Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. MCCKC Biology Sierra Mixe Question


I don’t know how to handle this Biology question and need guidance.

We continue to learn more about this unit’s topics through ongoing scientific investigations! This article describes some active science regarding a topic from this unit. Read the article and answer these questions:

  1. The Sierra Mixe variety of corn takes more than twice as long to mature as varieties used in the U.S., but there is a major advantage. What is it?
  2. How does the Sierra Mixe corn gain extra nitrogen? How much of the corn’s nitrogen needs are met by this method?
  3. If it is possible to introduce this trait into other varieties of corn, what are the three benefits mentioned in the article?
  4. Without synthetic nitrogen manufactured for fertilizers, how much more land would we have to use for farming to feed the current world population?
  5. Nitrogen runoff into waterways leads to algal blooms. Why is this a problem?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Los Angeles Valley College The Trips Observation Geology Essay


I will upload the photos and it’s supposed to be a field trip to San Andreas where there was eight different stops. He wants you to organize the essay of what’s important on the trip and not all 8 stops but to have a theme of the essay

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIO 101 Daemen College Breast Cancer and Energy in Living Systems Discussions


In your assigned readings, you learned how cells utilize energy. Discuss the importance of electrons in the transfer of energy in living systems. Be sure to use a specific example in your discussion.

Be sure to use in text citation and provide references for your sources. While not required for this discussion, you may use outside resources. When citing articles or other types of document, follow standard guidelines as introduced on this [page] ( “Citing references in scientific research papers”).

After posting your discussion on the forum, briefly comment in a constructive manner to at least two of your peer’s postings. In your comments, you may for instance refer to how your own experience supports/contradicts the opinions developed by your peers. You may also ask for more detailed examples supporting these opinions, if you think they are too general or not rooted enough in personal experience. In particular, make sure that the examples provided are properly referenced and that you are able to access them. Overall, your comments should contribute positively to the conversation by broadening or clarifying it.

2/. You need to fill out the word document named enzymes lab


In your assigned readings, you learned how cells divide in order to replace damaged and dead cells. Normally, division is regulated resulting in healthy functional tissue. Cancer occurs when normal regulation of cell division is lost and becomes uncontrolled. Uncontrolled division results in massive reproduction of abnormal cells. Cancer is the result of unchecked cell division caused by a breakdown of the mechanisms that regulate the cell cycle. The loss of control begins with a change in the DNA sequence of a gene that codes for one of the regulatory molecules. Faulty instructions lead to a protein that does not function as it should. Any disruption of the monitoring system can allow other mistakes to be passed on to the daughter cells. Each successive cell division will give rise to daughter cells with even more accumulated damage. Eventually, all checkpoints become nonfunctional, and rapidly reproducing cells crowd out normal cells, resulting in a tumor or leukemia (blood cancer).

For this discussion, you will select a specific cancer. What cell type is affected? Describe the defect in cellular reproduction responsible for the cancer. Discuss therapy available for treatment of the disorder. Does the therapy treat the symptoms or the genetic nature of the disease? Explain.

Be sure to use in text citation and provide references for your sources. You will need to use outside sources for this discussion. When citing articles or other types of document, follow standard guidelines as introduced on this [page] ( “Citing references in scientific research papers”).

After posting your discussion on the forum, briefly comment in a constructive manner to at least two of your peer’s postings. In your comments, you may for instance refer to how your own experience supports/contradicts the opinions developed by your peers. You may also ask for more detailed examples supporting these opinions, if you think they are too general or not rooted enough in personal experience. In particular, make sure that the examples provided are properly referenced and that you are able to access them. Overall, your comments should contribute positively to the conversation by broadening or clarifying it.

4/ fill out the mitosis lab document


1/ electrons plays an important role in our has complex functions that shift or reduce to compounds.

