Anthropology homework help

Anthropology homework help. Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Paradise Lost by John Milton report.One recognizes that Satan appeared as a serpent in the Garden of Eden and convinced Adam and Eve to try the forbidden fruit. this instance is referenced in Milton’s text both in the opening lines and in the lines proceeding 34 that refer to the nature of the one restraint that humans were supposed to adhere to as a ruling of God.Considering Milton’s lines in 12-16 and 24-26 one examines his purpose in writing the epic. It seems that Milton is attempting to relay the very essence of the fall of man, not simply from his own perspective but with divine aid. Furthermore, he asks God to, “Illumin, what is low raise and support./ That to the highth of this great Argument/ I may assert Eternal Providence,/ And justifie the wayes of God to men” (Milton, 24-26). In this respect his purpose in writing the epic is to justify the ways of God to men. This indicates that Milton’s purpose is to ask God to illuminate his writing so that he can bring in-turn illuminate the ways of God to the readers.The fallen angels’ surroundings in Hell include a fiery river, a dungeon that is horrible on all sides, nine times the space that measures day and night, a great furnace, and no light but only darkness. Their external or physical torments include never being able to rest, torture without end, and a prison of darkness.The fallen angels’ are tormented by a variety of thoughts. These thoughts include lost happiness and lasting pain, or ‘confounded thought immortal’ (Milton, 43). Additionally, they have ‘obdurate pain’ and ‘steadfast hate’ (Milton, 58).Milton’s Paradise Lost contains the figures of Satan and Beelzebub. These individuals have a number of comparative and contrasting elements. One of the most prominent considerations is their differing personalities. Satan is the leader and is depicted as more dark and foreboding than his second in command Beelzebub. Satan’s position as leader is a great differentiating

Anthropology homework help