Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. University of Arkansas Use of Different Algorithms for Analysis Questions


I’m working on a computer science multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

When using different data algorithms, why is it fundamentally important to understand why they are being used?

If there are significant differences in the data output, how can this happen and why is it important to note the differences?

  1. Who should determine which algorithm is “right” and the one to keep?  Why?
  2. What are the various types of classifiers?
  3. What is a rule-based classifier?
  4. What is the difference between nearest neighbor and naïve bayes classifiers?
  5. What is logistic regression?
  6. What is the association rule in data mining?
  7. Why is the association rule especially important in big data analysis?
  8. How does the association rule allow for more advanced data interpretation?

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. San Jose State University Statistics Question


A researcher focused on andragogy wanted to know if an online approach or onsite approach of instruction better prepared adults learners for a new task. The researcher had two groups, and each group received instruction either in an online environment or an onsite environment. Each participant completed the new task and was evaluated on their performance. Review the data and statistical test below. The researcher conducted an independent samples t-test with the results below.

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

  • Please check the screenshots

What can the researcher determine from the data analyses ?

  • Summarize the statistical scenario and provide an analysis and critique of the scenario.
  • Your response should be detailed and written in paragraph format.
  • Report whether the results are significant. Discuss the statistical significance and practical significance in your analysis and interpretation of the results. What are the implications for leaders in the organization based on these results ?
  • What would be the researchers next steps in research, and what other factors can the researcher consider ? 

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. University of The Cumberlands Artificial & Biological Neural Networks Discussion


Chapter 5: Questions for Discussion #1 through #4

  • What is an artificial neural network and for what types of problems can it be used?
  • Compare artificial and biological neural networks. What aspects of biological networks are not mimicked by artificial ones? What aspects are similar?
  • What are the most common ANN architectures? For what types of problems can they be used?
  • ANN can be used for both supervised and unsupervised learning. Explain how they learn in a supervised mode and in an unsupervised mode

Chapter 5: Exercise 6 and Internet Exercise 7

  • Go to Google Scholar ( Conduct a search to find two papers written in the last five years that compare and contrast multiple machine-learning methods for a given problem domain. Observe commonalities and differences among their findings and prepare a report to summarize your understanding.
  • Go to Look at Gee Whiz examples. Comment on the feasibility of achieving the results claimed by the developers of this neural network model.

Chapter 6: Questions for Discussion #1 through #5

  • What is deep learning? What can deep learning do that traditional machine-learning methods cannot?
  • List and briefly explain different learning paradigms/methods in AI.
  • What is representation learning, and how does it relate to machine learning and deep learning?
  • List and briefly describe the most commonly used ANN activation functions.
  • What is MLP, and how does it work? Explain the function of summation and activation weights in MLP-type ANN.

Chapter 6: Exercise 4

  • Cognitive computing has become a popular term to define and characterize the extent of the ability of machines/computers to show “intelligent” behavior. Thanks to IBM Watson and its success on Jeopardy!, cognitive computing and cognitive analytics are now part of many real-world intelligent systems. In this exercise, identify at least three application cases where cognitive computing was used to solve complex real-world problems. Summarize your findings in a professionally organized report.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. University of Cumberland Week 3 Data Mining Discussion


Week 3 Discussion

Week 3 Discussion

After completing the reading this week answer the following questions:

Chapter 2:

  1. What is an attribute and note the importance?
  2. What are the different types of attributes?
  3. What is the difference between discrete and continuous data?
  4. Why is data quality important?
  5. What occurs in data preprocessing?
  6. In section 2.4, review the measures of similarity and dissimilarity, select one topic and note the key factors.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Macintosh Forensic Paper


In this assignment, you assume the role of a forensic investigator for the DigiFirm Investigation Company. One of your clients is a small music production company. One day you receive a phone call from Andrea, the owner and president of the music company.

Andrea believes one of her employees, a sound technician, has been stealing intellectual property from the company. She thinks he is copying original music scores and then selling them to upstart musicians, claiming that he wrote them. Andrea checked the employee’s computer the previous night and thinks he has been deleting the files to cover his tracks.

Andrea’s employee uses a Macintosh computer. There are several tools available for recovering files that have been deleted from a Mac, including:

Although all these tools accomplish the same goal, each has one or more unique features. You should consider the full capability set of each tool when gathering information and determine which tool would be the best choice for the scenario in this assignment.

