Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Team Experience at Work and Communication Effectiveness Essay


A. Reflect on a recent team experience in your work, or outside of work, and address the following questions. Please copy and paste the questions in your document and place your answers beneath:

1) First, very briefly describe the team you were part of so that I can get a sense of sense: include the size of team, the purpose and goal of the team, and the time frame. Choose an experience that did not go perfectly well.

2) Rate your group’s Communication Effectiveness on each of the team measures, below, on a scale of 1 (Not Well) to 5 (Very Well). Please list these as bullet points along with the scale/score. For example:

· Define or clarify the task = 3

  • Define or clarify the task
  • Exchange and share information
  • Encourage expression of various points of view
  • Evaluate and analyze data
  • Use the best decision-making approach (consensus, majority rule, etc.)
  • Focus on tasks, not individuals
  • Demonstrate respect for all
  • Encourage feedback
  • Encourage expression of opinion
  • Build on others’ ideas
  • Ask for clarification of ideas
  • Demonstrate equality
  • Address disagreements or misunderstandings
  • Stay on task

3) Describe the top two strengths and top two weaknesses of your team and give one example each.

4) What was an area of strength that you brought to the group? An area where you could have improved?

5) When you are in a group and you see some of the weakness that you mentioned above, what can you do?

Submit a 4-page write-up (double-spaced) in the course submission. Remember to copy and paste the questions in your document and place your answers beneath.

Your write-up should be in clear, readable English. If you struggle with English writing, consider consulting GGU’s OWL service, which helps students strengthen their written English. Also, be sure to run Spelling and Grammar check in Microsoft Word or other document tool to correct any glaring mistakes.

B. Journal assignment.

Please choose one of the following key terms below from Chapters 9, 10, or 11. In your journal entry, provide your insights, experiences, challenges, etc. on the topic. Your journal entry must be 1 full page, single-spaced (Any titles or headings in your journal such as your name, name of the class, instructor or journal title are not considered part of the 1 full page entry).

Write in standard English writing style; that is, using complete sentences and paragraphs. The journal should consist of a reflection upon your own experience with the key term identified in this week’s readings. Make it personal, remember that this is a reflection. Draw from examples and observations from your life and experience. See the Syllabus for more detailed guidelines.

Key Terms to choose from:

· Cause-effect pattern

· Graph (can provide multiple explanations of graphs)

· Extemporaneous presentation

· Memorized presentation

Business Finance Homework Help