Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Saint Leo University Essentials of Entrepreneurship Discussion


Part 1

In your opinion, what was the best thing you learned throughout this course? Why? Did anything surprise you? How will you incorporate what you learned into your professional or personal life? No references needed this week.

Here are some student responses. 

  • 1.The biggest thing I learned in that class was the breakdown of a company when it comes to social, economic, and other avenues. Really looking at some companies now and how they fair in the grand schemes of things and not just how much money I would make working there or if I would get time off. A company that doesn’t worry about how they look socially might also not look so good from the inside.  Being able to dissect a company now will help me feel better about doing business with that company.
  • In my opinion, the most important things I learned from this course include the ability to think critically and apply relevant knowledge with case studies, build upon foundations (educationally – topic wise) from previous courses, and learning how the relationship between business, government, and society, is so important by means of an interactive system. I am one of those people that gets excited about little things, so the ability for me to draw upon previous knowledge and expand upon my already existing skills is something that I find value in as a student, employee, and hopefully a life-long learner. Out of everything we covered & discussed in the course, what surprised me most was the case study regarding Lumbar Liquidators and formaldehyde. At the time of the incident, I heard about it… but didn’t know to what extent it was. Now, reading it as a slightly older and more mature version of myself, I am honestly appalled. As a consumer, it makes you question hot topics covered in this course (regulation, ethics, stakeholders and more). However, as a student, I feel empowered to ask questions and do my due diligence going forward educationally, professionally, and personally. I also enjoyed interacting with some familiar classmates and thoroughly enjoyed the discussion questions. One of the things that stimulate me the most is SLUs ability to engage students in a majority of their courses by discussion. I can only think of one course that asked questions straight out of the textbook (but) this one is great at allowing us to expand and call upon our knowledge and research skills to engage not only ourselves but each other through stimulating conversation. I will incorporate what I learned into both my professional and personal life in a few ways. Initially, I wasn’t good at formulating good case studies that truly were cited well & drew upon relevant research. However,  with persistence and the ability to take feedback, I learned how to improve each week.
  • This class has taught me a lot. The case studies have been interesting and a way to identify and reflect on the different issues that companies and managers face while doing business. I also liked learning about the importance in the relationship of companies and stakeholders and how they need each other to succeed locally and/or globally. That can help me as a future manager or business owner to work not only on the interests and goals that can benefit my company, but also those of everyone in the same network.

I think what surprises me the most is that even when there are a lot of regulations or policies set by governments, organizations still manage to behave unethically, and they behave worse in nations that are not as strict. I would definitely incorporate everything that was taught in this course to my personal and professional life. Knowing the importance of creating good relationships, being ethical, sustainable, and being involved with social issues is something that I can see embracing in my company.

Business Finance Homework Help