Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Liberty University Israelites Slavery Against the Moabites Discussion Paper


write a three-page report identifying and describing three items that relate to the Old Testament from the liberty university biblical museum.


Utilize at least one direct scriptural reference per artifact. Selected artifacts should correlate to the Old Testament. Line spacing should be 1.15, in times new roman, and 12 point font. A template will be provided.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UCSD American History Weekly Discussion


Begin by watching the introductory video regarding John Brown’s attack on Harper’s Ferry in 1859 and the description of the event at the beginning of the document pack.  Next read the documents in the document pack on John Brown.  Use the comprehension questions at the end of each document as a guide to its contents. (The document pack is located under the forum).

Initial Post

On October 16, 1859, John Brown launched an effort to take over a federal armory in Harper’s Ferry, Virginia.  His goal was to arm slaves and start a massive slave uprising.  John Brown’s actions are controversial today.  For this forum you should respond to the overall question: Was John Brown a hero or a madman (or something in between)?

In your initial post you should: 1) explain your overall view of John Brown 2) discuss three arguments in favor of John Brown’s actions from Documents A, C, and E, explaining whether you find them convincing; 3) discuss three arguments opposing John Brown’s actions from Documents B, D, and F, explaining whether you find them convincing.  

Response to Colleagues

You should respond to the posts of two colleagues. (Note: These will become visible only after you have made your initial post). 

In each response to a colleague, you should 1) discuss one point in their argument that you found persuasive – explaining the reason why; 2) discuss one point that your colleague might improve or think about – explaining your reasoning.  

Notes on Sources

You should use only the textbook and the provided documents to respond to the question.  Whenever, you make reference to a document, you should cite it – e.g. (Document A).  If you use words directly from a document, you should use quotation marks.  Please note that it is usually more effective to put the argument of a document in your own words, and if you do include a direct quotation, you should always explain its significance.

The textbook is a free open educational resource (OER). Links to the individual chapters can be found in the Learning Modules. The textbook can be linked here:

OpenStax, U.S. History. OpenStax CNX. Jun 25, 2019

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SDSU Psychology Questions Discussion


  1. Describe your body’s physiological reaction to a threatening situation. How does your reaction align with the information in the textbook?
  2. Think of a time when you were experiencing stress. How did the social situation influence your stress level? For example, did the individuals you were around make your stress level rise or fall? Were you stressed because of the situation you were in or had you been stressed before? Please be specific in your example.
  3. Your textbook discusses minor hassles as a form of stress. Provide an example of a minor hassle in your own life and what you do to cope with the hassle (or what you will start doing after reading this chapter).
  4. Provide 2 scientifically based recommendations for coping with negative emotions (hint: this may require a google search. Be sure to cite your source, whether it is the textbook or an online article).
  5. Explain how culture influences stress and expression of negative emotions. For example, how is stress viewed in a more individualistic culture like the US compared to a collectivistic culture?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. POLS 500 A Balance between Personal Interests and that of the Public Journal


I’m working on a political science writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Pluralist theorists put forth the idea that interest group involvement in policymaking contributed to democratic government.  Can an acceptable balance can be struck between the right of people to pursue their own interests and the need to protect society from being dominated by one or more interests?  Do you believe this balance exists in our society today (and in particular, in Washington, DC)?  In class, we discussed that corporate interests dedicate significant resources to their advocacy efforts and many believe that $$$ control politics.  Do you think this is true?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Adler University Healthy Organizations Video Discussion and Cultural Lens Discussion


Two Assignments:

  • [4.1] Healthy Organizations Video Discussion: Be prepared to do the following:
    • Find, identify, and briefly discuss three common themes concerning Adlerian approaches to organizations.
    • Then, create a 3-5-minute video (script) for a hypothetical mid-level management team focusing on building healthy collaborative organizations, with social justice at the core of organizational culture, with attention to ethical decision-making processes, all from an Adlerian perspective [4.2] Cultural Lens Discussion: When all original posts for [4.1] are posted, please view your week’s reading, your classmates’ discussions, and your own post with the cultural lens – your culture, others’ culture. Please discuss the following:
      • What do you now see that you have not noticed before?
      • How might a cultural framework change the conversation?
      • What did speak to you as a cultural being in your classwork this week?

      Your post will be approximately 200 words. You may use references, but this is not a requirement.

    Reference (unable to attach): Colker, J. (2019). Adlerian psychology and organizational development (Links to an external site.) [Video]. AdlerPedia.…

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Miami Dade College CH8 Roles of Family in The Continuity of Civilization Essay


Essay # 1 Family

                                   * Begin essay with a brief discussion on YOUR views of “What is Culture?” – How would you define the term? (Please avoid referring to dictionary and other references in your essay – this should be YOUR thoughts)

                                   * For the rest of the essay think about the fact that family (however you may define the term in regards to who is and who is not included) is such a huge part of creating culture, regardless of the country, race, or ethnicity one is referring to.

