Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Programming Data Analysis Clustering Functionality SciPy in Python Discussion


  • In the Notebooks for this week we looked briefly at SciPy’s data analysis and clustering functionality. Search the documentation at for additional functionality in SciPy, and highlight an example of interest to you. How might you use this functionality at work or on future projects?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. California State University Create a Java Program Computer Programing Task

Populate an array with 100,000 integers from 1 to 1000000 – Do 4 sorts:
1) Arrays Class (Arrays.sort(arrayname)
2) Regular MergeSort from the book
3) Bubble 4 Sort from the Internet
4) Selection Sort from the Internet
Print out the run times – Before doing the sort, get the time, then the time after the sort. figure the elapsed time duration of the sort. Print out each sort name and its performance.
Next populate the array with the first 10,000 elements from 1 to 100,000, the next 10,000 from 100,000 to 200,000 then the next 300,000 to 400,000. This will partition your values in blocks. Now run all the algorithms and see if the new ordering gives an improvement.
Submit your java code running these tests.
1) Start out with smaller number of array elements until code is working.
2) Have different team members work on the Bubble sort, Selection sort and populating the array.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Virginia International University Object Oriented Programming Computer Coding Task

Assignment Objectives

To demonstrate your ability and understanding in the following tasks:

1. To provide class specification and UML class box of a selected custom class

2. To design and implement the selected class.

3. To write a test program to create instances of your class and demonstrate its behavior.

4. To collect output from the test program runs, and comment on it.

5. To conform to Java coding conventions, including documentation style comments.

Your Task

You must create a general design for a class. Design, implement, test and document this class. You will need to make some assumptions and design decisions about the class. Ensure the class documentation makes the purpose and constraints of you class clear. You should strive to write your class so that it is potentially useful in other applications.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Ameritech College of Healthcare Lesson 4 SQL Queries Report


For your Lesson 4 Hands-On, you will be working with your new knowledge on SQL queries. This Hands-On will be graded, so be sure you complete all requirements. Please read through the below setup instructions before starting your project.


This Hands-On is structured into two parts, and each part may ask you to run multiple queries. After each query, please take a screenshot of the MySQL output and add it to a Word document (or an equivalent) and name this file SQL-HandsOn4. This way, you will be able to submit your answers to each part all at once.

Now you are ready to get started! Good luck!

Part 1

Run the following queries:

  1. Create a view named “initialCustomers” that shows the first name, last name, and email address of customers that have an id of less than 100. Once that is complete, select and view your newly created view.

Part 2

Complete the following:

Create a table named “ProductList”. Include the following columns:

  • ProductId
  • ProductName
  • Price
  • DateAdded
  • EmployeeSupportId

Include the following requirements:

  1. Every product should have an automatically generated id number that should be unique for each product.
  2. Give each column a data type that would apply
  3. Give the DateAdded column a default value for the current local time.
  4. All columns CANNOT be null.

Next, insert one product into the table following the given guidelines when the table was created. When inserting the data, don’t include the ProductId or the DateAdded. Finally, run a query to see the single product in your table.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Suffolk University Distribution of visitPurpose Questions

I’m working on a r discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1.Find the average distance traveled by customers based on their eliteStatus rank. Which rank traveled on average the highest distance?

2.Find the average distance traveled by customers based on their visitPurpose. What types of customers based on their purpose of visit traveled on average the highest distance?

3.Combine #1 and #2 in the same function and find out what kind of customer (based on their elite Status rank and visitPurpose) traveled on average the highest distance?

4.What kind of customer (based on their eliteStatus rank and visitPurpose) had total highest number of nightsStayed?

5.What is the relationship between avgWifiSpendPerNight and satWifiPrice based on each eliteStatus rank? Please use visuals to explain the relationship grouped by each eliteStatus rank [in this question, we are trying to understand the relationship between how much a customer on average spend on Wifi and their satisfaction with its pricing]

6.Please use a visual to evaluate the relationship between avgRoomSpendPerNight & avgWifiSpendPerNight & avgFoodSpendPerNight per eliteStatus [in this question, we are trying to understand whether there is any pattern in spending and membership status]

7.Please use the density plot function to evaluate the customers’ avgRoomSpendPerNight based on their eliteStatus. What do you see? Critically evaluate.

