Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Programmable Cement Paper

1. Cover page and the Table of contents – 2 pages – (0 points, mandatory! Not having a 

cover page or a table of content causes 5-point penalty)

2. Abstract – (summary is written after the work on the paper is completed) – 1 page

(5 points)

3. Introduction – about 2 pages (10 points)

Why this topic? Explain the importance of the material/method that you selected. What are 

going to be covered? Describe organization of the report.

4. Main body – about 8 to 12 pages (including tables, graphs, figures – each taking not

more than half a page) – (50 points, see breakdown below). The way you organize the main 

body of your paper depends on the choice of your topic.

a. Suitable headings/ subheadings/ organization (10 points)

b. Effort in research using multiple sources (10 points)

c. Quality and value of information (10 points)

d. Quality of Tables, Figures, Graphs (10 points) (total space devoted to these should not 

exceed 20% of the paper)

e. Quality of your own analysis based on the information (10 points)

5. Conclusions – 2 pages (10 points)compare the selected material with other alternatives, explain when and where you think the 

selected material could (not) be used, important considerations when working with this 

material, prospect of future use of this material in the construction industry, etc.

6. References (alphabetical order) in correct format – 1 to 2 pages (5 points)

Must have been cited in the introduction, body, and conclusions of the paper properly. Must 

use correct and consistent format.

This can help : 

Innovative/Unconventional Construction Materials : 

1. 3D-printed bioplastics

2 Programmable cement

3. Hydroceramics 

4. BioMason Bricks

5. Alusion Panels

Engineering Homework Help