Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Saudi Electronic University Ethical Issues in Green Computing Questions


  Identify an organization that has had ethical issues related to green  computing that affected their operations and stakeholders.

  Briefly describe the organization and then answer these questions for each:  

  1. What was the ethical issue?
  2. Who was responsible for the issue?
  3. How was the issue addressed?
  4. How were stakeholders impacted?
  5. What was the impact on the organization?
  6. How did the organization address the issues?

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Free Cookery Club Flyer


You are planning to form a new Student Club at Open Campus next semester. You are currently working on recruiting club members and adverting your club activities. You will be working on three projects in order to help you establish and run the club. Please read the following requirements for each milestone.

Flyer and Newsletter (Total 100 Points)

You will be designing and preparing a one-page flyer and a one-page club newsletter.


The purpose of the flyer is to inform other students about your club. The flyer will be handed out to students and posted on the college’s bulletin boards. The one-page flyer must be creative and appealing to other students. The flyer should include this information:

  • Name of the club.
  • Mission statement/purposes.
  • Why should other students join the club?
  • How can they join the club?
  • Some appropriate images/graphics must be incorporated.


A preset template is not allowed. You should design the flyer from a “Blank” document. Please utilize all the features and be creative. Some of the features you may use are:

  • Textbox
  • Shapes
  • Images and Clip arts
  • Appropriate font color, size, and styles


The purpose of the newsletter is to provide all the club members with news and upcoming events. You will create a one-page newsletter to communicate with the club members about your first club meeting. The newsletter should include the following information:

  • Club officers and contact information
  • Mission statements
  • News
  • Club activities or meeting time

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Miami University Database Management Question


I don’t understand this Databases question and need help to study.

Chapter 9 noted that CASE tools provide database administrators with acost and time effective way of developing databases. Write a paper thatcompares some CASE technology vendors. Compare and contrast atleast three examples of CASE products. In addition, discuss theadvantages and disadvantages of using CASE tools to build a database.

2. Using library resources or the Internet, identify a database managementsystem that processes database transactions. Briefly describe whathappens to the application when deadlocking occurs. Explain some of theadverse effects of deadlocking, and conclude by listing recommendedactions that can be taken to avoid deadlocking on this application.

3. SQL Server is Microsofts popular database engine that uses the Structured QueryLanguage (SQL) to accept requests for data access. Learn about SQL Serversbackup strategies. Mention the types of data corruption that might occur in anenvironment using SQL Server. Discuss some database backup requirements thata database administrator should consider when devising a backup strategy for herorganizations DBMS. Describe the different types of backup techniquessupported by SQL Server. Conclude by explaining why it is essential to have asolid backup strategy as part of an organization’s efforts to maintain databasetransaction integrity

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. INFA 610 UMDC Electronic Health Records & HIPAA Violation Discussion


Hi, please, respond to these peers:

Peer # 1

CIA The Triad of Security

The CIA triad of security consists of the three most important and crucial elements necessary for the development and maintenance of an organizations cyber security. Confidentiality, integrity, and availability all work together to ensure the best protection of an organizations network. The confidentiality element ensures that access to sensitive and private information is appropriately authorized and maintained to approved individuals only (Fruhlinger, 2020). The integrity element ensures that data can only be edited or modified by approved individuals with appropriate access. The availability element ensures that the approved users can access data appropriately whenever they may need to. The combination and even opposition of these three elements working together allows cyber professionals to accurately analyze the security processes and policies within an organization to determine efficiency and effectiveness, and if adjustments or upgrades are required.

Often, these elements may conflict making it hard for them to equally coexist at the same level of importance. As a result, one element may take precedence over the other two depending on the characteristics of security necessary at the time.

Confidentiality Over Integrity and Availability

Confidentiality may reign as the supreme element within the triad for an online retail organization, specifically regarding its consumer’s private and personal information. Identifying and personal information such as full names, addresses, and bank account information is stored and maintained within the networks and systems of the organization. Consumers rely on the security and confidentiality practices of the organization to keep their private information safe and secure. Thus, the restriction of the data from being accessed by an unauthorized user is key to maintaining consumer trust.

Integrity Over Confidentiality and Availability

Integrity may be the most valuable element within the triad for any organization, specifically regarding its financial information. The financial statements should all ways be represented accurately and honesty for reporting and investing purposes. As such, changes in this data should be limited and constantly monitored, and alerts implemented to notify appropriate and approved individuals when data has been changed. Integrity of data remaining intact can be ensured with read-only access whenever appropriate so that data can be accessed for viewing but will need proper approvals to be edited or adjusted.

Availability Over Confidentiality and Integrity

Availability may be considered the most important element within the triad for an organization specifically regarding the products or services being sold to consumers. It is essential that products and services are readily available for consumers to purchase. For online operations, an organization needs to maintain inventory, “keep hardware up-to-date, monitor bandwidth usage, and provide failover and disaster recovery capacity if systems go down” (Fruhlinger, 2020). For in-store operations, inventory and services must be maintained and made readily available for consumers to purchase or use.
Though overlap of the elements may occur and sometimes clash, the key to the most efficient and effective implementation of the triad is ensuring all 3 elements are addressed.


Fruhlinger, J. (2020, February 10). The CIA Triad: DEFINITION, components and examples. CSO Online. Retrieved from

Peer # 2

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability, are three crucial principles that help companies adopt a robust security infrastructure. The CIA triad of protection is essential because it provides vital security aspects, aids in preventing compliance concerns, safeguards company stability, and prevents the image of an organization.