8.Create a visual that demonstrates the proportion of visitPurpose in each eliteStatus rank. Please evaluate the output. [in this question we would like to the see the distribution of visitPurpose in each eliteStatus rank.

9.Check the boxplot to see the distribution of avgRoomSpendPerNight per eliteStatus

10.Create a visual that shows the bw plot version of the relationship between avgFoodSpendPerNight and eliteStatus based on each visitPurpose.

11.Create a visual that shows the box plot version of the relationship between avgRoomSpendPerNight and eliteStatus based on each visitPurpose.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Development of the C Program Project

For this homework, you will work on a problem named “who gets the cake”. Let’s start with the introduction of this problem. Imagine that there is a piece of cake and several people want it. They decide who can have it by playing a game: They form a circle and choose an integer k greater than one. They count 1, 2, 3, …, k. The k-th person is eliminated. They keep counting until only one person is left. This person who is left gets the cake.

Please notice that there are different definitions of this problem. Your solution must follow the definition here. More precisely, this is how the method works: There are n people (n is an integer), represented by n elements in an array. The elements are counted as 1, 2, 3, … When the value k is counted, this element is removed in future counting and the next element starts as 1 again. When reaching the end of the array, the counting wrap around to the beginning of the array (skipping the elements that have already been eliminated). Please notice that in C arrays, indexes always start at zero but in this problem counting starts at one. Both n and k have to be greater than one. It is possible that k is greater than n.

Array quick review

Arrays are sequences of data types laid out next to each other in memory. C treats array data types specially, allowing you to access them by indexing from a base expression:

int a[10]; //10 integers next to each other
a[0] = 5; //access the first integer
a[9] = 10; //access the 10th integer

Remember that the first element of an array is at index 0, and the last element of an array is at index size - 1.

Note that if you don’t know the size of the array ahead of time, you can dynamically allocate the array:

int * a = malloc(20 * sizeof(* a)); //allocate an array of 20 integers
a[4] = 20; //access the fifth integer

Do not worry if the syntax of the first line looks mysterious. We will explain it in detail when we discuss pointers and memory allocation. For now, just rely on this making an array of 20 integers!


  • The following is an example when the array has 6 elements (n is 6) and k is 3. The eliminated elements in each round are mared by X. The elements eliminated earlier are marked by Y.

array index012345count12X12Xarray index012345count12YX1Yarray index012345count2XYY1Yarray index012345count2YYYXY

The element of index 0 is left.

  • This is the second example. The array has 4 elements (n is 4) and k is 6. This is an example where k is greater than n.

array index0123count1234array index0123count5X12array index0123count3Y45array index0123countXY12array index0123countYY34array index0123countYY5X

The element of index 2 is left.

  • This is the third example. The array has 25 elements (n is 25) and k is 7.

array index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324count123456X123456X123456X1234array index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324count56X123Y456X12Y3456X1Y2345array index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324count6XY123Y456YX1Y2345Y6YX123array index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324count4YY56XY123YY4Y56X1Y2YY345array index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324count6YYX1YY234YY5Y6XY1Y2YY345array index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324count6YYYXYY123YY4Y5YY6YXYY123array index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324count4YYYYYY56XYY1Y2YY3YYYY456array index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324countXYYYYYY12YYY3Y4YY5YYYY6X1array index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324countYYYYYYY23YYY4Y5YY6YYYYXY1array index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324countYYYYYYY23YYY4Y5YY6YYYYYYXarray index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324countYYYYYYY12YYY3Y4YY5YYYYYYYarray index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324countYYYYYYY6XYYY1Y2YY3YYYYYYYarray index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324countYYYYYYY4YYYY5Y6YYXYYYYYYYarray index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324countYYYYYYY1YYYY2Y3YYYYYYYYYYarray index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324countYYYYYYY4YYYY5Y6YYYYYYYYYYarray index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324countYYYYYYYXYYYY1Y2YYYYYYYYYYarray index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324countYYYYYYYYYYYY3Y4YYYYYYYYYYarray index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324countYYYYYYYYYYYY5Y6YYYYYYYYYYarray index0123456789101112131415161718192021222324countYYYYYYYYYYYYXY6YYYYYYYYYY

The element of index 14 is left.