                                   * Consider and answer the following questions in the rest of the essay:

                                                           – How does a family create/represent culture in the lives of their loved ones?

                                   – What happens when a person dislikes or disagrees with his/her family’s cultural beliefs?

                                               Only use personal examples very briefly but you MUST use specific examples from poem and stories we read. (“Heritage,” “Everyday Use” “Two Kinds”, Introduction to Ch. 8)  (“Aria is NOT part of this assignment)

                                               Use at least 2 quotes/references from the poem/stories in your essay.  

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ECE 673 Ashford University Cyber Criminal and Students E Learning PPT


Educational Law Final Project

The study of school law is a major component in school leadership preparation programs. Future school leaders need knowledge of the law as well as the resources to support their potential decision and policy making in various legal dilemmas. Thus, the final project for this course is comprised of two parts, a PowerPoint and an Educational Law Toolbox. The goal of this two-pronged summative assignment is to create a visual PowerPoint (that can be used for training staff and teachers) and to create a toolbox of legal and ethical resources that will support your role as an effective educational leader.

  1. Part 1: Educational Law Professional Development Session.For this portion of the final project, you will create a PowerPoint based on your outline from Week 4. Using the instructor feedback from your previous submission, you will turn the outline into a 10- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation (not including separate title and reference slides) in which you develop a policy proposal for implementing the changes that you seek.The purpose of this PowerPoint is to practice and gain feedback as you present introductory information on your chosen topic. Ensure that you are using graphics in a meaningful way and that you are using each section of notes (under each slide) to elaborate on the key points of your slide. The notes section is for you to be able to use it as a script for what you would say during the presentation.Format your presentation according to APA as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Including a reference slide with a minimum of five outside sources. Citations should be used on the slides as well as in the notes.

The Educational Law Professional Development Session PowerPoint

  • Must be at least 10 to 15 slides in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of presentation
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least five scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Emory University Political and Social Changes in the Medieval Period Questions


Short essay Questions

Please Answer each question 100 words at least

Required text:…

A Short History of the Middle Ages, Fifth Edition


Be prepared to answer short essay questions drawn from this list. Your responses should be as detailed as possible and draw upon primary and secondary sources where appropriate.

  1. Why did the Church view heresy as a threat?
  2. What was the role of women in the middle ages?
  3. Was there a twelfth century renaissance?
  4. How did social and political change lead to the Renaissance?
  5. How did the beginnings of exploration change the Medieval world view?
  6. What caused the Reformation?
  7. Discuss the change in relationship between the papacy and the state during the later Middle Ages.
  8. Who was ‘the other’ in the Middle Ages?
  9. Compare the culture of the courts of Europe in the period 1150-1250 with those of the Islamic world under the Abbasids and their successorsthe Ayyubids.
  10. Compare the development of representative institutions in England, France, Germany, and Spain.
  11. Your textbook says that “the Mongols initiated the search for exotic goods and missionary opportunities that culminated in the European ‘discovery’ of a new world, the Americas.” To what extent might it be said that the Islamic world initiated the same sorts of enterprises? Compare the economic impact on Europe of the Mongols and the Muslims.
  12. Between 1350 and 1500, Europe was struck and bloodied by several disasters (wars, disease, famine). Yet, your textbook states, “By 1500, Europe was poised to conquer the globe.” What factors made this possible?
  13. What happened to turn Europeans’ passion for new goods and missionary opportunities away from the eastern trade routes fostered by the Mongols and toward the Atlantic?
  14. Compare the causes and results of the various revolts in late medieval Flanders, France, and England.
  15. Compare the causes and effects of popular religious movements in England and Bohemia that led to the Reformation.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Future University Egypt Affordable Care Act Benefits to Americans Bibliography


Provide 3 annotated citations for your research paper here. These should include:

A complete citation for each work included.

A few sentences summarizing the author’s main point, including how you plan to use this source, and a critical review of the source:

  • a statement about the type of source (e.g., a scholarly research article, an editorial from a professional magazine, a feature newspaper article, a chapter from a popular book, a website);
  • a short evaluation of the authority of the author to write about the topic, quality of the source, objectivity, etc.
  • Your own thoughts on why this is relevant for you in the context of your research paper, and how you will use this source.

Each citation should be between 100-300 words (it’s usually 50 for summary, 50 for critical review, and 50 for how you plan to use it.)

Humanities Homework Help