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Business Finance Homework Help. SNHU Collaborative Practice Models in Healthcare Discussion


There are many different collaborative practice models in healthcare. These include the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model and others. For your initial discussion post, identify one model and examine how it could be applied to improve the design of a healthcare program. The articles located in the module resources section will assist you in this discussion. Be sure to include concepts from the class in support of your initial post and provide evidence by way of peer-reviewed sources to support your post.

In your response posts (at least two), evaluate your peers’ application of a particular model of collaborative practice. Do you agree with their initial post?

please respond to the two peer post.

There are many different collaborative practice models in healthcare, the one I will be focusing on is the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model. The PCMH model is a delivery of care where the patient’s treatment is determined though the patients primary care physician to ensure that they receive the care they need when needed (Understanding PCMH, n.d.). I do not think that one model will benefit every healthcare organization, however, using different approach to see which one fits the needs of the organization will work best. An example I can use for this approach is the organization where I work, UMass Memorial Medical Center. Many patients have primary care physicians here, with this, they can internally refer a patient to any subspecialty care they made need within the organization. This helps keep the patients coming into this organization since they are internally referred. However there then becomes a problem at times because providers are booking out so far. Families will sometimes get irritated with these waiting times, that they instead look for care at an alternative hospital. This model of service is meant to provide accessible care for patients when needed (Defining PCMH, n.d.). This shows that this model can at times benefit an organization but other times it can hurt an organization.

The patient-centered medical home model (PCMH) is designed for efficient patient care through a specific physician who collaborates with other health professionals that facilitates the needs, as well as resources of patients to guarantee safe and quality practices. “The objective is to have a centralized setting that facilitates partnerships between individual patients, and their personal physicians, and when appropriate, the patient’s family. Care is facilitated by registries, information technology, health information exchange and other means to assure that patients get the indicated care when and where they need and want it in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner.” (ACP, 2021). A system aligned with primary care physicians the PCMH model is beneficial in areas beyond the expertise of a PCP. The assurance of quality care begins with patient treatment being accessible and not limited to acute but comprehensive treatment. The collaboration builds a cohesive environment that tends to patients ailments with a smooth flow of information through EHR systems and other technology. Primary care practices in the Unites States have been limited to acute care and has struggled in the extension of comprehensive care practices. The PCMH model implemented has aided in building a healthcare system that gravitates toward collaboration along with its benefits. “First, the current model of primary health care delivery in the United States focuses primarily on episodic, acute care. It does not address in a cost[1]efficient and comprehensive way the ongoing needs of patients with chronic disease, who require continuous monitoring and ongoing coordination of care among specialists and generalists” (Fisher, 2014, p.355). The use of PCMH can be effective when implementing a healthcare program due to the guidelines and principles it enforces. It establishes a system that can be used to create uniformity in the implementation of any program. It can be used as a system to shape of how a physician and a team can monitor patient and provider interactions establishing direct relationships of productivity. The PCMH has a patient centered philosophy that promotes understanding the patients based on ethnic and cultural background. This is an excellent benefit to any program that caters to various patients from different socioeconomic backgrounds. PCMH develops data driven strategy based on HER, population health data, data analysis and health information exchange. Any new program implementation requires a current assessment of the environment to provide solid intervention. The methods and principles are critical to any execution which will be beneficial to the success of any new innovation or healthcare program. 

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