Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Central Missouri Grade Processing Application Project

I’m working on a c# question and need support to help me learn.

Build a GradeProcessing application which reads in a text file containing student information as shown below (you will add more students and their data to the file, the file name could be

“StudentData.txt”). This is a comma separated file with the field order as: ID,FirstName,LastName,Test1,Test2,Major,UG or GRAD




Your program will have a GUI. From a menu item, you should be able to select the student data file via the “OpenFileDialog”, and be able to read it into a list of Students (List<Student> – List is a generic version of the ArrayList class) and display the data in a DataGridView.

You will provide another menu item that will process the grades for each student in the list and write the following information to file selected from the “SaveFileDialog”.


The grade will be computed as 0.4*test1 + 0.6*test2 for an undergraduate student and 0.5*test1 + 0.5*test2 for a graduate student.

Add a form to the project called “FormAddStudent” so that you can add the data for another student. This form will have five text boxes for the ID, first name, last name, test1, and test 2 fields. There will be a drop down for selecting the major (possible majors are CPSC, CPEG, ELEG and MATH). The major will be an enumeration in the Student class. There will be two radio buttons to select whether the student is UG or GRAD (also an enumeration in the Student class). There will be an “Add Student” button and “Cancel” button in the form. Provide another menu item that displays the FormAddStudent in a modal manner and collects the information about a new student. The new student is to be added to the existing list of students that was read from the text file earlier provided the student ID being added does not already exist in the list.

Provide another menu item to display the student grades (computed earlier and saved in a file) by reading them back from the grades file and showing them in a data grid view.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Franklin High School Python Constructor Methods Question


In this assignment, you will be implementing classes to represent shapes. Each shape will have three required methods:

  • __init__: This constructor method should take in the dimensions as specified. Derived classes should use their parent classes’ __init__ wherever possible.
  • get_area: This method should return the area of the shape. This will not work for all shapes (Shape).
  • get_perimeter: This method should return the perimeter (or circumference). This will not work for all shapes (Shape, Ellipse).
  • get_id: This method should just return the string identifier

They will also require attributes, such as the dimensions passed in. Every shape must also have a private attribute identifier which is just the string name assigned to the shape. For example, given:

x = Shape("shape1A")

The private identifier attribute should contain “shape1A”. This should be retrievable with the get_id method you implement.

You will have to implement the following classes:

  • Shape (this will be the base class)
    • The __init__ method should take in just the identifier and store it. No dimensions are required.
    • Both the get_area and get_perimeter methods should display (print) messages saying that the area or perimeter cannot be calculated and then return None.
    • The get_id method should just return the identifier. Because every other class will be derived from Shape as a child or grandchild, this method will be available to them as well without reimplementation.
  • Ellipse (derived from the Shape class)
    • The __init__ method should take in an identifier, the major axis radius, and the minor axis radius, call the parent class’s (hint: super()) constructor to store the identifier, then store the dimensions (major and minor axis radii) as data variables.
    • There is no good way to get a perimeter of an ellipse, so the get_perimeter method should display (print) a message saying that the perimeter cannot be calculated.
    • The get_area method is implementable. Look online for resources.
  • Circle (derived from Ellipse class)
    • The __init__ method should take in an identifier and radius, then call the parent class’s constructor to store the identifier and to store the input argument radius as both the major and minor axis radii of the parent class Ellipse.
    • The get_area method does not need to be implemented in this classsince the parent class Ellipse already has an implementation.
    • You will need to implement the get_perimeter method, since there does exist a simple formula to find the perimeter, or circumference, of a circle.
  • Rectangle (derived from the Shape class)
    • The __init__ method should take in an identifier, the width, and the length, call the parent class’s (hint: super()) constructor to store the identifier, then store the dimensions (the width and length) as data variables.
    • You will need to implement both get_area and get_perimeter.
  • Square (derived from the Rectangle class)
    • The __init__ method should take an identifier and the side length, calle the parent class’s constructor to store the identifier and to store the input argument length as both the width and length of the parent class Rectangle constructor.
    • You should not need to implement either get_area or get_perimeter in this class, since the parent class Rectangle should cover these methods.


