Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. TSL 2083 Seminole State College of Florida Content Reading and Writing Lesson Plan


Chapter 11 builds on chapter 10 by continuing discussing reading strategies. In this case, post reading strategies are presented. Then everything is put together with content reading and writing and English learners. So this assignment has you combine your knowledge of these areas from the course as well.

To synthesize the course content and funnel it specifically into content reading and writing, create a differentiated lesson plan. Use the model on textbook pages 467-468. 

Include the

  • 5 areas at the top: Theme, Grades. English Language Proficiency, Vocabulary/Concepts, English Language Skills
  • 7 bold numbered items (most of the bold items have some further explanation in italics)

This lesson is about content reading and writing, so be sure that this lesson is not focused on an English Language Arts unit or topic. It should be for a content area (Science, Math, or Social Studies – a specific area and topic within one of these.)  If you utilize ideas from a lesson plan you find online, please cite the source you used in a Resources: section on your lesson plan. 

Foreign Languages Homework Help