Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Risk Management and Prevention Through Design Discussion



You should be written at least 500 words. For item 2, your comment/reply to a classmate will be separate, write at least 50 words total to one or more classmates (remember to be thoughtful, positive, and constructive). Use your own words. Cite your sources.

1. Provide a detailed analysis of Chapter 1 from the textbook and PPT presentation included in Unit 1.2 Lecture Materials. Discuss one of the case studies provided in the PPT presentation and describe the consequences for the organization. Include financial and reputation damages.

2. Peer review. Comment on at least one classmate’s post. With professional courtesy, provide additional analysis, constructive criticism, and additional facts and solutions. I want to see a paragraph of 50 words or more.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Los Angeles Valley College Origin of the East African Rift Valleys Analysis Paper


This week we will have a report included in our Discussion. Please follow the instructions below.

1. Reply to Discussion titled “Enter Your Topic”.

2. Follow the directions given in “Instructions for the Geology Lab Report”, a file found in this week’s Module.

3. Click the ‘Reply’ button below and write or tabulate the 10 facts about the oceanic topic you chose.

Please see the example report given below.


1983 Pacific Hurricanes

  1. It was the longest (June 1 – November 30) hurricane season ever recorded at that time (1983 was an El Nino year).
  2. Most of the hurricanes started in the East Pacific between 10N-15N and 90W-110W.
  3. There were 12 hurricanes during this season, eight of them were Category 3, and the maximum wind speed reached was 145 mph.
  4. There were 168 fatalities due to the hurricanes (most were in Mexico).
  5. The total damage was over $303 million (in 1983 USD).
  6. The strong hurricane season in the Pacific made the Atlantic hurricane season unusually weak.
  7. All hurricanes died before reaching the longitude of Hawaii.
  8. One hurricane progressed towards the USA and caused extensive floods.
  9. This season had an unusual hurricane in December.
  10. Sources:, .

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Diseases of The Reproductive System Discussion


I’m working on a microbiology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please discuss the common causes of sexually transmitted diseases in humans.

How do they contribute to infertility?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Broward Community College Diseases of the Digestive System Discussion


I’m working on a microbiology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please discuss the common infectious causes of diarrhea.

Please highlight the infectious diseases of the stomach and the oral cavity.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Viral and Bacterial Streptococcus Pneumonia Discussion


I’m working on a microbiology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please research and contrast the most common type of viral and bacterial pneumonia

Please use charts to classify them by age groups

Science Homework Help