Confidentiality guarantees that only authorized groups have access to data. Confidentiality is “about restricting access to data to stop unapproved release” (Walkowski, 2019). Personally identifiable information or PII is a type of information that needs to be confidential. For example, the purchasing department of a company has to order and ship headsets to each employee’s home address. The department sent one email to all employees. Because the department requests employees’ home addresses, PII advised everyone to respond individually to the email. Employees, in this case, trust that their information is secured with the purchasing department than to reply to all. This is an example where the confidentiality of a system is more important than the integrity or availability of that system.

Integrity is the ability of a system to keep the information as-is and can only be modified by authorized people. “Data must not be revised or edited in any means” (CIS, 2018). For instance, when auditors or investigators collect some facts during the fieldwork. These data need to be conserved as gathered because they may not transmit the truth by editing the data. This demonstrates where the integrity of a system is more important than the confidentiality or availability of that system.

Availability is more important than integrity and confidentiality in the record-keeping department because another department may need important information. When the access code is lost or forgotten, the availability of the record will be restraint. “Systems, applications, and data are of little value to an organization and its customers if they are not accessible when authorized users need them” (Walkowski, 2019).

In some ways, each CIA triad of security elements is more important than others. However, well management of them simultaneously can be beneficial to a company. The disclosure, alteration, or destruction of data, systems, or applications will harm the company. Each company may choose its priority depending on its need and must not neglect the other two components. “Depending on an organization’s security goals, industry, regulatory requirements, or nature of their business, one of these principles may take priority over others” (Unitrends, 2021).


CIS. (2018, April 27). Election security spotlight – CIA triad.

Unitrends. (2021,May 6). The CIA triad and its importance in data security.

Peer # 3

Hello Peer M.

This is a fantastic post on how the three elements of information security can be important within the same industry, depending on what the purpose is or the department designing the system. To buttress your point, I would add that confidentiality is the central purpose of HIPAA, hence it can be argued that this the most critical element when designing a system in healthcare facilities. Many hospitals have faced litigations due to confidentiality failures arising from violating HIPAA. This article provides examples of such HIPAA violation cases:

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. New England College Digital Forensic Tool And Techniques Discussion


I need help with a Cyber Security question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Go online and research some tools that would be valuable in collecting both live memory images and images of various forms off media. Put together a shopping list for your manager that includes tools needed to be purchased. Include a price if applicable.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. UA Information Technology Management Case study


What contributes to the complexity of a cloud strategy?

How does tactical adoption of cloud services differ from a coordinated cloud strategy?

What are the major reasons for sourcing and what types of work are not readily outsourced offshore?

What security consideration should be taken into consideration when selecting or implementing a cloud strategy?

Find business articles and academic resources with reliable information to support your thoughts and ideas.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CS 465 Southern New Hampshire University Static HTML Site Setup Exercise


I will include a nice tip if done correctly


This assignment is a prerequisite for Milestone One. In this assignment, you will utilize your new skills in JavaScript to refactor the website code based on the client wireframe. You will organize the default code and folder layout into a structure that reflects a Model View Controller (MVC) approach to the software design.

Templating is a development technique used to build views dynamically. Handlebars (HBS) is a templating system offering extensibility and minimal logic that you will use in this assignment. You will learn about the application of HBS and MVC to produce efficient code that renders a website quickly.


Follow the instructions in the MVC Routing section of the CS 465 Full Stack Guide. You will need to refactor the structure of the HTML travlr website using the MVC pattern (adding a route and controller). The website must align with the customer requirements found in the wireframe description (provided in the Project Guidelines and Rubric). You will continue this process for additional pages. Then you will begin implementing HBS templates. You will convert the static page to an HBS template page, then insert HBS directives to enable rendering of the views.

Once completed, submit a zipped file folder of your assignment work. Be sure your submission addresses the following:

  • Build the appropriate MVC architecture for templating and rendering data for the website.
  • Develop and run routes and controllers for a public website aligning to your client’s wireframe and software requirements.
  • Utilize the HBS templating engine to place directives into templates, and an MVC approach to display features in the web application.
  • Utilize the HBS templating engine to render HTML within the website.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit a zipped file folder that contains a new “app_server” folder with routes and views folders, as well as updates to app.js to register the new “traveler” controller class with the application.

Please note: You will also “push” your local Git repository module2 branch to your GitHub repository. This procedure will become second nature to you as you move through the course modules. In the end, you will have a full stack web application with branches that represent key stages of building a full stack application leading up to full project completion.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Strayer University Universally Usable Interface Accessibility Paper


Building a user interface that meets the needs of a diverse
population can be incredibly difficult. Research the best practices for
developing a universally usable interface, as well as some of the
federal legislation that applies (such as Section 508).

Write a four- to five-page paper in which you:

  1. Assess at least five best practices for developing a universally usable interface.
  2. Evaluate how Section 508 affects developing user interfaces and assess this compliancy standard’s impact on users.
  3. Give three examples of available tools for verifying that your
    interfaces meet universal design guidelines and the advantages and
    disadvantages of each.
  4. Examine the practicality of building multiple interface options
    for diverse populations, rather than building one interface that meets
    the needs of the majority of end users.
  5. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note:
    Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For
assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing
Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Evaluate the design of a user interface, including usability and accessibility considerations.

Computer Science Homework Help