Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. Hi, I need help with essay on Toni Morrisons novel A Mercy contains a number of female characters who come from different racial, ethnic, and class backgrounds. Compare and contrast their experiences with historical evidence. Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!The main character in A Mercy is a young slave girl named Florens. Through her most of the lessons of the novel are revealed. However, her character is juxtaposed by her mistress Rebekkah who is also enslaved in her own way. as is a Native American woman named Lina. Each woman faces her own form of enslavement at the hands of male oppressors and each responds to that oppression in her own way.Florens was the product of a rape, as were many slaves. A female slave was the property of her masters. that ownership entitled him not only to her work as a laborer but as a body to be used as his discretion. Florens has been abandoned by her mother who feels anger and memory of her victimization when she looks at her child. Because of this, Florens looks to the women around her to fill this void. Florens journey reflects the victimization of the slaves who had no opportunity as long as they remained in bondage. However, unlike many characters in Morrison novels, Florens is able to free herself from her strains (Morrison 189).Rebekkah is the wife of a blacksmith and the mistress of slaves. Unlike many female slave holders, Rebekkah is a compassionate woman. She feels a sense of caring for those around her, including the enslaved Florens which is based upon her religious beliefs. As a woman, Rebekkah does not have much of a voice. She is not allowed to voice dissidence against her husband, even when the choices he makes are unethical or inhuman. The one person who she believes will listen to her is God and thus she spends much time in prayer (Morrison 77). After the husband dies, the Mistress takes on the position of masculinity among the women in her care. This turns her to acts of cruelty, whether intentional or not. For example, she does not let the slaves sleep outdoors in hammocks because it is only animals that sleep without shelter (Morrison 187).The third racial group expressed in A Mercy is exemplified

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help