Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. JMU Pseudocode to Java Programming Code


2 PROMPT nonRecyclableAmount

3 READ nonRecyclableAmount

4 IF nonRecyclableAmount < 0 ) THEN



7UNTIL (nonRecyclableAmount > 0)


9 PROMPT recyclableAmount

10 READ recyclableAmount

11 IF recyclableAmount < 0 ) THEN



14UNTIL (recyclableAmount < 0 )


16DO 1 TO 4

17 PROMPT classStanding

18 READ classStanding

19 SET noOfStudentsEnrolled = -1


21 PROMPT noOfStudentsEnrolled

22 READ noOfStudentsEnrolled

23 IF noOfStudentsEnrolled < 0 THEN



26 UNTIL (noOfStudentsRolled > 0 )


28 SET classNonRecyclableAmount = nonRecyclableAmount * noOfStudentsEnrolled

29 SET classRecyclableAmount = recyclableAmount * noOfStudentsEnrolled


31 SET totalNoOfSTudents += noOfStudentsEnrolled

32 PRINT classSummary


34SET averageNonRecyclableAmount = totalNonRecyclableAmount / 4

35SET averageRecyclableAmount = totalRecyclableAmount / 4

have to convert this to java file. i already did the pseudo. ill provide the full prompt if you cant read it. my teacher gave me 100% with the pseudo, i just cant figure out the code to work

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. SNHU Embedding Multimedia and Aesthetics Webpage

Overview: Multimedia elements, including images, audio, and video, are a great way to add engaging visual content to a website. These elements allow you to bring in a wide variety of content that will energize and excite your audience. In this activity, you will add multimedia elements to your webpage to create visual interest and engagement for the user. These elements will include images, audio, and video.

Prompt: For the purposes of this exercise, you will be provided with simple HTML and CSS templates to start, and you will expand upon these templates in order to meet the objectives of the assignment.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Integrate images into the website.

II. Integrate audio/sound files into the website.

III. Integrate video files into the website.

IV. Utilize CSS3 to manipulate elements on a webpage. a) Use CSS3 to display an object with a drop shadow. b) Use CSS3 to rotate an object on the page. c) Use CSS3 to apply a background image to the webpage.

Guidelines for Submission: You must submit the zipped folder you created as a result of this activity, including all of your files for your webpage.

Site Aesthetics

Overview: The final project for this course is the creation of a website. Throughout this course, there will be key milestone activities for you to take advantage of so that have adequate time to research, analyze, and put together your website. These milestones are designed to build upon each other so that you can get started on key aspects of your final project and receive valuable feedback from your instructor for improving upon your work as you construct your website. Remember to always review your Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document for how you will be scored on your final draft submission. Note: You may complete this assignment in a separate Word document. If you choose to do so, be sure to number your responses to match the questions provided in the worksheet.

1. GENERAL PAGE TEMPLATE DESIGN Briefly describe the general design approach you have planned for your site’s home page template, as well as any likenesses or differences for your supporting site pages. A general description of overall page template arrangement, with general design element placements, will suffice. (6–8 sentences)

2. CHOICE OF COLOR PALETTE What colors have you chosen for your uncle’s website, and why did you make those choices? Have you chosen a primary color and one or more secondary “highlight” colors? Or have you kept your color choices simpler and more limited? (4–6 sentences)

3. TYPOGRAPHY CHOICES Briefly describe the typefaces you have opted to use for your final website project, and why. While this can be a complex set of choices for a large site, you should probably keep your choices here simple—say, a sans-serif font for display (headline) type, and a serif font for body type. (4–6 sentences)

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. DU Program Design & Abstraction Static Methods & Arrays Programming Practice

Implement each of the following functions and write a basic main() function that tests each.





public class ArrayPractice {

/* sets every item in the array A references to initialValue */

public static void initialize(int A[], int initialValue) {




* returns the average of the items in the array A references. Be careful: the array contains int

* but the method returns double. What do we do to handle this?


public static double average(int A[]) {

return 0.0;


/* returns the number of times that x appears in the array A references */

public static int numOccurrences(int A[], int x) {

return 0;



* returns the index of the first occurrence of x in the array A references or -1 if x doesn’t

* exist in the array


public static int find(int A[], int x) {

return -1;



* Returns the index of the first occurrence of item within the first n elements of the array A[]

* references or -1 if item is not among the first n elements of the array


public static int findN(int A[], int item, int n) {

return -1;



* returns the index of the last occurrence of x in the array A references or -1 if x doesn’t

* exist in the array


public static int findLast(int A[], int x) {

return -1;


