Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. SIMPATH 440 American Sentinel University Case Management Implementation Plan Paper


Activity 1

Case Management Implementation Plan

Create a plan to implement case management at your workplace. What is your recommended plan for the use of case managers in your organization for patients with your chosen chronic illness? Identify people within your organization who are stakeholders or would support your plan. Whose support do you need to get your plan implemented? Identify your goals – what do you hope to accomplish with your case management plan?

Often, starting with our goals helps – it’s a backwards design. As we think about a case management plan we are proposing for our workplace, what do we want to accomplish? Remember – goals should be measurable. For example, if the chosen chronic disease is diabetes, one goal may be:

  • Clients will have decreased incidences of hyperglycemia requiring hospitalization

Once we determine what we want to accomplish, we can begin to construct our plan to achieve the goal. To achieve this goal, our plan may include providing education in a manner the client can understand (being sensitive to cultural needs), access to phone support, or inputting glucose readings into their electronic health record for documentation the case manager can evaluate and use to reach out to the client.

To put this plan in action, whose support would we need? Primary Care Physicians, Utilization Review personnel, and the Chief Financial Officer would all have an interest in optimizing patient health and reducing costs.

Reading and Resources

Read Ferrier, G. D., & Trivitt, J. S. (2013). Incorporating quality into the measurement of hospital efficiency: A double DEA approach. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 40(3), 337-355.

Search the site for US Department of Health and Human Services “Hospital Compare” and use the interactive database to compare and contrast health plans, hospitals, etc. How might you use this site with patients as a case manager?

Additional Instructions:

  • All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
  • Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
  • Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
  • Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
  • Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

Submission Options:

Choose One:



  • 4 to 6-page paper. Include title and reference pages.

Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

  • 8 to 10 slides. Add title and reference slides.
  • Follow Rules of 7.

Other media (Prezi, etc.) presentation

  • 8 to 10 slides with speaker notes. Add title and reference slides.
  • Follow Rules of 7.

Video Presentation

  • 5 to 8-minute video presentation.
  • Attach reference page or include in video.
  • Professional appearance and background.
  • Video submissions must include a script in Word format, submitted through Turnitin for an Originality Report.


  • Table with appropriate columns and headers.
  • Include title and reference pages.

Graphs or other illustrations

  • Graphs or illustrations with appropriate labels. Include title and reference pages.


  • Poster utilizing any applicable poster template. Include visual graphics/images/other formats for visual appeal. Include appropriate title and references on poster.

Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements.


Collaboration for Improving Outcomes – Case Management Implementation Plan
Description: The baccalaureate graduate nurse will demonstrate teambuilding and
collaborative strategies when working with interprofessional teams to deliver evidence-based,
patient-centered care.
Course Competency: 4) Coordinate the care of individuals across the lifespan utilizing
principles and knowledge of interdisciplinary models of care delivery and case management.
QSEN Competencies: 1) Patient-Centered Care 2) Teamwork and Collaboration 3) EvidenceBased Practice
BSN Essential VI
Area Gold
Mastery not
Constructs an
Explains an
Lists elements of
Does not provide
Gain Buy-in Proposes
approach to gain
buy-in from key
Indicates an
approach to gain
buy-in from key
States an
approach to gain
buy-in from key
Does not discuss
an approach to
gain buy-in from
Key Outcomes Examines key
outcomes of the
Identifies key
outcomes of the
Lists key
outcomes of the
Does not discuss
key outcomes of
the case
APA, Grammar,
Spelling, and
No errors in
APA, Spelling,
and Punctuation.
One to three
errors in APA,
Spelling, and
Four to six
errors in APA,
Spelling, and
Seven or more
errors in APA,
Spelling, and
References Provides two or
more references.
Provides two
Provides one
Provides no

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. TCCD Identifying Different Types of Specimens Under a Microscope Worksheet


I’m working on a microbiology exercise and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Cut and paste images of all specimens into a Word document and add labels and descriptions for each. (Use Google images to find microsope views of each organism. Write a summary and conclusions of your findings.

