Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Engineering 101 Timberland High School Electronic Engineering Project

I need help with an engineering project from my Computer Engineering 101 Highschool class. We have learned: binary, 1st law, 2nd law, nodes, equation solving for nodes, circuits, k-maps, binary chart to K-map to simplest form equations (ex: yz”x+ywx) in which this project will have AT MOST 10 QUESTIONS on. Please also review the notes taken below for the topic we are being asked in the project. I will send the questions at 11:00am Eastern US time today.

Once I send the questions you have 45 minutes to complete them. Since that’s the time limit I have to finish it. ALL WORK MUST BE WRITTEN OUT ON PAPER OR GRAPHED ON A DOC.



Example questions from my last project:

1. (6 pts) Convert the following unsigned binary number to the indicated number base.

(a) (1111010.101)2 to hexadecimal

(b) (101101.01)2 to decimal

2. (8 pts) Add the following set of numbers, (0110010)2 + (37)10 + (2AF)16 = ( )16. Express your answer in the based that is indicated.

3. (9 pts) Convert the following decimal numbers to 1 Byte (8-bit) 2’s complements.

a. 15

b. -32

c. -51

4. You are given the following Boolean expression, xy + (x’ + y + z’)’

a. (8 pts) Construct a truth table.

b. (8 pts) Reduce the Boolean expression as much as possible using Boolean algebra.

c. (5 pts) Use the Karnaugh map (K-map) method to simplify the Boolean expression and draw the circuit diagram.

5. (6 pts) Find the simplest Boolean function using K-map.


Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Moment of Inertia About the Centroidal X Axis Solving Static Problems Worksheet

Q1: Determine the moment of inertia about the centroidal x axis of the shaded area

below using tabular form. Label all shapes used. The centroid measures 3.28

inches from the x axis.



Q2: Draw the shear and bending moment diagrams for the loading condition below.

Label all diagrams appropriately.



Q3: Using equilibrium equations, determine the shear and moment equations in

terms of x for the load region 6 ft< x < 18 ft for the loading below. Draw any

pertinent free-body diagrams. The reactions are Ay = 4,514 lb (up), Ax = 0 and

By = 1,886 lb (up).



Q4: Determine the force required to lift the 3000 lb loading. The coefficient of static

friction between all surfaces is 0.35. Neglect the size and weight of the wedges

and draw all pertinent free-body diagrams.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. University of The Cumberlands Usability Business Use Case Study Review

Review the attached case study and answer the following questions:

Summarize the case study

Identify the study method used and why it was appropriate

  • Explore some of the qualitative or quantitative methods gathered.
  • Given the nature in the advance of technology, how do you foresee technology changing the way studies such as these are conducted in the future?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Programmable Cement Paper

1. Cover page and the Table of contents – 2 pages – (0 points, mandatory! Not having a 

cover page or a table of content causes 5-point penalty)

2. Abstract – (summary is written after the work on the paper is completed) – 1 page

(5 points)

3. Introduction – about 2 pages (10 points)

Why this topic? Explain the importance of the material/method that you selected. What are 

going to be covered? Describe organization of the report.

4. Main body – about 8 to 12 pages (including tables, graphs, figures – each taking not

more than half a page) – (50 points, see breakdown below). The way you organize the main 

body of your paper depends on the choice of your topic.

a. Suitable headings/ subheadings/ organization (10 points)

b. Effort in research using multiple sources (10 points)

c. Quality and value of information (10 points)

d. Quality of Tables, Figures, Graphs (10 points) (total space devoted to these should not 

exceed 20% of the paper)

e. Quality of your own analysis based on the information (10 points)

5. Conclusions – 2 pages (10 points)compare the selected material with other alternatives, explain when and where you think the 

selected material could (not) be used, important considerations when working with this 

material, prospect of future use of this material in the construction industry, etc.

6. References (alphabetical order) in correct format – 1 to 2 pages (5 points)

Must have been cited in the introduction, body, and conclusions of the paper properly. Must 

use correct and consistent format.