  1. Your program must implement the classes and all methods listed above. Your implemented class and methods must have the same name as the descriptions above, or you will lose points.
  2. Any data attributes you use must be private.
  3. You must include a header with a description of your code and citations of any sources you used to complete this assignment.
  4. You must comment your code adequately.
  5. You will get extra credit if you implement a main() function containing test code. You must use the if __name__ == “__main__” clause to call the main function (this is shown in the skeleton code for Assignments 3.2 and 3.3, if you need it).

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. California University of Management and Sciences Text Analytics Exercise

  1. Create a chart showing the words with the greatest contribution to positive or negative sentiment in the AP articles. Show all the code from the necessary packages untll you can produce the chart. Comment your code line by line.
  2. Create charts showing the terms with the highest tf-idf from each of four selected inaugural addresses. Eliminate the ? term. Show all the code from the necessary packages untll you can produce the chart. Comment your code line by line.
  3. Create charts showing over time how the frequency of the terms god, america, foreign, immigrant, union, constitution, and freedom have changed over time. Each term should be in it’s own chart. Include a smoothed regression line with a confidence interval. Label your axes. Label the chart with the word in question. Comment your code line by line. (Note the lower case initial letters of proper nouns. Does this make a difference in your analysis?)

Please add your commentary, in your own words, on what the graphs are showing. Related materials and code for references can be found here: Chapter 5

I need the rmd file so that I can execute the code on my mac and pdf of the output you executed. Always repeat the question you are answering. Thank you!

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. California University of Management and Sciences R Programming NLP Text Mining

  1. Create bar charts showing the most common words that appear in The War of the Worlds with these four words (affect, denounce, perish, soil) Show charts and your code with line by line comments.
  2. Create a network graph of words that show a .10 correlation of appearing together in the same section of The War of the Worlds. Comment your code line by line.

Please add your commentary, in your own words, on what the graphs are showing. Related materials and code for references can be found here:

I need the rmd file so that I can execute the code on my mac and pdf of the output you executed. Always repeat the question you are answering. Thank you!

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Syracuse University R Programming and Visualization Questions


Select any example of a visualization or infographic, maybe your own work or that of others. The task is to undertake a deep, detailed ‘forensic’ like assessment of the design choices made across each of the five layers of the chosen visualization’s anatomy. In each case your assessment is only concerned with one design layer at a time.

For this task, take a close look at the annotation choices:

Start by identifying all the annotation features deployed, listing them under the headers of either project or chart annotation

How suitable are the choices and deployment of these annotation features? If they are not, what do you think they should have been?

  1. Go through the set of ‘Influencing factors’ from the latter section of the book’s chapter to help shape your assessment and to possibly inform how you might tackle this design layer differently
  2. Also, considering the range of potential annotation features, what would you do differently or additionally?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. OU Storyboard Wireframe in Xcode

Now that your individual app idea has been approved and somewhat planned, you will start to visualize the UI and UX of the app. In your canvas you should have articulated which models, views and controllers may be utilized. For this milestone, you must visualize your individual app through a sample storyboard wireframe in Xcode. This should show the utilization of 2 – 5 features as well as so the proper control flows going between screens. The image below illustrates an example of what is be requested.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Shippensburg University Ethical Issue Patient Confidentiality Discussion

The scenario you will read is not uncommon and it underscores the dilemma faced in the workplace when emotions and values collide with confidentiality protocols established in the workplace. 

You are hired by TGH to produce adhoc reports.  This requires matching an existing file of patient visits with patient master records.  In reviewing the data, a name stands out on the report and you quickly realize it is someone you know — your best  friend’s father.  The son and father relationship has been strained and neither has spoken to each other in almost a year.     Your friend has no clue his father is dying and now you have the report in your hands that confirms this  grim reality.   What do you do?

You know the consequences of violating the company’s patient confidentiality policy but this is your best friend’s father! Should you tell your friend?  Should you ignore it?   When does your loyalty to your friend take precedence over your employer’s strict patient confidentiality policy?  How would you handle the conflict? 

Programming Homework Help