Biology homework help. Create an Android app that will be used to enter student grades for college courses.Develop three screens as follows: The first screen should allow the entry of a student id, first name, last name, class id, and class name. The second screen should allow the entry of a grade for each student and class that they took. The grade entry will be a number which can range from 0 – 100. The third screen should show the student name and overall letter grade for the semester based on the classes that they took. Note: Use the grade conversion table below:Points Grade100-90 A80-89 B70-88 C60-69 DBelow 60 F Use the sample students and grades below:Student ID Student Name Class ID Class Name Grade 1 Sally Smith 100 Biology 701 Sally Smith 110 Gym 902 Mark Front 120 English 402 Mark Front 110 Gym 103 Rick Hart 130 Science 853 Rick Hart 100 Biology 903 Rick Hart 110 Gym 454 Justin Jones 140 Computers 454 Justin Jones 120 English 70 Design the database using the following fields and criteria:StudentID VARCHAR(8),FirstName varchar(20),Lastname varchar(20),ClassID varchar(20),Grade Integer(3),Lettergrade Varchar(2)