Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Makerere University Equipment from Al Dar Real Estate Case Study



I did a case study power point about time value of money. then I need to write an essay of this requirement with the same topic: Assignment requirement you need to write on the same previous presentation topic: Kindly; provide the analysis of your Individual Case Study (ICS) that shows how did you reach the recommendation, and to proof that you made the correct decision. You have enough time to structure an acceptable case analysis using a particular tool or several tools per your observations from the course material provided. I provide two example of previous work of other students for reference with different topic in the word files. the power point file is my topic that I worked on.

Sources: –

Citation Style: Not Applicable

REQUIREMENTS ; 6 pages / 1650 words (Double spacing)

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Please follow instructions and APA Format with references and citations-R


Topic:impacts of social media on business communication

Activity 5- CLO 7, CLO 10

Complete the following Section of your Potential Prospectus.

Develop the Nature of your Study:

The nature of the study should include the following:

  • Research method: quantitative, qualitative, or the mixed methods
  • Research design in alignment with your research method
  • Data needed, how you will access the data, and provide indications that the needed data can be accessed.
  • Description of data collection method: direct observation, interviews, survey instrument, experimental design, archival, proprietary information, publicly available data, etc.
  • Description of any data collection instrument(s) that is planned to be used and any pilot study needed (e.g., if you design your own survey).
  • Description of planned data analysis, including statistical tests

Remember, the prospectus and proposal will be written in the future tense.

Please provide, in addition to the textbook, a minimum of two (2) scholarly references and cite them within the text of your activity.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. System Dynamics and Control- Matlab and Simulink Report


Complete models of the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell or battery, quadcopter motors and peripheral parts (as appropriate) in MATLAB & Simulink where a power system of a battery or a fuel cell will power continuous operation of an UAV. Integrate the power system with Quadcopter components such as the motors in Simulink/SimMechanics to simulate the performance. Analyze the open loop response for lift off and landing. Identify appropriate variables and compute parameters in MATLAB & Simulink for control design. Develop a PID controller strategy to ensure reliable system performance. Evaluate the closedloop response of the system

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. University of Leeds Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Canned Fish Paper



Process-LCA evaluate the negative impact on environment, which can be improved.

Climate, ecological environment, flora and fauna

Compare competing or alternative solutions, products, processes

1.Goal and scope definition

Explain and draw flowchart

2. Resource extraction, production, use, disposal.

2.1 Techniques inputs and outputs for all processes

2.2 emission to air, water and soil

2.3.resource use land, water, fossils and mentals

Inventory: Identify the factors that you consider important (carbon dioxide, energy, particulate emissions, etc.).

Inventory flows include inputs of water, energy, and raw materials, as well as emissions to air, land, and water.

Inputs and outputs

Comparison WITH different products and processes, data to compare

3.Impact assessment

Use the data in question 2 to indicate how much influence and how many

1.Human health

2.environmental impact: biodiversity and ecosystem services

3.natural resource stress

4. interpretation

4.1 replacing the energy source/packaging/material with an alternative reduces the impact on ecotoxicity.

4.2 limitations and other considerations and bias.

Discussion process, support your argument and discussion limitations

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Poverty and Racial Discrimination Global Issues Discussion


Select at least two global issues that were discussed in this course in Week 1 through Week 11. Select the issues that touched you or impacted you most significantly.

  • Write an essay about the issues and how learning about them has impacted you.
  • Include in your essay the ways that you think you, as a designer, could have an impact on the issues you have selected. In addition, respond to the following questions as well.
  • Do you think design can bring social justice while addressing global issues?
  • How do you feel about participating in the global marketplace through design?
  • What did you learn the most from this class? How did that change your perspective?
  • How will your new knowledge from this class affect your future designs?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. southern New Hampshire University Cloud Based Architecture Refined Discussion


3-1 Discussion: Examples of Cloud-Based Architecture refined

Throughout the last two modules, you have learned about cloud-based architectures, cloud computing, and cloud service models. Whether you have thought about it or not, you have likely used a cloud-based architecture in your personal, academic, or professional life. For instance, if you have a Google account, you’re using a cloud-based architecture for your email communications or for shared documents. You may even upload your photos on Google Drive or Apple’s iCloud, which are cloud-based environments. As a student at Southern New Hampshire University, you have used cloud-based virtual environments within your courses, for example Brightspace and Codio.

For this week’s discussion post, reflect on the cloud environments that you already engage with, whether in your personal or professional life.

In your post:

  • Identify one to three cloud-based architectures and their brand names that you already engage with on a frequent basis
  • Describe how you know that they use cloud computing
  • Explain how these cloud technologies are helpful in your personal or professional life
  • Provide at least one citation to support your rationale

You are encouraged to respond to your peers this week, but you are not required to. Even though your responses are not graded this week, you should take the opportunity to see what cloud technologies your peers use. You may learn about a new cloud-based architecture that could help you in your professional or personal life. As new technology emerges every day, you never know when you are going to learn something new.

