Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. CMNS 4240 Thompson Rivers University Strategies in Crisis Communication Paper


This final exam is due on Thursday, April 29 @ 7 PM. Please upload your exam to Moodle as a
This exam follows universal design principles and accommodates extra time. You are being
given 48 hours to complete an exam that was originally scheduled for two hours.
This final exam is made up of 5 pages in total.
In this exam, you will write an 800-1000 word crisis communication plan for Hawaii
Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) in the event of a Ballistic Missile Event (BME). In
this crisis plan, you will focus on redesigning the “Stay Tuned” portion of HI-EMA’s public
messaging described in the attached document “Guidance Summary for Coordinated Public
Messaging.” In particular, you should make recommendations about platforms and key messages
for delivering timely retraction of information about emergency events, as well as a process for
ensuring shared information is factual.
You will draw on the provided information about the 2018 Hawaii ballistic missile event false
alert and Hawaii Emergency Management Agency crisis plan that I have provided as
supplementary reference materials in this PDF to guide your recommendations and revisions.
Support the recommendations you make in your plan with reference to the theories and examples
from our textbook, lecture, and discussion. You do not need to provide a reference list. This must
be an original piece of writing

The rest info in the attached document

Business Finance Homework Help