Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Emory University Political and Social Changes in the Medieval Period Questions


Short essay Questions

Please Answer each question 100 words at least

Required text:…

A Short History of the Middle Ages, Fifth Edition


Be prepared to answer short essay questions drawn from this list. Your responses should be as detailed as possible and draw upon primary and secondary sources where appropriate.

  1. Why did the Church view heresy as a threat?
  2. What was the role of women in the middle ages?
  3. Was there a twelfth century renaissance?
  4. How did social and political change lead to the Renaissance?
  5. How did the beginnings of exploration change the Medieval world view?
  6. What caused the Reformation?
  7. Discuss the change in relationship between the papacy and the state during the later Middle Ages.
  8. Who was ‘the other’ in the Middle Ages?
  9. Compare the culture of the courts of Europe in the period 1150-1250 with those of the Islamic world under the Abbasids and their successorsthe Ayyubids.
  10. Compare the development of representative institutions in England, France, Germany, and Spain.
  11. Your textbook says that “the Mongols initiated the search for exotic goods and missionary opportunities that culminated in the European ‘discovery’ of a new world, the Americas.” To what extent might it be said that the Islamic world initiated the same sorts of enterprises? Compare the economic impact on Europe of the Mongols and the Muslims.
  12. Between 1350 and 1500, Europe was struck and bloodied by several disasters (wars, disease, famine). Yet, your textbook states, “By 1500, Europe was poised to conquer the globe.” What factors made this possible?
  13. What happened to turn Europeans’ passion for new goods and missionary opportunities away from the eastern trade routes fostered by the Mongols and toward the Atlantic?
  14. Compare the causes and results of the various revolts in late medieval Flanders, France, and England.
  15. Compare the causes and effects of popular religious movements in England and Bohemia that led to the Reformation.

Humanities Homework Help