Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. California State University Dominguez Hills High Reliability Organizations Discussion


I’m working on a management question and need an explanation to help me learn.

The U.S. healthcare system must continue to focus on patient safety and outcomes.High Reliability Organizations (HROs) especially must be aware of potential risks that could have a major impact on their health system. Research online material related to high-reliability organizations. Briefly explain what it is and how it may impact patient outcomes. Next, research a current healthcare HRO.  Provide an audio recording introducing one organization you’ve selected as an example of an HRO, explain what the organization has done to be identified as an HRO, and how its practices might be emulated within the healthcare industry.

Students are to write a brief introduction (minimum of 100 words) explaining what an HRO is and how it may impact patient outcomes. Then, they will attach a five-minute audio recording of themselves discussing the HRO they have chosen, what the organization has done to be identified as an HRO, and how its practices might be emulated within the healthcare industry. 

Business Finance Homework Help