To complete this assignment, review the Module Three Discussion Rubric document.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. SNHU Law or Regulation Influenced the Development of This Policy Essay



In this module, you explored policies and practices used by organizations to protect information. There are a variety of policies that are intended to improve the security posture of an organization. These policies include but are not limited to: acceptable use policies, privacy policies, authorized access policies, change and configuration management policies, human resource policies, codes of ethics, organizational security policies, password policies, user education and awareness policies, and user management policies, among many others. Many of the aforementioned policies live within an organization’s overarching information security policy, although they can stand alone, depending on the size of the organization. The size of the organization can also affect the ways in which roles and responsibilities are determined. For example, a smaller organization could have an IT department of one, where a larger organization will have dedicated roles with distinct skill sets and responsibilities that no other role takes ownership of.

For the purposes of this activity, you will review a general information security policy of a government organization. Although information security policies can be lengthy, the policy you will be reviewing is considered brief. It is 13 pages long. Be mindful of the time it will take to not only read the policy but to review specific sections in order to address all of the activity questions.

For this week’s activity:

  • Read the information security policy and the resources provided in the Supporting Materials section.
  • Consider how laws and regulation influence organizational policies, and the various IT roles that might be included in an information security policy.
  • Respond to the provided activity questions.


Most privately owned and publicly traded firms give their employees access only to security policies and private information. Security policies typically remain for internal use only due to the sensitive nature of their contents. However, many education entities, nonprofits, and government-affiliated institutions make these documents available to the public via their websites. Read the Information Security Policy of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and respond to the provided activity questions. To access the policy in full for the purposes of this activity, click on the “Information Security Policy (PDF)” in the link just provided. The Supporting Materials section contains resources that will help you understand the elements of a good policy.

Supporting Materials

These resources will provide you with greater insight into what elements make up a good security policy and help you prepare for your response to the activity questions:

Guidelines for Submission

Respond to the activity questions below related to the Module Three Activity. Your submission should be 1 to 2 pages, double-spaced, and submitted as a Word document (.docx). Resources must be appropriately cited using APA style. You are allowed, though not required, to use resources outside of those provided within Module Three and the Supporting Materials section.

Your responses should be in complete paragraphs and should contain the following:

  • Answer all of the activity questions thoroughly and completely. Write out the questions in your submission.
  • Make direct connections between the information security policy and the concepts covered in the provided resources in Module Three, as well as in the Supporting Materials.
  • Support your answers with appropriate examples drawn from the information security policy.
  • Use correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, and demonstrate an understanding of audience and purpose.

Activity Questions

  • Do you think the law or regulation has influenced the development of this policy? How?
  • How do the listed IT roles and responsibilities support and improve the EPA’s security posture?
  • What audience do you think the policy was intended for? Why?
  • Are there elements that you would recommend to enhance this policy?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire Virtualizing Packages Plus Delivery PPT


In this milestone, you will explain the concepts of virtualization based on the business scenario provided. This milestone will prepare you for your Project One that is due in Module Five. If you have questions or want to share ideas about this project, please post them to the General Questions discussion.


The company you work for, Packages Plus Delivery (PPD), currently houses its physical computing environments on site. Packages Plus Delivery is growing, including the number of packages delivered and the number of employees hired each quarter. As a result of this growth and to better meet the needs of the clients, organizational leadership recently made the decision to virtualize all computing environments.

Leadership is deciding between internal virtualization and the use of an external vendor. They are also considering a move to cloud-based architecture but want to know more about the risks and cost benefits of moving to a cloud environment.

As a virtual solutions analyst at Packages Plus Delivery, you serve on the Virtualization Transition Committee. This group has been asked to create a presentation that emphasizes how the decision to move to virtualization will improve business strategy, and what the options are if the company considers moving the infrastructure to a cloud environment. Your presentation will ensure that leadership makes an informed decision.


You have been asked to create a presentation that supports the company’s decision to move to virtualization. Within the presentation, you must address each of the following critical elements:

  1. Describe how the company’s decision to move to a virtual computing environment will impact its business strategy. If you use sources, be sure to provide a citation.

You must include:

  • The benefits of your company’s decision to move to a virtual computing environment
  • The constraints of the decision to move to a virtual computing environment
  • An explanation of how moving to virtualization will impact the scalability of the business
    • The costs of moving to virtualization
    • The hardware and software, and other technologies involved
  1. In order to provide the most detailed information, you need to compare the implications of the organization moving to a virtual environment using its hardware servers in-house with the implications of using a third-party vendor to virtualize. You may create a visual (such as a Venn diagram) or write a passage to explain these concepts. You will need to compare the following factors and describe the advantages, disadvantages, and risks associated with each:
  • Cost: equipment such as hardware and software, maintenance (e.g., upgrades and backups), licensing, security (e.g., shared responsibility, on premises)
  • Capacity
  • Agility
  • Service availability

Guidelines for Submission

Your submission should be a presentation file (.ppt, PDF, .doc).