/* returns the largest item found in the array A references */

public static int largest(int A[]) {

return 0;


/* returns the index of the largest item found in the array A references */

public static int indexOfLargest(int A[]) {

return 0;



* returns the index of the largest odd number in the array A references or -1 if the array

* contains no odd numbers


public static int indexOfLargestOdd(int A[]) {

return -1;



* returns a new array consisting of all of the elements of A[]


public static int[] copy(int A[]) {

return null;



* Returns a reference to a new array consisting of all of the first n elements of A[]. If

* n>A.length, returns a reference to a new array of size n, with the first A.length elements

* exactly the same as A, and the remaining n-A.length elements set to 0. If n<=0, returns null.


public static int[] copyN(int A[], int n) {

return null;



* returns a reference to an array consisting of all of the elements of the array A references

* that are odd. If there are no odd integers in the array, the function returns null.


public static int[] copyOdds(int[] A) {

return null;


/* removes and returns the item at index x shifting all elements at */

/* indices > x one position to the left and filling in a 0 at the */

/* right-most position in the array. */

/* if x is an invalid index, returns -1. */

/* For example, if before we call function with x = 2, */

/* the the array is: */

/* after the function finishes, the array is: */

/* and the function returns 30 */

public static int remove(int[] A, int x) {

return -1;


/* shifts all elements of the array A references one position to the left, */

/* removing the first element and filling in 0 from the right hand side. */

/* For example, if before we call the function the the array is: */

/* after the function finishes, the array is: */

public static void shiftLeft(int[] A) {




* returns true if A is in sorted ascending order and false otherwise


public static boolean isSortedAscending(int[] A) {

return false;


/* Returns the number of items in the array that A references starting at index x that are in */

/* ascending sorted order. */

/* For example, if the array is: */

/* and x is 0, the function return 2, because 10 and 11 are in sorted order. */

/* If x is 5, the function returns 4, because 6, 18, 37, and 40 are in sorted order. */


* If x is 2, the function returns 1.



public static int sortedAscendingRun(int[] A, int x) {

return -1;



* returns a new array consisting of all of the elements of A[] followed by all of the elements of

* B[]. For example, if A[] is: {10,20,30} and B[] is: {5, 9, 38}, the method returns the array :

* {10,20,30,5,9,38}


public static int[] copyAll(int A[], int B[]) {

return null;



* reverses the order of the elements in A[]. For example, if A[] is: {10,20,30,40,50}, after the

* method, A[] would be {50,40,30,20,10}


public static void reverse(int A[]) {




* Extra credit:


* Returns a new array consisting of all of the elements of A, but with no duplicates. For

* example, if A[] is {10,20,5,32,5,10,9,32,8}, the method returns the array {10,20,5,32,9,8}


public static int[] uniques(int A[]) {

return null;



Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. TCC Displays the Total Cost of His Order Program

Chapter 3 Pg 72 Exercise 4

Aaron Lakely is going to the grocery store to buy some bananas and apples,

both of which are sold by the pound. He wants a program that calculates and

displays the total cost of his order, including a 3% sales tax. First, create

an IPO chart for this problem, and then desk-check the algorithm twice. For

the first desk-check, use 2 and 3.5 as the number of pounds of bananas and

apples, respectively. And use $0.99 and $1.89 as the price per pound of

bananas and apples, respectively. For the second desk-check, use your own set

of data. After desk-checking the algorithm, list the input, processing, and

output items in a chart similar to the one shown in Figure 3-25, and then

enter the appropriate C++ declaration statements

.Chapter 3 Pg 72 Exercise 6

Builders Inc. wants a program that allows its salesclerks to enter the

diameter of a circle and the price of railing material per foot. The program

should calculate and display the total price of the railing material. Use

3.1416 as the value of pi. First, create an IPO chart for this problem, and

then desk-check the algorithm twice. For the first desk-check, use 35 feet as

the diameter and $2 as the price per foot. For the second desk-check, use 15.5

and $3.50. After desk-checking the algorithm, list the input, processing, and

output items in a chart similar to the one shown in Figure 3-25, and then

enter the appropriate C++ declaration statements.

Chapter 4 Pg 107 Exercise 11

Jacob Weinstein wants a program that displays his savings account balance at

the end of the month, given the beginning balance, total deposits, and total


a. Using the chart shown earlier in Figure 4-12 as a guide, enter the input,

processing, and output items, as well as the algorithm, in the first column.

b. Desk-check the algorithm twice. For the first desk-check, use 2545.75,

409.43, and 210.65 as the beginning balance, total deposits, and total

withdrawals. For the second desk-check, use 1125.33, 23, and 800.94.

c. Enter the C++ instructions in the second column of the chart, and then

desk-check the program using the same data used to desk-check the algorithm.

d. If necessary, create a new project named Introductory11 Project, and save

it in the Cpp8Chap04 folder. Enter your C++ instructions into a source file

named Introductory11.cpp. Also enter appropriate comments and any additional

instructions required by the compiler. Test the program using the same data

used to desk-check the program.

