Biology homework help

Biology homework help. Apply perception-checking as a tool for developing empathyRequirements:One of our course objectives is to apply interpersonal communication skills in an actual interaction outside of our class time. I want to make sure that you will have the opportunity to apply perception checking with an individual other than the person involved in your journal/journal synthesis assignment and who is not a member of this class. The interaction may be face-to-face or mediated (using electronic device).Your paper should:1. Define perception-checking with a connotative (personal understanding) and a denotative (lecture or Adler textbook) definition. Cite your reference properly immediately after the denotative definition and at the end of your paper. Describe the circumstance in which perception-checking was used (who, what, where, when). Provide an example of how you used perception-checking, employing direct quotation from your interaction. Describe the perceived effect of your use of perception-checking (what happened as a result). Analyze the reason you believe perception-checking resulted in the effect you noticed.Your paper must:be typed double spaced and with one-inch margins. use the sample paper format (see sample paper in the Application Paper folder in Canvas) have at least one full page. be submitted via Canvas.

Biology homework help