Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. AU Principles of Total Quality Discussion


Week 1 Project

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There are three principles of total quality: customer focus, continuous improvement, and teamwork. Using the South University Online Library, find three articles that describe current practices in healthcare organizations. Each article should illustrate one principle of total quality. Refer to professional journals such as Modern Healthcare, Provider Magazine, and Nursing Homes. Write a paper based on your review of the articles. Include the following in the paper:

  • Describe each quality principle and show how it is illustrated in the article.
  • Analyze the relationships among the three quality principles.
  • Examine whether the principle in one example might apply to other examples.

Week 2 Project

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In healthcare, the terms “balanced scorecard” and a “dashboard” are used to describe performance measurement tools that are broad in scope but summarized in a few key indicators. In this assignment, you will create a specific dashboard for an operating Week of a healthcare organization.


  • Select and describe a specific division of a larger healthcare organization, such as an emergency department, a surgical service, or a physician practice.
  • Locate at least three recent (within the past three years) journal articles from professional, peer-reviewed journals that discuss dashboard, balanced scorecard, and performance measurement in your chosen healthcare division.
  • Write a review of each article and include complete citations.
  • Based on the information learned, create and justify the need for four categories of measurement, such as customer satisfaction or financial performance. For each of these four categories, create three specific performance measures. For each measure, describe how it is calculated and/or where the data can be found.
  • Explain how the performance measures may change if the analysis is for the organization as a whole rather than a division of the organization.


Gordon, J., & Richardson, E. (2012). Continuous improvement using balanced scorecard in healthcare. American Journal of Health Sciences, 3(3), 185-188. doi:…

Perkins, M., Grey, A., & Remmers, H. (2014). What do we really mean by “balanced scorecard”? International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 63(2), 148-169. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.southuniversity.libpro…

Week 3 Project

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The course project requires you to create a quality management plan. To do this, you will:

  • Identify various aspects of a quality management plan in a healthcare organization.
  • Apply various processes and tools to enhance quality in a healthcare setting. Seek additional resources from
  • Identify workflow processes in a healthcare setting.
  • Identify quality parameters in a healthcare setting.
  • Examine the effectiveness of a quality management plan in a given healthcare setting.

The project is modeled on the Shewhart Cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act). You will modify the Shewhart Cycle to make it applicable to your selected healthcare service or program.

Seek additional resources that will help you understand the process being studied as well as planning and quality improvement in general. You can visit the following link for more details on a quality process improvement plan:

Click Resources and then select Lean Six Sigma Tools. Review the steps in sequence; they provide direction to a quality process improvement plan. While you do not need to use the steps in sequence, they provide direction, as given below:

  • Define: This step describes the importance of the problem within the organization.
  • Measure: This step relates to the impact of the current condition and target goals for improvement.
  • Analyze: This step relates to understanding work flow mapping and the value stream as well as understanding root cause analysis (RCA).
  • Improve: This step identifies improvements to consider in the implementation of change.
  • Control: This step is about sustainability of change.


  • Complete a part of the Plan step of the cycle.
    • Describe the environment, the organization, and the department or program within the organization that is the basis for your project. Describe the selected healthcare setting, specifically its service, staff, equipment, and patients. Identify and describe the scope and nature of the problem.
    • Assess the environment using strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. Interview some stakeholders, such as managers, staff, or customers. Use the interview information to conduct the SWOT analysis. You may also summarize or quote any important or interesting information gathered during the interview.
    • Select one of the weaknesses determined by the SWOT analysis to create a plan for improvement.

Week 4 Project

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Using the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis you did in Week 3, select an area of improvement in the healthcare setting. You will do an RCA for this area this week.


  • Visit the following link:Determine-root-cause-5-whys
    • Read the introduction to RCA.
    • Read the RCA process.
  • Conduct and report an RCA for the area of improvement you selected. Include in your analysis:
    • A diagram of the clinical or workflow process
    • A fishbone diagram of constraints
    • The steps for improvement, utilizing the five-whys tool
    • Suggested changes for making the improvement

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This assignment will ask for you to utilize information gained on previous course projects and reflect on the following quality management plan controls:

  • Discuss issues to be considered with the implementation of the improvement program.
    • Staff acceptance of change
    • Implementation time frame
  • Discuss issues involved in the collection and analysis of data.
    • Data collection
    • Data analysis process
  • Identify and describe a desired outcome of the quality improvement plan.

Business Finance Homework Help