delete method that queries for and removes document(s) from a specified MongoDB database and specified collection
    • Input -> arguments to function should be the key/value lookup pair to use with the MongoDB driver find API call.
    • Return -> result in JSON format if successful, else MongoDB returned error message.

As you develop your code, be sure to use industry standard best practices such as proper naming conventions, exception handling, and in-line comments. This will ensure that your code is easy to read and reusable for future projects. Refer to the Python Style Guide, located in the Supporting Materials section, to help with these industry standard best practices.

NOW, I need help on trying to TEST the IPYNB FILE which is attached with the PY FILE in this question. Attached are both, the PY file and the IPYNB file, where I am trying to figure out how to make both collaborate and connect with each other? Please Help which I have been working on this project for days and have not been able to figure what is wrong. Thank you in advance!

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. SWE 440 Colorado Technical University Software Development Models Discussion

The CIO has also informed you that you must select software development methodology for the company’s proposed financial management system. Please choose from the following methodologies and create a software development plan:

  • Traditional (Waterfall, Incremental, Spiral, etc.)
  • Agile (Scrum, Crystal, Adaptive, Feature-driven, DSDM, etc.)
  • Extreme Programming (XP)

You will use the software development model that you selected as the basis for your assignments for the remaining weeks of the course. The initial business requirements for the financial management system are outlined below.

The new system should be an end-to-end enterprise financial management solution designed to meet the needs of the most complex, multinational organizations. The ERP solution should be comprised of a robust set of applications that support all aspects of financial business activities and are listed below:

  • Financial and management accounting: Financials provides core accounting and reporting capabilities with scalability to support the requirements of large multinational companies. Key features and functions include the following:
    • Fixed asset, accrual, bank, cash journal, inventory, and tax accounting
    • General ledger
    • Accounts receivable and accounts payable AR/AP
    • Fast close functions
    • Financial statements
    • Parallel valuations
  • Financial supply chain management: The module should be a set of applications to help streamline receivables and collections management processes. These integrated solutions should help reduce operating costs and improve cash flow and reduce days’ sales outstanding. The application should include the following application functionality:
    • Credit management
    • Biller direct
    • Dispute management
    • Collections management
  • Treasury applications: The treasury applications should provide robust cash, liquidity, and financial risk management capabilities that enable you to more precisely manage cash, mitigate financial risks, and streamline bank interactions and payment processes. This application should contain the following application functionality:
    • Cash and Liquidity Management
      • Helps you monitor and manage cash flow and liquidity
      • Generates comprehensive and timely cash forecasts and plans
    • In-House Cash
      • Enables centralized control of banking balances, cash management, and payments
      • Reduces costs of interunit payments, transfers, and bank fees
    • Treasury and Risk Management
      • Models risk scenarios and executes mitigation strategies
      • Reduces your organization’s financial risk levels and ensures regulatory compliance
    • Bank Communication Management
      • Streamlines and optimizes corporate-to-bank communications
      • Provides straight-through processing, improved payment control, and lower processing costs


Select a Software Development Methodology

Your task is to create a software project plan, which also becomes the Final Key Assignment delivery in week 5, using the software development methodology you selected for the financial management software project. You are also required to describe the advantages and disadvantages of using the method you selected for the assignment.

You must outline the project plan based on the weeks that are inherent with the software development methodology selected and incorporate the financial management system business requirements outlined in the background section above.

Use Microsoft Project to capture the task and steps for the software development methodology you selected.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. UT Creating GUI in Python Worksheet

I’m working on a python project and need a sample draft to help me learn.

I need someone who has good experience or knowledge in creating GUI in python.

I already have a functional code that extracts values from excel and does some calculations and displays the outputs, but I need someone that can help me create a GUI for it.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. ENTD 481 AMU J2EE applicatio Final Project Code Paper

******This is a Java assignment that uses Eclipse Ide and Apache Tomcat*******

Please provide a word document with screenshots of the code and the program running as well as the project.


Final Project – Create a J2EE application
(A)    Create a J2EE application with at least 3 web pages
(B)    Add all the features we learned in this course, including, JSP, JDBC, servlet, JAVA beans, mail, secure connection.
(C)    Make sure it works.
(D)    Take screenshots of web pages, and document the new features you added. Good to add various design diagrams.
(E)    Zip the Eclipse project folder for this program.
(F)    Please have a cover sheet with your name and the name of the assignment. Name the file following naming convention “ENTD481FinalProject_First_Last.doc”
(G)    Upload the document and the zip file as attachments.
Submission Instructions: Submit your completed assignment (you may use a zipped file if needed).


Assessment Rubric

Exemplary (25-20)



( 0)

Points Available

  • (A)    Create a J2EE application with at least 3 web pages

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.


  • (B)    Add all the features we learned in this course, including, JSP, JDBC, servlet, JAVA beans, mail, secure connection.
  • (C)    Make sure it works.

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.


  • Program compiles and executes properly.

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.


  • Code contains comments, error free and well written.

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.




Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Minnesota State University Mankato Java DecimalDate Program Report

Create a file called, in which you define the class DecimalDate. A DecimalDate object represents a date consisting of a year, month, and day. In this calendar, a year consists of 12 months, each of which consists of 30 days, divided into three ten-day weeks. At the end of the year there are 5 “complementary days”. For the purposes of this assignment we’ll assume there are no leap years, so every year has exactly 365 days. We will also use the spoof English names for the months, namely Wheezy, Sneezy, Freezy, Slippy, Drippy, Nippy, Showery, Flowery, Bowery, Hoppy, Croppy and Poppy (these correspond roughly to our months starting from October).

Programming Homework Help