Furthermore, the role of electron energy is that energy can be transferred step by step by the transfer and transfer of energy between molecules. In addition, nureoctide derivatives derived from the B vitamins can be easily reduced or oxidized.
In addition, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, commonly known as NAD, is derived from the oxidized form of the molecule, niacin, which is vitamin B3. NAD + is capable of receiving electrons from organic molecules.
NADP contains an extra phosphate machine and plays an important role in assimilation and photosynthesis. In addition, both NAD + and FAD + are heavily used to emit energy from sugars. adenosine triphosphate plays an important role in supplying energy and power to cells. In addition, APT is commonly known as the energy currency. That energy uses compounds as well as currencies to meet any energy demand in the cell. Energy is then released when the APT is removed by the terminal phosphate group. In short, energy needs to be injected into the system to regenerate APT, a necessary element to power living cells.

source: 7.1 Energy in Living Systems – Biology: OpenStax. Biology | OpenStax. (n.d.).

2/ Electrons play a very important role in transferring energy. When an electron is removed from a molecule, it results in a decrease in potential energy. The electron is shifted to a second compound after it has been removed from the first. These 2 compounds are the oxidized compound (first) and the reduced compound (second). The transferal of energy through electrons is important because it allows the atom, where most energy is stored in cells, to use the energy in small increments as opposed to one burst of energy. In order for this transfer to happen, there is a certain class of compounds that have the title of “electron shuttles”. These compounds bind and carry high-energy electrons between compounds. An example of this is NAD?. When it has been oxidized and the electron has been transferred, NAD? becomes NADH. NAD? is the oxidized compound and NADH becomes the reduced compound. NADH has one more hydrogen ion and two more electrons than NAD? does after it was transferred. If too many electrons are transferred, there becomes free energy. If there is excess free energy, living cells aren’t able to store it. This is where ATP comes into the equation. ATP is often referred to as the “energy currency” in the cell. It is described as functioning similarly to a rechargeable battery. Combined with the transfer of electrons and ATP, a cell has all of the energy that it needs to perform its functions.

3/ I chose to research lung cancer further. Lung cancer typically starts in the lungs, but it is possible for cancer in other parts of the body to grow and then infect the lungs. Lung cancers will typically attack the cells lining the bronchi first, as well as the bronchioles/ alveoli.

There are 2 main types of cancers and each one has different parts that it affects as well as different treatments available. The two types are non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). NSCLC has several types of cancer below its “umbrella”. The most common type of lung cancer is adenocarcinoma, which accounts for 30% of cases overall. These are also found in different forms of cancer including breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers. Adenocarcinoma is found in the outer part of the lung and affects the cells that would normally produce substances such as mucus. Squamous cell carcinoma affects the flat cells that are on the inside of our airways. These are usually found near the main airway, the bronchus. SCLC is sometimes referred to as oat cell cancer, because of the way that it makes the cells change.

Therapy for lung cancer differs in accordance with which type is present. Some types of cancer are not as aggressive and would not need as harsh treatment as others. The most common treatments are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, stereotactic body radiotherapy, targeted drug therapy, immunotherapy, palliative care, as well as some clinical trials. The goals of all of these treatments are to wipe out cancer as a whole and not just get rid of its symptoms. It is recommended that you talk with your doctor to figure out the best plan of treatment for you based on your overall health, the type, and the state of your cancer. They will also take your preferences into consideration.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. ES 1110 NEX Atmospheric Pollution Discussion & Modeling Air Quality Patterns Lab



Atmospheric Pollution

Since 1970 there have been considerable improvements in air quality. 

Major pollutants have decreased by as much as 85%. Some politicians say that air quality has improved to the point that we don’t need such strict regulation.

Your own view may differ but offer a reason why someone might say that air quality standards should be loosened.  

Despite these improvements there are still human health impacts. The rates asthma continue to increase, particularly in children. The exact cause is unknown.  One of the challenges of trying to improve air quality even more is the additional costs involved. For example, further reducing emissions from motor vehicles might require additional air pollution control devices making cars more expensive. It could also mean requiring the use of a higher grade of gasoline that would be more expensive to produce. When the price of gas goes above $3/gallon today, people tend to get upset. Would you be willing to pay $10/gallon for gas if that’s what it takes to further reduce emissions?

* Compose a well-developed initial post (400 to 500 words per question) that is comprehensive in answering questions posed on the discussion board.

  • Post at least two replies (400 words minimum) to classmates for each discussion forum


Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Moraine Valley Community College Physics Principles Case Scenario Discussion


Assignment Content


Connect the principles of electricity, magnetism, and light to modern applications of physics.