The table uses X and Y for clarity. Your program should use only X.

What do you need to do?

Write the eliminate function in eliminate.c to print the index of the eliminated elements in order.

In the first example (n=6, k=3), the output is


In the second example (n=4, k=6), the output is


In the third example (n=25, k=7), the output is


The function is called eliminate, not select because select is a C function for communication. If you want to know the definition of the select function, search Linux manual select.

Testing: You are given the expected output for the three examples discussed above. Feel free to create more to test your program.

In the provided Makefile, you will use the diff command to compare between your output and the expected output.

The diff command: diff $YOUR_OUTPUT $EXPECTED_OUTPUT displays the differences between the two files line-by-line. When the two files are identical, diff will be silent.


You will receive zero if your program has error or warning from gcc.

The grading will be based on the test cases run by the teaching staffs. Your score is proportional to the number of test cases that your program passes. Passing means the program returns EXIT_SUCCESS and provides correct outputs that match the expected outputs.

Additional reading

A mathematical question is to determine which element is left without counting 1, 2, … If you are interested in this topic, please read the book Concrete Mathematics by Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, and Oren Patashnik.

Is this a real problem? Is there any real application? Yes. In distributed systems (such as the Internet), sometimes different machines need to agree on something. For example, a group of machines want to find one representative for external communication.


This problem is inspired by the “Josephus problem”. History (based on Wikipedia): Flavius Josephus and 40 soldiers were trapped in a cave by Roman soldiers. They chose suicide over capture, and decided the order is determined by the following method: they form a circle and set an integer k greater than one. Then, the group starts with 1, 2, … The person that counts k is eliminated. The process continues until all are eliminated. The question is where Josephus should stand at the beginning so that he is the last remaining person.


Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Texas at San Antonio Create a Java Program Computer Programming Task

Your program should consist of three files:,, and Once you have completed this program, attach these files with this question.

Refer to the UML class diagram included under the Exams section of the course.

1. Write the Substance interface, which consists of the single abstract method listed in the UML class diagram.

2. Write the Milk class, which implements the Substance interface.

3. The Milk class contains a single field: pH. Initialize this field to 6.5.

4. Implement the behavior for the checkpH method. This method checks if the pH is less than 7, greater than 7, or equal to 7.

a. If the pH is less than 7, return 0.

b. If the pH is equal to 7, return 1.

c. If the pH is greater than 7, return 2.

5. Implement the toString method to return a statement about the ph of milk, such as “The pH of milk is 6.5.” Make sure you are using the field in place of the value 6.5.

6. In the Tester class, construct an object of the Milk class.

7. Display the state of the object by printing this object to the console. This will involve the use of the toString method.

8. Use the checkpH method to indicate if milk is basic, neutral, or acidic.

a. If the value 0 is returned, print the following String: “Milk is basic.”

b. If the value 1 is returned, print the following String: “Milk is neutral.”

c. If the value 2 is returned, print the following String: “Milk is acidic.”

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. COP 3084 Miami Dade College Create a Java Code Computer Coding Task

Challenge 3A – Comparables with Pets


Write a program that
will create an array of Pet objects from a file of veterinary records.
Once the array is fully loaded, sort the array by pet age in ASCENDING
order, and then find and display only the youngest and oldest pet.

Then, re-sort the array again in ASCENDING order by date of last
vaccination (year + month + day) and print the message OwnerName + “,
your pet named ” + PetName + ” was last vaccinated on ” + year+”/” +
month + “/” + day.

The file of Pets will contain the following 10 records:

PetName Species Age Year Month Day OwnerLastName OwnerFirstName OwnerEmail

Rover canine 5 2021 01 17 Charters Maria
Spot canine 3 2021 03 10 Rodriguez Raul
Misty feline 8 2020 02 14 Garcia Manuel
Rambo canine 2 2020 04 25 Rodriguez Jorge
Oreo feline 9 2019 06 5 Morris Garfield

Shiloh canine 10 2021 07 3 Smith John
Cozy feline 6 2018 12 17 Gonzalez Jorge
Lady canine 4 2021 01 8 Joseph Michelle
Misty feline 1 2020 10 3 Hernandez Yvette
Pitipua feline 7 2017 09 15 Green Morris

Programming Homework Help