Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. University of South Florida French Question


I need an explanation for this French question to help me study.

Write a 275 word paragraph answering the question given. I have already answered the question in English I just need it in French and it must use the imparfait conditionnel, conditionnel, and pronoun dont. Instructions provided in attached document

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. TSL 2083 Seminole State College What Reading Experiences Stand out For You Ques


With older students, it can be useful to have students complete a reading autobiography at the beginning of the year. This lets you know some of their background experiences with reading, some of their favorite topics, genres, and books, and a bit about their reading level. It is helpful to also write an autobiography yourself. It can be read aloud to students or shared in hard copy. It gives a model of the assignment for students, builds rapport, and shows, in some cases, that all reading experiences may not be good ones. This assignment is a variation of a reading autobiography.

This assignment has two parts. The first part is to reflect on your own reading experiences. The second part is to to think about these experiences with regard to English learners.

Part 1: Answer the following questions about your personal reading experiences:

When did you first learn to read?

What reading experiences stand out for you? High points? Low points?

Who or what supported your reading experiences? Who or what discouraged it?

Were there times in your school/reading experience – or the materials – made you feel like an insider? Like an outsider?

What are the types of things you like to read?

What are the types of things you dislike reading?

In which electronic formats (online, internet, e-reader like a Kindle, iPad, etc.) do you read? Discuss how that is the same/different for you from reading print materials.

Part 2: Answer the following questions with regard to English learners:

Were you a non-native speaker in any of your classroom reading experiences?

If yes, what if any effect did that have on your reading experiences?

If no, how do you think an English learner would do if he/she had the same reading experiences that you did?

How could you use a reading autobiography assignment with English learners? What changes would you make?

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. TSL 2083 Seminole State College of Florida Content Reading and Writing Lesson Plan


Chapter 11 builds on chapter 10 by continuing discussing reading strategies. In this case, post reading strategies are presented. Then everything is put together with content reading and writing and English learners. So this assignment has you combine your knowledge of these areas from the course as well.

To synthesize the course content and funnel it specifically into content reading and writing, create a differentiated lesson plan. Use the model on textbook pages 467-468. 

Include the

  • 5 areas at the top: Theme, Grades. English Language Proficiency, Vocabulary/Concepts, English Language Skills
  • 7 bold numbered items (most of the bold items have some further explanation in italics)

This lesson is about content reading and writing, so be sure that this lesson is not focused on an English Language Arts unit or topic. It should be for a content area (Science, Math, or Social Studies – a specific area and topic within one of these.)  If you utilize ideas from a lesson plan you find online, please cite the source you used in a Resources: section on your lesson plan. 

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Seminole State College of Florida Language Experience Approach ESL Discussion


In chapter nine of in the textbook some specific activities are given as classroom practices for reading and literature instruction. These will form the basis of this discussion. This discussion will include just a post (no response required).

For this discussion begin by completing the 2 items below:

1) Review pages 344-375

2) Find a video showing an example of one of the following topics being used in a classroom: metacognition, text structure, guided reading, literature response groups, language experience approach, shared reading, story mapping, cognitive mapping, directed reading-thinking activity, literature response journals, reader’s theater, independent reading, or reading apprenticeship.

Then for your POST:

  • Give the title of the video and the link Be sure that any link points to a specific video. If there is more than one on the page where the link takes you, please be specific about which video you are sharing. (2 pts.)
  • Tell which of the topics above you chose (.5 pts.)
  • Discuss how you would tweak this classroom lesson to work (or work better) with English learners . Be specific as to what you would do differently and which level English learners you would use it with in a classroom.(min. 6 sentences) (6 pts.) Please don’t just tell what you liked about the video or why you chose it. There is no need to give a synopsis of the video or the topic – so leave that out, and remember this post is not about native speakers.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Descripción De Una Foto Conjugación en Español Práctica


I’m working on a spanish writing question and need support to help me study.

Describe the photo

Describe the picture as carefully as you can. Tell what you see, what happened and why. Comment on what you think about what you see. Just write in Spanish and try to make yourself understood. Use both present and past tense.

Foreign Languages Homework Help