Chapter 4 Pg 108 Exercise 14

Silvia’s Pizzeria sells four different sizes of pizzas: small, medium, large,

and family. The manager of the pizzeria wants a program that displays the

total number of pizzas sold, as well as the percentage of the total number

contributed by each different size.

a. Using the chart shown earlier in Figure 4-12 as a guide, enter the input,

processing, and output items, as well as the algorithm, in the first column.

b. Desk-check the algorithm twice. For the first desk-check, use 25, 50, 50,

and 75 as the numbers of small, medium, large, and family pizzas. For the

second desk-check, use 30, 25, 85, and 73. Record the percentages with one

decimal place.

c. Enter the C++ instructions in the second column of the chart, and then

desk-check the program using the same data used to desk-check the algorithm.

d. If necessary, create a new project named Intermediate14 Project, and save

it in the Cpp8Chap04 folder. Enter your C++ instructions into a source file

named Intermediate14.cpp. Also enter appropriate comments and any additional

instructions required by the compiler. Test the program using the same data

used to desk-check the program

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Colorado State University Mod 4 Moving from Passwords to Authenticators Discussion

I’m working on a programming question and need guidance to help me learn.

  • State your paper topic.
  • Provide four scholarly articles that you might consider using for your final Portfolio Project. Give a short reason why each would be pertinent to your project. This is not expected to be a final list. The goal here is to motivate you to begin examining research that 

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Colorado State University Module 4 Password Security Questions

Let us evaluate the strength of one of your current passwords. Just because an attacker steals your password database does not mean he or she automatically knows your password. He or she still must crack it. Creating a strong password can make it impractical for an attacker to crack your password.

There are several online tools that help users learn more about strong passwords. These tools can help you understand the differences between strong and weak passwords.


  1. Go to How Secure Is My Password (Links to an external site.).
  2. Enter one of the passwords you use on a regular basis with a minor change.
  3. Take a screenshot.
  4. Take note of the problems with your password (e.g., a number sequence and a dictionary word).
  5. Try entering a password you might actually use that you think is strong.
  6. Take a screenshot of the results.

Submit your screenshots and answer the following questions:

  • Why do special characters (e.g., @, #, $, %, ^, , or *) make passwords difficult to crack?
  • Why does a change of case help make a stronger password?
  • How did you choose the password you currently have?
  • Could others follow the same logic and choose a similar password?
  • Do you use the same password for multiple accounts? Why would this be a security risk?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSU MOD 4 Cyber Espionage with Advancing Technology Discussion

I’m working on a programming question and need guidance to help me learn.

Cyber espionage is an increasingly common practice among nations.

  • Why would a nation engage in cyber espionage?
  • What are the costs and benefits of a nation engaging in cyber espionage?
  • Should governments provide support to businesses to prevent cyber espionage? If yes, how? If not, why not?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. William Rainey Harper College Create a Basic Website Project

Here is the layout

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang=”en”>


<!–The head section contains informational items about your page

but not content that actually appear on the page within your browser.

This section should contain any meta tags, a title tag, and any link elements

to link your CSS files. It should NOT contain any h1-h6 heading tags, paragraph tags,

sectioning elements like header, nav, main, or footer, etc. –>



<!–The body section contains your content.

While not required, sectioning elements including header, nav, main, and footer are used in this course

to help with CSS styling and must go within the body section. Your opening body tag will appear directly

after your closing head tag. The closing body tag will appear after your closing footer tag, before the

closing html tag. –>


<!–Your header image and/or text goes here–>



<!–Your navigation goes here –>



<!–Your main content goes here –>



<!–Your footer goes here–>




Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Judson University Small R Code to Impute Missing Cell Using Mice Library Exercise

Do small code to impute missing cells in the csv file attached , first read and use mice library to impute the results should close to ( 1,35,80) please explain the code and also what method should be used , I used this code but I am not getting good imputation results: —


data <- read.csv(“C:/Users/…..8rows.csv”)


imp<-mice(data,maxit=3,method =’pmm’,m=10,threshold=2)

imp_data<-complete(imp,5 )

—————————– can I use pmm method or a different method , i want to use stochastic regression. please change the file to csv to be read

Programming Homework Help