Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. University of Nairobi Developing A Title for Analytical Research Reports Question


I’m working on a Accounting exercise and need support.

Assignment Instructions

Although constructing title pages is easy, composing the title is not. In fact, on a per-word basis, the title requires more time than any other part of the report.

A good title efficiently and precisely covers the contents. Consider building your title around the five Ws: who, what, where, when, and why. Sometimes how may be important as well and you may not need to use all the Ws, but they can help you check the completeness of your title.

Remember that a good title is concise as well as complete; be careful not to make your title so long that it is hard to understand or so short that it is not meaningful.

Watch the following YouTube video: How to Generate a Title for a Research Paper

Business Finance Homework Help