Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. BCC Practicing Reverse Psychology with Customers Discussion


Discussion question:

Listen to this recording and if you were a customer service representative; what methods would you use to try to satisfy the customers that refuse to wear a mask in the service industry or the retail environment. Remember you want to avoid losing a customer, if possible, losing revenue and avoid damaging the organizations reputation. Please respond to your peers.

NPR – Rage against the customer service worker


Vanessa Greenlee

Listen to this recording and if you were a customer service representative; what methods would you use to try to satisfy the customers that refuse to wear a mask in the service industry or the retail environment. Remember you want to avoid losing a customer, if possible, losing revenue and avoid damaging the organizations reputation. Please respond to your peers.

After I listened to the video I would use the listen with empathy method because that always seems to work the best. When I was working in a warehouse for a contractor and I was the lead I was told to always make sure our customers as well as the employees were warring their mask. Yes at times that got hard to always keep telling people make sure you wear your mask it’s mandatory. I always us to say in my meetings hey guys as a team we need to make sure we wear our masks today to ensure we are not only protecting yourself but your customers and more importantly our families. People tend to be out with protecting other people or their families so I didn’t make it about the mandate but I also listen to their concerns When they would speak about it and I would write them down and let them know that’s a great concern let me get with upper management and get back to you on that’s as well at the customers that’s a great concern let me get with upper management. I would tell them but for now if you could just please wear your mask so that we can protect others and I wish I could change it but unfortunately I can’t. A lot of the times people are more understanding when you have empathy for the subject of the mask mandate.


Michael Zamudio

I’ve seen many videos where customers refuse to wear a mask when told and then they start having an argument with the employee about having to wear a mask. If I were a customer service representative what I would do if a customer refused to wear a mask is come up to them and approach them very politely and be like hello would you like me to get you a mask. I would say this because I’m politely asking and sometimes customers forget to wear a mask and if you approach them nicely they will put one on but not all the time. if the customer were to refuse and say I’m not going to wear one I would say I’m sorry I know how it feels to have a mask on all the time but its the company policy that all customers have a mask while shopping. if they comply I would offer them something for complying like a coupon they can use on their purchase. when you do those things customers will not just leave and end up shopping even though they have to wear a mask. there are some places that are very strict and if you come in without a mask they will just tell you to leave but having good customer service skills is key to making customers happy.

Business Finance Homework Help