Biology homework help

Biology homework help. I cant seem to figure out how to solve these questions and its due very soon! Pls someone help me out and explain to me how I can solve these and similar questions for the exams.1) Galvanic CellsUsing tabulated standard reduction potentials from your text, calculate the standard cell potential, E°cell (always positive for a galvanic cell), based on the following (unbalanced) reaction:IO3?(aq) + Fe2+(aq) ? Fe3+(aq) + I2(s) a) E°cellcf Table A5.5, p A24 Zumdahl “Chemical Principles” 8th ed.b) (ABCDEFGH)2+c) The overall, balanced, spontaneous reaction occurring in this (standard) cell is:  12H+(aq) + 2IO3?(aq) + 2Fe2+(aq) ? 2Fe3+(aq) + I2(s) + 6H2O(l)  12H+(aq) + 2IO3?(aq) + 10Fe2+(aq) ? 10Fe3+(aq) + I2(s) + 6H2O(l)  2IO3?(aq) + 10Fe2+(aq) ? 10Fe3+(aq) + I2(s) + 6H2O(l)  10Fe3+(aq) + I2(s) + 6H2O(l) ? 12H+(aq) + 2IO3?(aq) + 10Fe2+(aq) d) True or False?2+2. Relative Half-Cell PotentialsAssuming standard conditions, answer the following questions. (Use the table of Standard Reduction Potentials for common Half-reactions from your text. If hydrogen is one of the reagents, assume acidic solution.)cf Table 11.1 on p 403 of Zumdahl 8th ed.(YES OR NO?)2+(aq)3+(aq)2+(aq)2+(aq)2+(aq)2+(aq)2+(aq)2(g)2(g)+(aq)3+(aq)2+(aq)3) Relative Reduction PotentialAssuming standard conditions, and considering the table of standard reduction potentials for half-reactions, given in your text, rank the following species according to their relative strength as reducing agents. For example, the most powerful reducing agent would be given rank “1”, and the least “6”.-3+4) Selective ReductionSn4+ + 2e- –> Sn2+4+2+not2+(Yes or no?)2+-2-2-2+4+-3+-2+–2-

Biology homework help

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