Your presentation must include:

  • The evidence that supports your company’s decision to move to virtualization
  • A comparison of creating a virtual environment in-house to using an external vendor

Supporting Materials

The following resources may help support your work on the project:

How to Design and Deliver an Effective Presentation
This document shows you how to design an effective presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Screencastify, and Apple Keynote.

Packages Plus Delivery images
You are welcome to use these images of the company’s logo to enhance your presentation.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. EE 453 PSU Phase Constant and Toeplitz Matrix Exercises


Motion Deblurring (40 pts)

We will now return to some similar concepts that were first explored in Homework 1, but we now have

alternative methods we can use to solve these problems. In several sensing applications the source signal is

convolved with the impulse response of the medium that it travels through. Especially in imaging problems,

the impulse response is referred to as the point spread function (PSF). In the first homework, we used

regularization to deconvolve the resulting signals to determine the signals of interest. Here, we will use the

Wiener filter to accomplish similar goals.

1. In the motionBlur.mat file, there are three images (Image Original, Image A, and Image B) along

with a point spread function PSF. For this question, we will focus on Image A, which consists of the

original image undergoing motion blur which we will attempt to correct.

(a) Determine the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) of Image A compared to Image Original (You

may find the psnr function useful) and the Structural Similarity Index (You may find the ssim

function useful).

(b) Perform deconvolution on Image A using the Weiner filter and the specified PSF (You may find the

deconvwnr function useful).

(c) Display the deblurred image, and calculate the PSNR and SSIM for the deblurred image.

2. Now we will focus on Image B, which consists of the original image having undergone motion-blur, but

also the more realistic random noise as well. Luckily, if we have an estimate of the noise variance, we

can use that within the Wiener filter algorithm to better correct for it.

(a) Determine the PSNR and the SSIM of Image B compared to Image Original

(b) Perform deconvolution on Image B using the Wiener filter and the specified PSF, using an estimate

of the noise to signal ratio as 1e-5


, where σ2

I is the variance of the image VAR{I(:)}

(c) Display the deblurred and denoised image, and calculate the PSNR and SSIM.

3. Often times while we can estimate the amount of noise in our systems, we cannot calculate them

extremely accurately. Let us determine the performance when we assume there is more noise than

there actually is (which may be the default safe assumption).

(a) Perform deconvolution on Image B using the Wiener filter and the specified PSF, using an estimate

of the noise to signal ratio as 1e-3



(b) Display the deblurred and denoised image, and calculate the PSNR and SSIM.

4. Alternatively, let us evaluate the performance when we underestimate the noise.

(a) Perform deconvolution on Image B using the Wiener filter and the specified PSF, using an estimate

of the noise to signal ratio as 1e-7



(b) Display the deblurred and denoised image, and calculate the PSNR and SSIM.Problems (60 pts)

1. For a uniform linear array with 5 elements, with kd = π and white noise with a variance of σ2

v = 0.1, we

want to determine the minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) weights to point at θ = 45◦


(a) Calculate φ0

(b) Calculate the inverse correlation matrix R−1


(c) Calculate the steering vector s(φ)

(d) Calculate the MVDR weights

2. Consider a Wiener filtering problem characterized by the following values for the correlation matrix R of

the input vector u[n] and the cross-correlation vector p between the input x[n] and the desired response


R = 2 0.25

0.25 2

p = 0.3


(a) Find a suitable value for the step-size parameter µ that would ensure convergence of the method of

steepest descent

(b) Using the µ value calculated, determine the recursions for computing the weight elements w[n].

Assume w[0] = 0.

3. Suppose we have a signal s[n] with autocorrelation function Rss[k] = 0.95|k|. The signal is corrupted by

v[n], additive white noise with σ2

v = 2 (i.e. Rvv[k] = 2δ[k]). s[n] and v[n] are uncorrelated, zero-mean,

joint wide sense stationary random processes. Design a length N = 3 filter to approximate the signal

s[n] from the x[n] = s[n] + v[n] measurements.

(a) What is the Toeplitz correlation matrix Rxx[k]?

(b) What is the correlation vector p?

(c) What are the weights for the Wiener filter?

(d) What is the mean squared error (MSE) of the estimator?

4. Consider a case where you want to devleop a two-tap Wiener filter to convert the following input x[n]

into the output d[n]

x[n] = 2 cos2πn


d[n] = sin2πn


HINT: Using a temporary variable like θ =

2πN may prove helpful.

(a) Find the two-dimensional cross-correlation vector p = E{d[n]x[n − m]}

(b) Find the 2 × 2 auto-correlation matrix Rxx = E{x[n]x[n − m]

Engineering Homework Help