In a two-page paper, identify the physics principles contained within the following scenario. Explain how these principals connect to electricity, magnetism, or light in modern applications in physics. Finally, consider the different concepts in which James Clerk Maxwell did research, and give an example of one of these concepts in use in your life. For instance, Maxwell’s research led to the development of radio waves. If you listen to a radio, then you are using Maxwell’s research. Provide another example from your own experience, compare, and contrast your scenario to the provided scenario below.


Mandy took a trip to Rome, Italy. Once landed and inside the terminal, she turned her cell phone back on, but it was not charged. She found a charging station with a USB adaptor port. The USB was universal, providing 5 volts in any country you were in, and a small red LED next to her phone’s screen told her the phone was successfully charging. This USB port seemed to have very high amperage, meaning it charged her phone quickly. She was aware, though, that almost all of Italy’s electricity was generated by burning fossil fuels, and thus she was determined after this to use the portable solar charger she had bought rather than wall electricity.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. FAU Transplanted Organs & Personality Change Discussion


I don’t understand this Microbiology question and need help to study.

Do you think that transplanted organs could carry the personality of the donor?

Some heart transplant patients have had experiences that changed their personality that they cannot explain. A known white bigot had a black jazz musician’s heart transplanted. After the operation the patient started to befriend, his previously shunned, black co-workers and found a new love of jazz music.

Investigate whether a transplanted organ can cause a change in personality or not. State your opinion and site your sources pro or con.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. MSI Cardiorespiratory System and Maximal Aerobic Capacity Analysis


Identify the 3 main energy processes/cycles that the human body utilizes to produce ATP from catabolizing 1 molecule of glucose. Describe in great detail the “raw products” that go into each cycle as well as the “end product” tha‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‍‍‍‍‌‌‍‌t comes out of each process. Finally, discuss why it may be better to utilize free fatty acids as a raw source of fuel versus carbohydrates and explain why it is the body’s preference not to use protein as a source of fuel unless it has‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‍‍‍‍‌‌‍‌ to do so.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. CSU Embodiment of Our Genes or The Products of Our Environment Question


question #1 Unit 3

Consider your own genetics (traits received from your parents) and the environment in which you grew up. Which do you think has had a greater impact on your life, “nature” (the genes you have) or “nurture” (the environment in which you grew up)? Contemplate your lifestyle or choices in life. Might either factor have influenced your choices? Why or why not?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

question #2 Unit 4

Whether you “believe” in evolution or not, why is it important to be knowledgeable about Darwin’s theory? How might genetics and evolution apply to our modern society when we consider the differences between people? Should we stratify people based on intelligence or other specific qualities? Have you observed traits in your parents that you do not like and see them in yourself? (You do not have to be specific about personal issues but can write about issues in a general sense.)

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Question #3 Unit 5

Have you ever driven through a rural area and thought, “There is nothing out here”? Does that make you think that there is plenty of land “out there” for everyone? Was the area you were driving through actually fallow, or might it have been used for some purpose, such as growing trees for pulpwood or lumber? Did the rural area reassure you that your family would have enough space to live and grow, or are you still concerned? What kinds of things can one do to conserve the land?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Question #4 Unit 6

It is illegal in the United States to pay for a transplant organ, and doctors cannot perform the operation unless the patient is at the top of the official list. However, some wealthy people in need of a kidney transplant go overseas to other countries where the laws do not address the issue. Suppose a wealthy person finds a poor person willing to sell his or her kidney and purchases the kidney. If you or a loved one needed an organ and could afford to go overseas, would you do this? Why, or why not? What do you think would be the impact of this transaction on the donor?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Question #5 Unit 7

Some people like to read books, while others like to watch or play sports. Clearly, everyone prefers some activities over others. Why do you think this is? Consider choices you make concerning your own entertainment. Why do you like to do the things you do? Why does it feel good to you to do them while they might not appeal as much to someone else? Do genetics play a part in your decisions?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Question #6 Unit 8

As you finish this course, look back and consider what you have learned. How will you use this knowledge in your professional or personal life going forward? Give at least two examples. Be specific and provide details in your response.

Science Homework Help