Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Transcendent Role of Data and Management Information System Questionnaire

I’m studying and need help with a Management question to help me learn.

Question A

1.What do the acronyms SaaS, PaaS and IaaS mean? Briefly explain how these are highly important capabilities of cloud/network computing.

2. What does “digital” mean? How and why is “digital” enabling our business and personal lives?

3. What is a byte? why are bytes important? What do Kbps and KBps mean?

4. Consider the transcendent role of Data found throughout our readings. What would happen to UPS (and Amazon/Bezos) if digital IT/business systems were not available, or didn’t work as well as they do? What would the result look like to the user/customer? What would happen to current professional sports and teams?

Question B

1.What is a relational database? How/why is it a good type of database for business users, and for beginners to the world of databases?

2. What do the terms Business Intelligence and Business Analytics mean? Summarize briefly one of the Business Analytics tools discussed in the lecture link

3. What is metadata? How is it different from, but complementary to, the actual data in the database?

4. Discuss the terms Data Mining and Data Warehousing. Be sure that the reader, me in this case, knows that you know the difference.

Business Finance Homework Help