Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Miami University Database Management Question


I don’t understand this Databases question and need help to study.

Chapter 9 noted that CASE tools provide database administrators with acost and time effective way of developing databases. Write a paper thatcompares some CASE technology vendors. Compare and contrast atleast three examples of CASE products. In addition, discuss theadvantages and disadvantages of using CASE tools to build a database.

2. Using library resources or the Internet, identify a database managementsystem that processes database transactions. Briefly describe whathappens to the application when deadlocking occurs. Explain some of theadverse effects of deadlocking, and conclude by listing recommendedactions that can be taken to avoid deadlocking on this application.

3. SQL Server is Microsofts popular database engine that uses the Structured QueryLanguage (SQL) to accept requests for data access. Learn about SQL Serversbackup strategies. Mention the types of data corruption that might occur in anenvironment using SQL Server. Discuss some database backup requirements thata database administrator should consider when devising a backup strategy for herorganizations DBMS. Describe the different types of backup techniquessupported by SQL Server. Conclude by explaining why it is essential to have asolid backup strategy as part of an organization’s efforts to maintain databasetransaction integrity

Computer Science Homework Help