Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Invasive Amphibious Fishes Discussion Paper


26Define precocious and altricial in reference to animals and give an example of each.

Why is it important to study the amphibious natural history of invasive amphibious fishes? In answering your question, make sure to tie it back to management of these species.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Wild Behavior of Male Baboons Discussion


21Why do male baboons commit infanticide and feticide when joining a new troop?

2nd question:

multiple choice 20: Which of these is not a requirement of signaling?

Benefits both the sender and receiver

Is perceptible by the sender

Benefits both the sender and receiver

Is perceptible to the receiver

Conveys information about sender’s state or future behavior

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Vertebrate Natural History Discussion


16 multiple choice: Which of these marine habitats are particularly productive habitats/generally have a consistently high abundance of vertebrate life?

Coral reefs

Deep sand


Kelp forest

Abyssopelagic zone

Rock piles

Open ocean

2nd question:

Why do smaller animals generally need to eat more frequently than larger animals? 

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Mixed Hardwood Forest Questions


Pick one Californian plant-animal community/habitat that we’ve discussed. You may pick either a mixed hardwood forest or a coniferous forest scrub. For it, name 3 animals and one plant species and describe how each are adapted to the habitat/biome of that plant-animal community.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Ecological Remediation with Plants Essay


Please see attached. Paper written MUST be truly exceptional. This is for a CANADIAN UNIVERSITY and must be written accordingly. This paper must BE EXCELLENT AND BE WRITTEN AT A HIGH QUALITY, SOMETHING YOU WOULD SEE IN A PRESTIGIOUS PEER-REVIEWED BOTANY JOURNAL. Follow the research proposal/annotated bibliography and review the professor’s comments. Do NOT change the topic, but be mindful of his suggestions. Rubric is attached too.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Physics Question


I need help for a Quantum Mechanics finals on 22/07/2021 at 1400 to 1700 hours Central European Summer Time (GMT +2). The finals will take place on the above time when the questions will be published. I will then send the questions here so we can work through them.

I have uploaded a topic guide and a practice quiz below so that you can gauge the difficulty of the finals. Once accepted I will send any additional information(past homework and past exams).

I am aiming for approximately 70%+ if you can guarantee that grade take the job, otherwise please leave it for someone more able.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. CHEM 236 E1 vs. E2; Substitution vs. Elimination Alcohols Practice Exam


Topic covers: E1 vs. E2; Substitution vs. Elimination Alcohols, ethers, epoxides Nomenclature, properties, Preparation and reactions of alcohols, Dehydration of alcohols; carbocation rearrangements; conversions of alcohols to alkyl halides, Tosylate; reaction of ethers and epoxides; Alkenes preparation and reactions (addition, Markovnikov’s rule), Halogenation of alkenes; halohydrin formation; hydroboration Alkynes: nomenclature, physical properties, Alkyne: preparation and addition reactions, Halogenation, hydration, hydroboration oxidation, reaction of acetylide anions; synthesis oxidation and reduction reactions, Reduction of alkenes and alkynes; reduction of polar C-X bonds; oxidizing agents; epoxidation, Dihydroxylation; oxidative cleavage of alkenes; oxidation of alcohols; Sharpless Epoxidation

Science Homework Help