Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Zayed University Biology Exam Practice


  • Lesson 3: Domains & kingdoms
  • Lesson 1: Bacteria
  • Lesson 2: Viruses & Prions
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Protists
  • Lesson 2: Protists Diversity
  • Lesson 3: Introduction to Fungi
  • Lesson 4: Fungus Diversity & Ecology
  • Lesson 1: Plant Evolution & Diversity

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Southern Union State Community College Specific Heat of Metal Lab Report


1) Print Blank Report or type the blank report exactly the same” used as a lab report. Watch the video to get your data for the blank data report!

All the directions below have been done for you in the Specific Heat of a Metal “Video”. Watch the video as you read the directions. All of your data will come from the video.

2) Record the room temperature. The water in the faucet has been setting in this room for some time and is at room temperature.

3) Drag the styrofoam cup over to the balance and note its mass. Move the cup to the sink and fill it about 2/3 full of water. Return the cup to the balance and note its mass. You will need at least 100 grams of water.(don’t forget to subtract the mass of the cup) Record this mass of water. Don’t fill the cup too much since you must leave room for the metal cube later on.

4) Drag the cube of metal to the balance and record its mass.

5) Drag the beaker over to the sink and fill 2/3 full with water. Drop the metal cube into the beaker and then drop in the thermometer. Place the beaker on the hot plate, turn on the hot plate and slide the control lever to the right. You are now heating up the water and metal cube to a high level.

6) When the temperature of the water stops rising, record this value as the initial temperature of the metal. This hot plate does not have quite enough power to make water boil!

7) Take the thermometer from the hot beaker and place it on the table. The table will transfer the heat from the thermometer quickly and return it to room temperature. Transfer the metal cube from the hot water to the cup. Place the thermometer on the cup. Note that the temperature of the water heats up as energy is transferred from the metal cube.

8) When the temperature stops climbing, record this value as the final temperature of metal and water. NOTE: the thermometer and container itself have their own specific heat and would slightly effectour outcome. Styrofoam is an excellent insulator and would have little effect and the mass of the thermometer exposed to the water is small, thus we will ignore their presence.

9) Calculate the requested values asked for on the lab sheet.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Usf Geology Social Geology Essays Questions


the assignment has six (6) essay questions, all of which are thought questions inspired by lecture topics covered so far. PICK ANY FIVE (5).

1- Is intelligent design scientific? Why or why not?

2- Darwin was working in the 1800s, well before modern science tools that would be invented and allow the detection of DNA (which Darwin had no idea about) and exact processes of mutation.

Complete Darwin’s synthesis by adding in this new information about genetics and mutation. Where do you put it in the synthesis? What do you say about it? Is it a new bullet point or does it modify one of the existing ones from the synthesis?

3- Consider a hypothetical world that is exactly like ours but also includes a single species of rainbow-colored unicorns found in a single valley in California. By 500,000 years in the future, that species will have evolved into two species that both live in the same valley but remain distinct and separate species.

  1. Describe an imaginary scenario (that you come up with) to explain the speciation mechanism (we’ve reviewed three possibilities – pick one) that caused the second species to evolve.
  2. Describe a scenario to explain the mechanism by which these species remain distinct and separate despite living in the same valley (we’ve reviewed seven possible mechanisms).

4-The Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus vaccines are a new type of mRNA vaccine. Most vaccines are injections of dead or weakened viruses, and your body responds by learning how to develop antibodies (proteins) that can travel through the blood and hunt down actual much more dangerous viral infections.

An mRNA vaccine is an injection like other vaccines but differs in that instead of being an injection of viral antibodies, this new one would be injection of mRNA code for these antibodies. The benefit of an mRNA vaccine is that no dead or weakened viruses need to be injected into the body.

Describe how this vaccine will work in the human body using the following wordbank from lecture: DNA, nucleus, transcription, mRNA, amino acid, translation, protein. Note: Not all of these terms are directly involved in how this vaccine will function. Be specific in stating which are involved and why others are not, where appropriate.

5- CRISPR-Cas9 is an adaptation of the bacterial immune system that probably evolved from one of the types of mutations we’ve reviewed (point mutation, gene duplication, chromosome duplication, genome duplication, transposon, horizontal gene transfer).

Of these, one of these is most similar in effect to how CRISPR functions and probably an “ancestor” to CRISPR. Identify this mutation type and describe the similarity.

6- What are isotopes, and how are these used to determine ages of rocks?

IMPORTANT these links got the class lectures that is needed to be used for the essays (nothing from google)…

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. UCLA IVF From a Cultural and Ethical Perspective Question


Compose a focused paper that explains and describes IVF from a cultural and ethical perspective of inquiry. (You will cover two perspectives in one paper.)

