Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. RWS 390W Cuyamaca College Switching to a 4 Day Work Week Presentation


In Project #2 you will work in groups to write a short (8-10-page) internal unsolicited proposal on a social and/or ethical issue within your field of business that your group finds relevant. Proposals are persuasive reports that describe a problem, offer a solution, and explain the value of the solution to a defined audience. You’ll be writing to a group of readers who may or may not have the ability to solve that problem; your proposal’s primary goal is to persuade your readers to act. Your group’s proposal will culminate in a professional presentation of your work which will be recorded as a group via Zoom and submitted with your final proposal.

The Proposal

Proposals come in many varieties, but readers will expect all persuasive messages to have several sections, components or “movements.” Although your group may vary the organization of your appeal, the proposal must address these areas:

  1. The writer’s purpose and the reader’s need in an introduction
  2. The background or context of the problem
  3. The need or problem to be solved
  4. A description of your group’s plan to solve the problem
  5. The benefits of the proposal to the proposal’s readers
  6. The costs associated with your solution (in the form of a fiscal impact section or a budget section)
  7. A conclusion that suggests a desired action

Proposal Specifications

  • Length: 8-10 pages of body text (2000-2500 words)
  • Margins: 1 inch all around
  • Line Space: Single
  • Paragraph Breaks: Line space; no indent
  • Font Size: No smaller than 11pt for serif, 12 for sans serif
  • Executive Summary: Yes, not counted in page count
  • Headings: Descriptive, No more than 2pts larger than text type
  • Page Numbers: Bottom, flush right margin, text size
  • Title Page: Yes, with course name, instructor name, proposal title, group members’ names
  • Visuals: At least two visuals, with captions/titles placed following standard convention
  • Citations: Footnote format; font size 9pt. Apply at least three peer reviewed sources. 

Importance of Research

Your group’s proposal must rely on research to inform and persuade your reader.  The reader is expecting you to provide a range of in-depth, high-quality facts and/or observations, and will be making a decision based on the information you provide. The proposal is a persuasive document, which means you must use at least two of the three rhetorical appeals we have discussed in class (primarily logos and ethos). Plan on conducting comprehensive research: your proposal must cite at least three peer reviewed sources.

Proposal Topic

Choosing a topic for this proposal is the most important decision your group will make, and the topic or issue you choose to write about could determine the project’s success. You have tremendous flexibility regarding proposal topics, but this topic must be related to a social and ethical issue in business.

Your group should write about a topic within your field of business, and one that you’re interested in. You should be passionate about the topic as a group, and each member must buy into the topic. Perhaps more importantly, you need to choose a topic that will yield enough content for these key parts of the proposal:

  • A business topic or problem relevant to the reader. Your goal is to propose a beneficial solution to a defined problem. Your group must choose a problem that the reader will find important.
  • A problem with a workable, realistic solution. The description of your plan, your group’s recommendations for a solution, serves as the proposal’s core.
  • A solution with tangible benefits to the audience. Your proposal must articulate those benefits to its readers. 

Here are some examples of potential topics to choose from:

Business Finance Homework Help