This can help : 

Innovative/Unconventional Construction Materials : 

1. 3D-printed bioplastics

2 Programmable cement

3. Hydroceramics 

4. BioMason Bricks

5. Alusion Panels

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Kent State University Civil Engineering Sample Report

I’m working on a civil engineering report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Hey wish all is well if you are familiar with traffic engineering and the topic dilemma you would be able to help with my lab report need solutions ASAP it wouldnt take long since presentation and everything you will need will be attached

Thank you

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Hydrodynamic Skin Friction Drag on Ships Boats & Surf Boards Lab Report

All guidelines are mentioned in the attached document. Following is the list of topics. Choose any one for the report

List of Topics

1. Process-plant Systems:

(e.g. refineries) These have highly complex interlinked pipe systems. How are pumps and

pipe lengths arranged/chosen by the designers of these systems?

2. Water-plants and/or Irrigation Schemes:

These feature open-channel flows to manage the movement ofwater. Investigate and describe

the causes and effects of friction in such channels.

4. Hydrodynamic skin-friction drag on ships, boats, surf-boards etc.:

Investigate and describe the importance and factors that determine how much skin-friction

drag is experienced and what engineering-design measures can be taken to reduce it.

5. Blood flow in the human body: Investigate and describe examples of the effects of flow

friction in the blood-flow system of the human body and what effects this may have, for

example, in terms of healthy function and illness.

6. Fluid Mechanics in sports technology:

Reducing drag even if only incrementally, either on the human body or on equipment such

as a javelin or bicycle, can make a major difference in competition. Taking up to three

examples (or just focusing on one), describe the importance of friction drag and techniques

used to reduce it (or increase it, if that produces a benefit) in sports technology.

7. Slurry flows in the resource industries:

Your laboratory work entailed the use of water which is a Newtonian fluid (see Chapter 1 of

the lecture series). Slurry is a non-Newtonian fluid (because it is a combination of a liquid

and solid) and clearly it generates friction when it flows. Investigate and describe friction in

slurry flows (pumped through pipes and/or driven by gravity in channels).

8. Underground mine ventilation:

Efficient ventilation is critical for workers and equipment operating in underground mines.

Its main purposes are the supply of fresh air and the extraction of potentially toxic gases, dust

and heat. Investigate and describe designs of ventilation systems and the factors contributing

to fluid friction in underground tunnels.

9. Biological exploitation of flow friction:

At the very small scale (typically where the Reynolds number is very low), fluid friction

forces can be large (relative to other forces). Through evolution,Nature has exploited friction,

for example in the dispersion of pollen or the swimming of micro-organisms. Investigate

and describe examples of where Nature has adapted to and benefited from the effect of flow


10. Animal locomotion:

It is advantageous (in terms of natural selection) for animals to experience low skin-fiction

drag when they swim or fly because, for the same energy expenditure, they can move faster

or keep moving for longer. Using examples, investigate and describe the ways that animals

have evolved so that their friction drag has become lower.

Choose any topic from the list except “Aerodynamic skin-friction drag on aircraft, trains and cars”

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Quinsigamond Community College Metrics Collection System Questions


Bytewax is implementing its first metrics collection system. Metrics will be collected from a variety of backend services written in multiple languages deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. These metrics will include information about API request calls, internal metrics for backend services, and metrics about pods deployed in our Kubernetes cluster.

In addition to internal metrics, we will be collecting metrics from user applications that we deploy into our Kubernetes cluster.

Internally, we will be collecting and using metrics to monitor the health of our internal systems, and to respond to incidents as they occur.

Externally, we would like to offer our customers the ability to see metrics about their deployed applications and to assess performance issues with their own code.


  1. What storage solutions are appropriate for the system described above? How would you compare them in terms of cost and complexity? What factors in this domain make a storage solution more or less appropriate for this application?
  2. How would metrics be published to the system described above? In what format should our metrics be? How would customer metrics be published to this system? How would a reporting system be able to answer questions about multiple hosts running the same service?
  3. How would we use these metrics as a foundation for an observability system? How would you design a monitoring system to alert us to issues in our infrastructure and our customer’s infrastructure?


When providing answers to the following questions, keep the following considerations in mind:

  • What factors are important when designing for this aspect of the system?
  • What questions would you like to ask stakeholders to help you design a more appropriate solution?
  • If there are multiple solutions that might be appropriate, how would you compare and contrast them?
  • Are there specific technologies that we should consider for parts of the solution we build?
  • If you would suggest that we use a commercially available solution to this problem, please take the time to articulate why and how that product solves our needs and how we would approach integrating this solution into our infrastructure.

Engineering Homework Help