Business homework help

Business homework help. this discussion 1 is for this class Teaching Art and Music in Early Childhoodi need 200-250 words and reference for this classAdapting Art ActivitiesRead the following scenarios. Decide which (if any) of these situations reflect appropriate art set-up techniques for activities discussed in this unit, and then answer the questions that follow.Scenario #1In a preschool class, Dory and Sammy have been building robots in the block area, so the teacher adds boxes, foil, wire, and a bucket of small, old radio parts to the area. Scenario #2Now that the weather is nice, a kindergarten teacher places the sand table just outside the door, which is next to the art area. The teacher explains new rules set up to stop the traffic flow going across the art area to and from the sand table.Scenario #3After a field trip to a grocery store, first grade teachers add empty food cartons and labels to the pasting and construction area.Scenario #4The teacher concludes that the children are not using the clay modeling area enough. She replaces it with another computer station.•    Identify which of the scenarios reflects appropriate techniques for setting up for art activities. Why?•    Discuss each which does not reflect appropriate techniques for setting up art activities.•    Describe how you would change the situation(s) to make it (them) more appropriate.this is discussion 2 for this class Child Welfare and Familyi need 150- 200 for this classand referenceDiscussion TopicRead and post one primary post for each Discussion topic, addressing each of the topics clearly and correctly applying concepts from the course material to support answers. The length requirement for your post is 150 words minimum.Be sure to make two or more responses to other students on each thread presenting original ideas, contributing to the quality of the discussion, and meets length requirement (50-100 words for each peer response).Before answering these questions, make sure you have completed the readings for this unit and reviewed the Web Resources.PL94-142 grants every child a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment possible. However, many schools struggle to meet the needs of their students.In your own words, summarize what is meant by “Least Restrictive Environment.”What impact, if any, could this have on the education of children with disabilities?Identify the challenges that exist when it comes to providing school services to a diverse population of children.Next, please research the agencies that provide services to children with special needs in your local schools and community.Discuss these services and tell us how they compare to what you read in the text and the IDEA website as appropriate services for these children.Be sure to use specific information from the text to support your answers.(When referencing the text, APA paper formatting and citation style must be used.)

Business homework help

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