1. Slide: Rhizopus



Visible characteristics:

2. Slide: Mixed Protozoa



Visible characteristics:

3. Slide: Mixed Bacteria 



Visible characteristics (shapes): 

4. Slide: Elodea 



Visible characteristics:

5. Slide: Human cheek cells 



Visible characteristics (shapes):

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. HHS Saturated & Unsaturated Fats Are Included in American Diets Essay


I’m working on a chemistry discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Saturated and unsaturated fats are included in American diets. Foods containing fatty acids include milk, fish, beef, eggs, cookies, bread, crackers, chips, margarine, fish and vegetable oils, butter, and lard. They may also contain cis and trans unsaturated fats in different proportions. Where do you stand on eating any kind of fat regardless of its level? Why?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BOS 3651 Columbian Southern University Environmental Occupational Safety Questions


Question 1

Think about the concept of acceptable risk. Provide your thoughts on acceptable risk as it applies to the workplace or even your everyday life. What are the ethical ramifications of applying the concept to real-life situations for you?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Question 1 (Part 1)

Discuss what you would consider as the one most significant roadblock companies are likely to face in implementing the ANSI/ASSP Z10.0-2019 and ANSI/ASSP/ISO 45001-2018 standards in a typical manufacturing organization. What steps might the company consider to overcome this roadblock?

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Question 1 (Part 2)

Since risk cannot be reduced to zero, the as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) concept is often applied. How can this concept be used to determine acceptable levels of risk? What might be some pitfalls to applying this concept?

Your response must be at least 75 words in length

Question 1 (Part 3)

Management Leadership and Employee Participation has been said to be the most important section of ANSI/ASSP Z10.0-2019 and ANSI/ASSP/ISO 45001-2018. Why do you think this is the case? Support your discussion with examples from personal experience.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length

Question 1 (Part 4)

Apply the concept of acceptable risk to a hazard prevalent at a place where you work or have worked. If you prefer, you could discuss a job with inherent hazards (e.g. fire fighter, steel erection connector, etc.). Make sure you address the concepts of zero, minimum, and acceptable risk in your discussion.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2

Describe how your organization or an organization you are familiar with manages occupational safety and health. To what extent are executives and facility managers committed to the OSH effort, and to what extent are front-line employees involved? What level of effort is exerted to ensure that hazards are evaluated and controlled? Are there continuous improvement efforts in place?

Question 2 (Part 1)

Compare and contrast the concepts of macro and micro thinking as they relate to safety and health management in the workplace. Which is more in alignment with the safety management systems approach and why?

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Question 2 (Part 2)

Explain the Five Why technique, and describe how this technique can be used in incident investigation to identify potential causes that may tie to deficiencies in processes and management systems rather than mistakes made by workers?

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Question 2 (Part 3)

Appraise the concept of organizational culture and its relationship to successful implementation of safety management systems.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length

Question 2 (Part 4)

In the conclusion to Chapter 8, Manuele states that top-level decisions largely cause potential for human error, and this impact spreads through the entire organization. Please examine this statement with respect to how it aligns with the tenets of the safety management systems approach to produce desired results.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. SIM 440 American Sentinel University Case Management of Hypertension Discussion


Activity 2

Chronic Disease Management

Choose one of the following chronic diseases to address in this component:

  • Hypertension
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Diabetes Mellitus type 2
  • Childhood Asthma

Complete the following:

  • Detail the population including who the members are, contributing causes, past medical history, family/genetic components.
  • Evaluate the population including size, seriousness of disease, special needs, etc.
  • Assess the need for formal case management.
  • Argue the potential benefits to implementing a case management model including economics, quality of life/care, social disruption, etc.
  • Analyze why nursing should be a part of this plan. What can they bring to the table?
  • Identify other team members who should be included on a case management team. Why should they be on this team and what is their role?

Reading and Resources

Chapter 2 pages 44-47 in Fundamentals of Case Management Practice

De Regge, M., Pourcq, K. D., Meijboom, B., Trybou, J., Mortier, E., & Eeckloo, K. (2017). The role of hospitals in bridging the care continuum: A systematic review of coordination of care and follow-up for adults with chronic conditions. BMC Health Services Research, 17

Davis, M. M., Devoe, M., Kansagara, D., Nicolaidis, C., & Englander, H. (2012). “Did I do as best as the system would let me?” healthcare professional views on hospital to home care transitions. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 27(12), 1649-56.

Additional Instructions:

  • All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
  • Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
  • Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
  • Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
  • Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

Submission Options:

Choose One:



  • 4 to 6-page paper. Include title and reference pages.

Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

  • 8 to 10 slides. Add title and reference slides.
  • Follow Rules of 7.

Other media (Prezi, etc.) presentation

  • 8 to 10 slides with speaker notes. Add title and reference slides.
  • Follow Rules of 7.

Video Presentation

  • 5 to 8-minute video presentation.
  • Attach reference page or include in video.
  • Professional appearance and background.
  • Video submissions must include a script in Word format, submitted through Turnitin for an Originality Report.


  • Table with appropriate columns and headers.
  • Include title and reference pages.

Graphs or other illustrations

  • Graphs or illustrations with appropriate labels. Include title and reference pages.


