Business Finance Homework Help. Red Crescent Society Decision Analysis
put forward a project with clear goals to help a specific group of people who find themselves in this two situation. The project should be limited in scope – helping a small group of people in a specific location and should be feasible for the local Red Cross to carry out. They should explain the background to this project and do a LogFrame to consider to what extent the project fulfills the goals of the Red Cross.
Then compare their proposals in a SAF and identify the best one for the Red Cross to participate in.
The Final Version of the Project will have;
An introduction to the RC
A background to the three situations
A specific proposal for a project to address each situation
A Stakeholders Analysis
A LogFrame setting out the proposal
A SAF evaluating the different proposals
A written evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the proposals based on the SAF
A conclusion identifying the best proposal here is mantioned everything how to do . Proposal shoud be completly confirmed and analyze with the main goals of redcross .