You will research three tools that can aid in recovering deleted Macintosh files and write a paper about their capabilities. You must also recommend one product for use in this case and justify your recommendation.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. OSU Computer Science App Code Design Question


App Code Design

  1. Develop code that allows a user to log in. As you develop your code, use the Android Emulator feature of Android Studio to test your code. Your app should work for users that both do and do not have accounts. This means you should focus on the following functionality:
    • The app should check the username and password against the database when the user attempts to log in.
    • If the user has never logged into the application before, the user should be able to create a new login and password. The application needs to save these to a table in the database.
  2. Develop code to create a database shell and display that database’s information on a user’s screen using a grid. The SQLLite database you create will depend on the option you selected in Project One and will store either inventory items, event details, or daily weight. Any information needed for your application to function correctly should be held in the database, but remember you are only creating the shell for the database so its contents can later be populated by a user. Note that you will need tables in the database to store user information when it is not being displayed in the grid. This database will be persistent so no user information is lost when the app is closed. Be sure to test your code often with the Android Emulator. Your completed database should allow a user to accomplish the following:
    • Create: The user should be able to add items to a database.
    • Delete: The user should be able to remove items from a database.
    • Update: The user should be able to change the value associated with individual database items (e.g. the number of a specific item in an inventory or the date of an event).
    • Read: The user should be able to view all of the database items displayed as a grid.
  3. Develop code that prompts users for permission to send SMS messaging notifications and makes the app function based on the individual user’s response. Keep in mind that the user of your application might deny access to the permissions needed for sending text messages via SMS. If they do, your application should still continue to function, just without this feature. Test both possible options for user response by using the Android Emulator. When you do, you will be looking for the following outcomes:
    • If the user grants permissions, the application should send alerts to the user as SMS messages. The alerts correspond to the specific notification trigger of the application you chose (low inventory, an upcoming event, or reaching a goal weight).
    • If the user denies permission, then the rest of the application should still continue to function without the SMS messaging notification feature.
  4. Employ industry standard best practices such as in-line comments and appropriate naming conventions to enhance readability of code. This should be evident throughout all of the code you create for this project and will be assessed comprehensively. Some things to ask yourself as you code are:
    • Have I kept my classes concise?
    • Is my style consistent throughout the code?
    • Would my naming conventions make sense to anyone else who looked at my code?
    • Do my in-line comments contain enough useful information?

App Launch Plan

  1. Determine a plan for launch of the application that outlines all necessary components to support your app. Once you have completed the code for your app, there are a few more steps required to bring your app to the market. In this project you will not actually have to launch your app in the app store but you will need to outline a comprehensive plan for launch that will prepare you to bring your app to market. Later in this course you will have the opportunity to officially launch your app, if you choose, since it will be an excellent accomplishment to share as you progress along your professional pathway. For now, address the following questions as you write your plan:
    • What will be included in your app’s description and what kind of icon will best represent your app once it is made available in the app store?
    • Which version(s) of Android will your app successfully run on? Have you included the most current version? Note that with each version of Android, new components are introduced that add considerations and challenges in the development.
    • What permissions will your app ask for? Be sure these are only permissions that are necessary for your app to run. For example, does your manifest ask for permission to record phone audio when your app does not use it?
    • What is your plan for monetization of the app? Consider whether your app will include ads, require a one-time payment, both, or neither.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Comput Graphic



You will complete your work in Visual Studio, being sure to work from the project file you already created in a previous milestone. This file already has the libraries set up correctly and contains the 3D object you built, which will be necessary for you to add to this week.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Create a 3D plane to situate a 3D scene. This will serve as the base for the rest of the objects in your world. Depending on your 2D image this plane may be used to represent a desk, the ground, a table, or something else entirely. It will be important to work on this first so you will understand the scope of the world your camera will be traversing. A plane is also a relatively simple shape so it will be a good place to start when managing the placement of different objects in your scene. Remember, you will need to take into account where the plane is located in relation to the 3D object you developed during a previous milestone (which used multiple 3D shapes).
  • Apply horizontal, vertical, and depth camera navigation around a 3D scene. It is recommended that you use the following keyboard controls to manipulate the basic camera movement:
    • WASD keys: These keys should be used to control the forward, backward, left, and right motion.
    • QE keys: These keys should be used to control the upward and downward movement.
  • Apply nuanced camera controls to a 3D scene. It is recommended that you use the following mouse controls to allow a user more specific input options for how they view the 3D scene:
    • Mouse cursor: This should be used to change the orientation of the camera so it can look up and down or right and left.
    • Mouse scroll: This should be used to adjust the speed of the movement, or the speed the camera travels around the scene.
  • Create perspective and orthographic displays of a 3D scene. Use the tap of a keyboard key to allow a user to change the view of the scene between orthographic (2D) and perspective (3D) views at will. (Hint: check the glViewport and the glOrtho functions.) For consistency, please use the letter “P” keyboard key. To accomplish this work, you will be switching the function call to retrieve either the perspective or orthographic projection matrix. Note that you will be keeping the camera in the same orientation that you already developed.
  • Create code that follows a logical flow without syntax errors. The code you create has to be executable and all the code that is included needs to be reached by the execution. Note that not everything should be written in a single function and your work should be well-modularized.
  • Apply coding best practices in your creations. Pay particular attention to the way you format and comment your code. Program code should be easy to read and follow industry standard code formatting practices, such as indentation and spacing. Commenting best practices should be in place to ensure the source code is briefly and clearly explained using descriptive comments.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit a completed ZIP folder with all of your code, which may include one or multiple CPP files along with Visual Studio project files. Also make sure the ZIP folder includes an EXE file, because without this your code will not be able to run. Checking for the EXE can be used as a quick reference on the functionality of your code before you submit.

Requirements: As long as needed | .doc file

Computer Science Homework Help