Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. CU Disaster Recovery Planning Catastrophic Events & Business Operations Presentation


  • The project presentation ” Disaster recovery planning” should demonstrate knowledge in the chosen area. The presentation should be formatted as follows:
  • Topic: Disaster recovery planning.
  • Apply a Design theme
  • Use APA style correctly throughout the presentation.
  • Use correct grammar and punctuation.
  • Format correctly and consistently
  • Include a cover slide, introduction slide at the beginning of the presentation, a conclusion slide at the end of the presentation, and a reference slide using APA format at the end of the presentation.
  • Number all slides beginning with the cover slide as page 1
  • Utilize 10 references from scholarly sources…do NOT use Wikipedia or Patents (one source can be the textbook)
  • Cite references within the presentation using correct APA format.
  • Include a minimum of 10 slides which will include the cover and reference slides.
  • One of the slides must include ‘global impact’ in their chosen topic (Disaster recovery planning).
  • Include at least one figure or one table in the presentation and format in APA style.
  • Highlight your knowledge of technology by including transition and animation.

Business Finance Homework Help