Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CMUL Developing a Database Environment Paper

Choose one of the following categories to start developing a database environment that consist of your own mock up design.


2. Airlines

3. Dealership

4. Brewery

5. LinkedIn

6. TripAdvisor

Create your initial mockup design. Should include a minimum of 7 tables.

Save the .mwb file. Create a power point presentation that includes your plan for your final project in the course. This database environment starts with a design model. Present the following;

1. Schema Design (Screenshot)

2. Talk about how the environment is linked together

3. Provide a summary of why your schema will be beneficial to the organization

Present in class at the start of class next week.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. King Abdulaziz University Awk Command in Text Processing Program

Q1- Using the awk utility, filter out the following output to solely show the size and mount point. Show all of your commands in a snapshot.

-bash-4.2$ df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on

/dev/wd0a 1008M 130M 828M 14% /

/dev/wd0d 1008M 8.6M 949M 1% /suid

/dev/wd0e 63.0G 29.8G 30.1G 50% /usr

/dev/wd0f 19.7G 16.0G 2.7G 85% /var

/dev/wd0g 3.9G 500K 3.7G 0% /tmp

Q2 Modify the script below using the following instructions. Show all of your commands and output in a snapshot.

a) Adjust the thresholds to get some results. Hint: lower the value of 99, 95, 90, etc. For example, the Docker login has 25% capacity of some directories.

b) Instead of the e-mail (like, echo a message into a file.

# Platform: Not Platform Dependent


space= df -k | awk ‘{print $5}’ | tr -d ‘%’

if [ ${space} -gt 99 ]

then mailx -s “Warning”

Disk space has reached 99%

elif [ ${space} -gt 95} ]

then mailx -s “Warning”

Disk space has reached 95%

elif [ ${space} -gt 90 ]

then mailx -s “Warning”

Disk space has reached 90%


echo “disk fine”



You have a UNIX file named “food” with the following information. Show all of your commands and output in a snapshot.

cat food

The menu contains pork.

Using the sed command, change the pork to fish.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. California Southern University Coding by Using Arrays Program

– Single dimensional arrays and loops
– Single dimensional arrays and functions
– Two dimensional array
Problem Description:
You should have most of the codes form your previous home works.
Write a program that generates a sequence of 18 random numbers between 1 and 99. Assign the
18 numbers first to a single dimensional array and then to a two dimensional array with 3
columns. Display both arrays, the two-dimensional array display must look like a table with 3
columns. Each three number in sequence represents a side of a triangle. Therefore, you will have
six sets of three numbers each, which could represent three sides of a valid triangle. Use either
one of the arrays (single or two dimensional) to check each set to see if they could make a valid
triangle and if so compute the area of that triangle and copy the areas of valid triangles in another
single dimensional array. Use the array of areas to calculate the total of all areas and display
every area and the total of all areas. Use the same array to find which valid triangle has the
largest area and display the area.
Program input
Program output
1. Single dimensional array in one row
2. Two dimensional array in a table with 3 columns
3. Areas of every valid triangle
4. Total of all areas
5.  The largest area

Output Example
22 33 12 55 17 88 77 ……………………………..
22 33 12
55 17 88
77 … …
Triangle 1, area = ??
Triangle 2, area = ??
Total of all triangles is = ??? and the area of largest triangle is = ????

6. Must use arrays to save random numbers (see description)
7. Must use array to copy all valid areas
8. Must use a user defined function to generate random number
9. Must use function to calculate area of a valid triangle
10. Must use function to determine if triangle is valid
11. Must pass single dimensional array of areas to a function to calculate the total of all valid
12. Must pass array of areas to a function to find the largest area

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. North Lake College Italy COVID 19 Vaccination Data Analysis PPT & Web Code

so basically go to and there is list of codes its pretty easy so what you have to do is choose the code from there and you have to modify it and make your own . a presentation should be done by. wed night and for code part I will give you extra time and then I have attached how the presentation should look like. and I will give you more idea about the final thing to do but its pretty easy since most codes are found online but make sure you have to do it in your way with. modification. ACM Conference Proceedings “Master” Template – Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor An online LaTeX editor that’s easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more.

, You can pick either Latex or Ms Word template.

Please include the details write of the project including code snapshot and output.

You can google any template for ACM/IEEE


ieee access latex template

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of the Cumberlands Java Sample Presentation

I’m working on a Programming exercise and need support.

1.What is java about? javase tutorial

Explain code in using javase tutorial on getting started

2.Explain what is JAR file about : javase tutorial on jar

Explain the commands and execution of .jar file below :


jar cfm hello.jar Manifest.txt hello.class

java -jar hello.jar

you’ll need : -> class hello {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println(“Hello, World!”);



Manifest.txt -> Main-Class: hello

3.Show how to run .jar file from command prompt after you create the .jar file in Netbeans from

This is the format It should be

  • 7 – 10 slides total (does not include title or summary slide)
  • Try using the 6×6 rule to keep your content concise and clean looking. The 6×6 rule means a maximum of six bullet points per slide and six words per bullet point
  • Keep the colors simple
  • Use charts where applicable
  • Use notes section of slide
  • Include transitions

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Jupyter Notebook Merging and Indexing Question

I’m working on a python test / quiz prep and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Here is a Python question that has to be written in Jupyter Notebook. Please help me with it. Cannot upload ipynb file, so I copy the question in a doc file. Also csv files changed into xlsx files. You can send me back both in ipynb file or doc file, and I can change it by myself.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Numerical Data in R Multiple Choice Question

I have some R code and a data file attached. In the R code, I have a date frame with two columns. One of the columns is a multiple choice question from a survey that had 5 options. The other is a numerical value from a survey that had a Likert scale. I am trying to compare these to determine whether one affects the other. How can I do this?

Here is my R code and I have attached my data file









results_survey_R_ <- read_excel(“results-survey(R).xls”)

df <- results_survey_R_

mydata <- df[,c(“165”, “166”,”167″, “168”,”169″, “170”,”171″, “172”,”173″, “174”,”175″, “176”,”177″, “178”,”179″, “180”,”181″, “182”,”183″)]

mydata.cor = cor(mydata)

mydata.cor = cor(mydata, method = c(“spearman”))

mydata.rcorr = rcorr(as.matrix(mydata))


mydata.coeff = mydata.rcorr$r

mydata.p = mydata.rcorr$P




mydata2 <- df[,c(“165”, “11”,”167″, “14”,”10″)]

mydata3 <- df[,c(“14”, “169”)]


Programming Homework Help