Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Management Question


Required Format:

The following five sections are required. Use the sub-headings in your report.

A. Demographic and background information (approx. 200 words)

This section establishes the focus of your case (you) and provides an orientation to the marker. It should be comprehensive but relevant and concise, written in narrative form, and include your:

  • Name, gender, age, and marital status (if you feel comfortable sharing).
  • Current work status and previous work history and feelings related to this.
  • Parents and siblings, their occupation/profession, nature of the relationship with them. Explain briefly how they have influenced your thoughts about your career.
  • School history (academic achievement; view of schooling, etc.). Explain briefly how this has influenced your thoughts about your career.
  • Hobbies and leisure activities.

B. Assessment procedures

List the 8 mandatory assessment tools, the date each one was completed, and where to find it in the Appendix (see template here). The assessment tools include:

1. Structured Autobiography (SA)
2. Holland’s Vocational Choice (HVC)
3. Motivated Skills (MS)
4. Career Anchors (CA)
6. Goal Orientation (GO)
7. Interviews with Significant Others (ISO)
8. Self-Evaluations Scale (SES)

C. Theme elicitation (approx. 200 words/theme)

First, you are required to collate all of the results from the self-assessments and organise them into 3 key themes. Themes should be developed from and be supported by evidence (i.e., the results of your self-assessments). Themes, and their sources of evidence, must be clearly labelled.

For each theme, there must be at least 3 sources of evidence from your different self-assessments. For each self-assessment used as evidence, include your actual scores out of total scores and percentiles, where relevant. The debriefs in the lectures and tutorials will show you how to score and interpret your results. To show insight and understanding of your themes, provide personal examples or commentary to describe and explain the themes.

Note: ALL 8 assessment tools must be referred to in your report. We do not want you to rely solely on a small portion of the tools; the aim is to apply and compare multiple types of evidence. (For details on how to elicit themes, see Week 5 tutorial, Week 8 tutorial, and Harrington Hall (2007))

D. Career Fit Analysis (approx. 400 words)

You are required to complete a “career fit” excel worksheet. Details for this will be discussed in Week 7. In brief, you will be asked to enter your self-assessment data, themes, and the corresponding “fit percentage” for each of your chosen career/job based on what you have learned when producing your Career Exploration Report. This worksheet will help you identify which of your chosen careers/jobs better fit you.

Identify and analyse 1 key finding from this exercise. Draw on at least 1 course concept (with proper citation of course reading(s) and lecture/tutorial material(s)) when analysing your key finding. The application of course concept(s) to the key finding should help you answer the questions of “why” and “how” and thus deepen your reflection on this key finding.

Incorporating cognitive awareness (i.e., “what I have learned”), emotional awareness (i.e., “how do I feel about what I learned”), and giving personal examples or commentary, are some good ways to show insight and understanding. Remember, describing information is different to reflecting and analysing.

E. Recommendations (approx. 400 words)

Just as important as understanding what your results from the Career Fit Analysis mean is the demonstration that you understand their implications – the “so what?”. Based on your theme elicitation and career fit analysis, describe a range of solutions, goals, or recommendations that are appropriate and specific. These solutions should be related to your career choices and possibilities, in addition to any self-development you may require to progress in your career. You should use theories and research to guide and justify your recommendations. Make sure your recommendations are directly related to your 3 themes and your career fit analysis.

F. References and Appendix

You must cite all work properly throughout your report (i.e., do not cite “Week 5 Lecture” or “Course Reading Week 2”) and provide a reference list. Use the Harvard Referencing Style. Please include results for each of the assessment tools (except SA and ISO) and a screenshot of your career fit analysis worksheet (See Appendix Template for instructions). You can refer to your Appendix throughout your report; however, it will not be directly marked. It is also not included in the word count.

Business Finance Homework Help