  • Your paper must be five pages in length and reference four to six scholarly, peer-reviewed resources. Be sure to follow current APA Style (e.g., spacing, font, headers, titles, abstracts, page numbering).
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF) involves a complex series of processes and procedures conducted to help address infertility among women. This procedure is critical in preventing the spread of genetic problems and assists women to conceive. When performing IVF, mature ova are collected from the ovaries of a target woman and then fertilized in the laboratory using the available sperms. After this procedure, the embryo (fertilized egg) is transferred to a woman in the uterus. A single complete IVF cycle takes approximately three weeks. However, the process is sometimes split into various parts, making it take longer. IVF is currently considered to be the best and most effective method of addressing the issue of infertility among women using reproductive technology. However, the chances of getting a healthy child are determined by several aspects, such as the cause of infertility and the recipient’s age. Three articles have been summarized based on IVF.According to Mohamed et al. (2017), there has been a great debate regarding whether IVF is fit in society, especially in the African continent. Due to the debate on whether the practice is fit or not, the researchers decided to conduct a study to address dysovulation that contributes to infertility. The study involved 47 patients from Sub-Saharan Africa who were infertile due to dysovulation (Mohamed et al., 2017). Before IVF was conducted, the infertility of the participants was determined using hormonal check-ups while being monitored with a follicular monitoring ultrasound, and after conducting the therapy, the women conceived successfully regardless of their infertility. After Mangalore (2017) conducted a study regarding issues associated with stem cells, he found that there are several political and ethical controversies related to the practice. Some people indicated that human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are critical since they address infertility in society, while others claimed that several embryos are destroyed during the practice, which is ethically wrong (Mangalore, 2017). The aspect that influenced the emergence of a debate is the question regarding when human life starts. Those who indicated that human life starts at conception claimed that embryos are humans and therefore they should never be disturbed through transfer when growing.After Sharma et al. (2020) conducted a study on mitochondrial disorders, they found that mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT) is among the best methods of terminating the disease (Sharma et al., 2020). Mitochondrial disorders are among the most serious disorders in society, while MRT is considered to be the current form of reproductive IVF that works by replacing the abnormal mitochondrial DNA from an affected woman. During the practice, polar body, pronuclear, or spindles are transferred from a healthy woman to the affected one, enabling her to have healthy mitochondria, thus reproducing children who are free from mitochondrial disorders. Though this practice contributes to a healthy society, moral issues have emerged that the reproductive system should not be altered.There are several aspects that make the articles credible. One of them is that the articles are peer-reviewed. The second aspect is that the articles were published in the past five years. Moreover, all the articles meet the purpose being addressed, which involves the ethical issues associated with IVF. Therefore, the articles can be used to address any issue associated with reproductive problems and hereditary disorders.IVF is among the current technologies associated with reproduction. There are several issues associated with the practices, whereby some people support the practice while others do not. However, the method has been successfully proved to address infertility and prevent the passing of hereditary disorders from one generation to the other.

    References; Find a few more sources

  • Mangalore, O. (2017). Ethical Issues in the Stem Cells Research-An Updated Review. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Inventions 4(2): 2662-2669. 10.18535/ijmsci/v4i2.05
  • Mohamed, F., Jean-Marc, D., Stephane, A., Minata, F., Edele, A., Abdoul, K., … & Mamourou, K. (2017). Therapeutic Approach out of IVF of Ovulation Disorders in Sub-Saharian African. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7(11), 1116-1123. 10.4236/ojog.2017.711112.
  • Sharma, H., Singh, D., Mahant, A., Sohal, S. K., & Kesavan, A. K. (2020). Development of mitochondrial replacement therapy: A review. Heliyon, 6(9), e04643.

Form and answer two levels of research questions for each inquiry to address IVF.

  • Choose a “Level 1 Research Question/Writing Prompt” from both of the lists below to answer in the paper.
  • Compose a “Level 2 Research Question/Writing Prompt” for each kind of inquiry that provides detail, specificity, and focus to your inquiry, research, and writing.
  • State your research questions in your paper’s introduction.
  • Form the body of your paper by answering each research question and support your assertions with evidence (research).
  • In the conclusion of the paper, briefly review the issues, research questions, answers, and insights.

Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
ETHICAL Perspective of Inquiry

  • What laws govern or pertain to the issue?
  • What ethical obstacles affect how the medical community addresses the issue?
  • How do ethical theories apply to the issue?
  • How do money, power, and control matters relate to the issue and its treatment?

Level 2 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
CULTURAL Perspective of Inquiry

  • Which cultural values and/or norms influence the issue?
  • How is the issue addressed differently in varying cultural contexts and situations?
  • Which cultures or societies are most affected by the issue? Why?
  • Which cultural traditions affect the treatment

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. AINY Effects of Political Boundaries Conservation Efforts Discussion


Please good and detailed answers/ I also need 5 replies to my mates .

Prompt 1— (Chapter 11) How might political boundaries affect conservation efforts? Please use specific examples (e.g., the monarch butterfly) to make your arguments. I expect to see at least 2 major ecological effects.

Prompt 2— (Chapter 11) The cane toad (Rhinella marina), which is toxic, is native to Central America, but it has been introduced by humans and now thrives in Florida. What does this suggest about the cause of the toad’s historical geographic range (i.e., explain why we did not see cane toads in Florida before)? How might we use an ecological niche model to predict the future spread of the cane toad?

Prompt 3— (Chapter 12) Define what ‘density dependent effect’ is. What is its relationship with the logistic population growth model? What evidence would you need to determine whether a population experiences negative density dependence or positive density dependence? Please use a hypothetical population to argue your points. (Note: there are 3 subtasks in this prompt.)

Science Homework Help