Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. FSCJ MPI Programming Count the Number of Prime Numbers Question

Write an MPI program, countprimes which will count the number of prime numbers in the numbers from 1 to n inclusive where n is a long integer. The value for n which should be set in the program using a constant should be 50,000.

Each process will test its share of the cases.

Each process should not print out any primes that it finds, but it should keep a running total. Before the process finishes, it should print out its ID number and its count of primes that it found.

The master process should end with printing a total for the count of the number of primes and the total amount of time taken to find all the primes.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Ryerson University Descriptive Statistics Functions in Python Discussion Questions

Discuss and describe/define EACH OF THE FOLLOWING separately (with an example for each) some of the descriptive statistics functions in Python:

(1) minimum—the smallest value in a collection of values.

(2) maximum—the largest value in a collection of values.

(3) range—the range of values from the minimum to the maximum.

(4) count—the number of values in a collection.

(5) sum—the total of the values in a collection.

Please use citations in your answer.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CISS 243 Bethesda University of California Deck Of Cards Game Project

Let’s play cards. Using the class provided, create another class called DeckOfCards. This class will maintain a deck of cards using a Stack of Card objects. There should be no duplicate cards in the deck. The DeckOfCards class should provide methods to:

  • Populate the deck (constructor)
  • Shuffle the deck of cards (may need more stacks or other structures in the method).
  • A method to deal a card.
  • Method provides the number of cards remaining in the deck.

Another class will be needed called PlayerHand. This class will maintain a players hand in a game of Black Jack. Limit the hand to 5 cards. Provide

  • Method to add cards to the hand
  • Method to get cards in the hand.
  • Use a Queue to store the cards in.

The driver of the program will control the game between just two players. Dealing (DeckOfCards) the cards to the players (PlayerHand). It will also determine who the winner is. Player should be able to take hits and indicate when they are done. Once both players are done main will determine the winner.

Can use the STL versions of the Stack and Queue.



Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CIS 340 Minnesota State University Mankato Intro to Java Exercise

You can see a “hollow square” of values at the top left, which are the nearest-neighbors of the element at [1, 1]. The sum of these values is 8. There are 16 possible hollow-squares in the 6×6 grid. Your task is to calculate the nearest-neighbor-sum of each, and return the biggest (which in this case would be 8 — some of the other neighbor-sums in this grid are 4, 3, 2, and 1. The array will always be 6×6.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CC Converting Access Schema to MySQL

  1. Download the following Access file (DO NOT USE ANY OTHER FILE): AnnandaleCupcakes_v03.accdb
  2. Using the Access design view for the tables, go through every table and write the equivalent SQL DDL code to create that table in MySQL.
    1. You will need to choose the correct data types and constraints, since Access (Jet) data types are different from MySQL data types (e.g. there is no “Short Text” in MySQL, but varchar(50) would be an example equivalent). Below is a chart of equivalent data types. Also remember to use auto_increment and primary key constraints on the PK

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CS 120 University of Arizona Introduction to Computer Programming Coding

Below is an overview for the project but you will find the full description and hints attached in a PDF, and you will see the test cases it needs to pass in the zip/rar file attached:

In this project, we will be implementing a word search. You will read your input
from a file: it will contain a grid of letters, a blank line, and then a set of words
to find.
You will search the grid for each word. If you find it, you will print out the
grid again, but with all letters (except for the word you’ve found) turned into
periods. If you don’t find it, you will print a message to that effect.
I will not tell you how large the grid is; you will have to figure that out from
the file. I will guarantee that all of the lines in the grid will have the same
number of characters, but I will not guarantee that the grid is a square; there
it might be a tall or wide rectangle, sometimes

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. IGlobal University Development of the Slot Machine Game Project

Read chapter 8.

Run the conversion programs in the module.

1. Modify a conversion program to allow the user to enter up to 10 grades for Assignment, Discussion, Attendance, and 2 grades for Tests.

2. Calculate the average grade for each group in question 1.

3. Calculate the total average grade for the course in letter grade and numerical grade assuming that Assignment is 30%, Discussion 30%, Attendance 10%, Tests 30%. Notice: Use the just basic software. . Required Text Book:


Title: Programming for the Absolute Beginner


Author: Jerry Lee Ford Jr.


Publication info: Cengage, 2015


ISBN-13: 978-1-305-50443-1


ISBN-10: 1-305-50443-7

Programming Homework Help