  • Poster utilizing any applicable poster template. Include visual graphics/images/other formats for visual appeal. Include appropriate title and references on poster.

Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements.


Collaboration for Improving Outcomes – Chronic Disease Management
Description: The baccalaureate graduate nurse will collaborate with other members of the
healthcare team to improve patient outcomes.
Course Competencies: 1) Assess the roles of the nurse case manager in the contemporary
health care structure. 2) Develop a holistic case management plan for a specified disease or
population that incorporates the role of insurance, health care finance, and utilization of
community resources.
QSEN Competencies: 1) Patient-Centered Care 2) Teamwork and Collaboration 3) EvidenceBased Practice
BSN Essential III
Area Gold
Mastery not
Population Detail the
Identifies the
List the population Does not address
Evaluate Evaluates the
population (size,
special needs,
Reviews the
population (size,
special needs,
Names the
population (size,
special needs,
Does not address
Assesses Assesses why
there should be a
formal case
Explains why
there should be a
formal case
Lists why there
should be a formal
case management
Does not address
Argues the
potential benefits
to implementing a
systematic case
management plan
quality of
life/care, social
disruption, etc.).
Classifies the
potential benefits
to implementing a
systematic case
management plan
quality of
life/care, social
disruption, etc.).
Lists the potential
benefits to
implementing a
systematic case
management plan
quality of
life/care, social
disruption, etc.)
Does not address
Analyze Analyzes why
nursing should
coordinate this
plan of care.
Discusses why
nursing should
coordinate this
plan of care.
Lists why nursing
should coordinate
this plan of care.
Does not address
Identify Identifies the
other team
members who
should be
included and
Recognizes the
other team
members who
should be
included and why.
Lists the other
team members
who should be
included and why.
Does not address
Spelling, and
No errors in APA,
Spelling, and
One to three
errors in APA,
Spelling, and
Four to six errors
in APA, Spelling,
and Punctuation.
Seven or more
errors in APA,
Spelling, and
References Provides two or
more references.
Provides two
Provides one
Provides no

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Future University in Egypt Formation of Tissues Essay


Your task is to select a scholarly article, which pertains to some aspect of anatomy covered in this module, and write a 1 page abstract with the following guidelines:

  • Abstracts must be single spaced, in 12-point, Times New Roman font.
  • Abstracts must include the following sections: objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • Include a work cited page.
  • View BIO 225 Abstract Example

Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of another as your own without giving credit to the source author. This also includes taking a paper found online and submitting it as one’s own paper and/or cutting and pasting from a website and submitting it as your work product.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Simple Harmonic Motion Experiment


Run the simulation and get the data!!! (Links to an external site.)

Video: Simple Harmonic Lab Lecture (Links to an external site.) As mentioned in the video – I had an issue with my stop watch! It was doubling the time. It has been fixed.

There are 2 parts to the lab, spring oscillation and pendulum oscillation. The g used for the experiment is 9.81 m/s2.

For the pendulum, ordinarily we would have you put different objects at the end of the pendulum and measure their mass. I wrote code that allows you to choose the mass of the object. I think I need to rewrite the code and make the relation between mass and radius non-linear, maybe I will before you see the lab. Anyhow, for 4 different masses, measure the time for 20 oscillations, keeping the length constant – maybe try 80 cm at 2 degrees max.

Then continuing with the pendulum, for a fixed mass, measure the time for 20 oscillations for lengths 20, 40, 60, and 80 cm.

For the spring, record the location of the end of the spring for having 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 g attached to it (technically 0 g is nothing attached). Then measure the time for 20 oscillations for 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 g attached. Don’t forget to record the mass of the spring!

Then lots of calculations await…a you will need 3 graphs with best-fit lines included with your report – T2 vs L for the pendulum, F vs d and T2 vs (mattached+1/3 mspring) for the spring.


Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Millikan “Oil Drop” Experiment


Due within a day and 10 hours

Attached Files:

Miliken_data.xls (30.5 KB)

charge_of_electron.pdf (99.315 KB)

Charge_of_electron_Dry_lab_data.pdf (41.775 KB)

AdditionalData.pdf (183.648 KB)

Please download and look over the attached documents.

Please read over the procedure and use the supplied data to find the charge of the electron using graphical techniques.

Please view the videos before analyzing the data.

Making it look simple

What it really looks like

Full Movie:
The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 12 of 52 “The Millikan Experiment”

Here is the fall time date:

Fall Time (s) Intervals
5.65 1
22.2 5
11.59 2
7.85 1
13.54 2
30 3
35 3
45 4
45 5
35 5

Science Homework Help