Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. San Jose State University Statistics Question


A researcher focused on andragogy wanted to know if an online approach or onsite approach of instruction better prepared adults learners for a new task. The researcher had two groups, and each group received instruction either in an online environment or an onsite environment. Each participant completed the new task and was evaluated on their performance. Review the data and statistical test below. The researcher conducted an independent samples t-test with the results below.

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

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What can the researcher determine from the data analyses ?

  • Summarize the statistical scenario and provide an analysis and critique of the scenario.
  • Your response should be detailed and written in paragraph format.
  • Report whether the results are significant. Discuss the statistical significance and practical significance in your analysis and interpretation of the results. What are the implications for leaders in the organization based on these results ?
  • What would be the researchers next steps in research, and what other factors can the researcher consider ? 

Computer Science Homework Help