Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Law enforcement interviewing children


As you seek information from the community on any observations or critical information that they may have on this missing child investigation, you are assigned to conduct interviews with a special population person (e.g., child, disabled, or elderly). In this case, the neighborhood children who left for school during the morning are your focus. Discuss the following:

  • What is your plan for this assignment?
  • What are some of the pitfalls to be aware of when interviewing children?
  • How will you protect your actions for later testimony at trial?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. International Law Question


I need help in working out two law essays 7500 words and 5200 words respectively. You should be good in Oscola referencing and British English. Attached below are the instructions, make sure to go through all the requirements before placing a bid

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJUS 650 Liberty University Prison Education and Vocational Programs Discussion


I’m working on a law discussion question and need a reference to help me learn.

Topic: Prison Education and Vocational Programs

Thread: You are assigned as a Prison Administrator (Warden/Superintendent) and are tasked to design an education and vocation department for your facility. You can decide if it is a male or female facility. Your resources are unlimited. What courses or vocational trades would you include in your curriculum? Why?

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Purdue University Eyewitness Identification & Testimony Research Paper


Research Paper: Eyewitness Identification and Testimony Assignment Instructions


You will develop a well-reasoned discussion of the issues associated with that topic and your suggestions and recommendations for appropriate interventions, policy changes, etc. as well as biblical support for your suggestions and recommendations. Include an introduction that describes the purpose of the paper, the context of the discussion, and the central issues; also, address the central issues and use headings to clearly delineate your points. Your paper needs to include the integration of sources to support your points and demonstrate your thinking through the complexities of the issues in discussion of the central issues and your recommendations. Your paper should have a substantive conclusion that summarizes your key points. 



  • Include an introduction that describes the background or problem; a sentence for each of the main topics that will discussed in your paper, and finally thesis statement or purpose. Also, use subheadings to help your reader know what topics will be discussed

Main Topic (level-two heading)

  • Find a topic that you may believe needs reform or has short comings (e.g., Eyewitness Identification & Testimony)

Subtopics (Level-three heading). The next section(s) should discuss your main topics subtopics, which will help build your case for why your problem needs reform.

Subtopics (Level-three heading. There may be multiple subtopics that may help delineate the issues in your main topic.

Subtopics. If your level-four heading has subtopics, this is how you format them.

Recommendations (Level-two heading)

  • The next section should provide suggestion or recommendations for interventions, initiatives, and or policy changes, to help improve the current problem.

Main Topic Discussed from a Biblical Perspective (Level-two heading)

  • The final discussion should provide a biblical perspective base on your main topic. Please provide a minimum of one biblical citation and provide a Bible reference

Conclusion (Level-two heading)

  • Then, finally, your papers should have a substantive conclusion that summarizes your key points and/or outcomes.

References (Level-one heading)

This assignment is to write a research paper on Eyewitnesses Identification and Testimony.

  • The research paper shall be a minimum of 8 to 10 pages and must follow current APA guidelines. 
  • The page count does not include the title page, abstract, or reference section. 
  • It must include 10–15 sources with at least 1 source being the Holy Bible and no more than two (2) books.
  • The student should have a specific section in the paper dedicated to a synthesis of Christian Worldview and their topic. 

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJUS 530 LU Group Dynamics Network Exposure & Use of Force Journal Article Review


Journal Article Review: Group Dynamics Assignment Instructions


Group dynamics is a much-studied subject in the disciplines of sociology and psychology. Most academic curricula include courses in the study of how group dynamics can impact our actions and decision making. Within the law enforcement discipline, there are two areas of particular importance. One is called deindividuation, or the phenomenon that takes place when an individual takes on the personality of the group during a demonstration, riot, or any similar activity. This typically manifests itself in the individual doing things he or she would never do if not in a group. This is of significance during the aforementioned events but can be an issue when groups of law enforcement officers respond to crisis. The other concept is referred to as contagious fire, or what happens when one officer fires a weapon and others also fire even though they are not aware of the justification for shooting. Many in law enforcement deny the phenomenon even exists and often, police shootings are mischaracterized as contagious when they are not. Several officers shooting their weapons at the same time is not contagious fire if they are all reacting to a known and identified deadly threat. The student will analyze an article that addresses either phenomenon and provide a review of the article and its impact on law enforcement crisis intervention.


For this assignment, the student will select a peer reviewed journal article from one of the databases located in the University’s online library. The article will relate in some way to the reading material (use of force) the student has reviewed for this module. After the student reads the article, they should download the Journal Article Review Template. The student will then complete a Journal Article Review for the article they read. You are not reviewing the article in the sense that you are assessing it, but you are reviewing it so you can provide analysis and relate to your reader the main point and how they relate to the area of crisis intervention. The assignment is not to be too much shorter or longer than the example in the template. Ensure that you focus on the critical thinking piece of discussing implications the article has on criminal justice as this is the most important aspect of this process. How does the article’s content relate to the field of law enforcement? How does it influence policy and practice? This can be accomplished in the comments, recommendations, and conclusion sections of the assignment. Use an APA citation for the article you choose; you may provide additional reference support if you choose to, but it is not required.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. MCJ 518 Excelsior College Correctional System Public Service Announcement Video Script


Part 1

Before proceeding, please watch the following video:

INSTRUCTIONS: You will create a public service announcement.

First, create a public service announcement regarding the state of the prison system on which you conducted the SWOT analysis. (Clarence Correctional Centre – Australia and Banksia Hill Juvenile Detention Centre) Please see swot attached for clarity. 

  • Focus on raising awareness about how the prison system works.
  • You can choose to make the public service announcement either proactive to provide general information to an uninformed public or reactive in response to a real current issue facing the prison system.
  • You can choose the format of your public service announcement but you should look at the PSA Example link below for inspiration.
  • After you have created your public service announcement, post it to the discussion board.

Part 2

Prisons are amplifiers of infectious diseases such as the coronavirus because social distancing is virtually impossible inside, and movement in and out of facilities is certainly common. One theory is that if prison officials make considerable changes, they have the power to prevent COVID-19 deaths in custody.

First, view the following videos:


For this assignment, assume that you are the Superintendent of Security for a prison in the system you have focused on previously in this module (Banksia Hill Juvenile Detention Centre, Australia) and you have been given the following task:

Based upon the above videos as well as your own research, create your own 2-5 minute personal video press release taking a position based upon Video A or Video B:

  • If choosing Video A, announce that prisoners with less than a year left on their sentence (regardless of the crime) will be released up to eight months early and more than 2,000 people are set to be released next week from area prisons. It is also expected that 1,000 additional people will be released in the coming weeks and months.
  • If choosing Video B, announce that despite the menacing pandemic explosion in the area, releasing violent criminals into the community would make neighborhoods unsafe. You have decided to increase bail for certain prisoners in an effort to ensure prisoners return and ensure heightened sanitation efforts, the frequent testing of inmates and staff, as well as offering vaccinations as soon as available.  

Remember that good press release addresses the who, what, when, where, why, and how of a situation.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Jamal Khashoggi Case Analysis


Help me study for my Criminal Justice class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

I’m working with a group to write analysis paper on jamal khashoggi case. I have to answer Who murdered the victim? An example will be provided after matching with a tutor. 

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Brite Divinity Lowest Unit Rate Limitation for Candidate Commercials Discussion


Answer the three Questions (at least 150 words per response)

APA style: Use at least three sources. Make sure to use the key terms provided

1. Do you think the lowest-unit-rate limitation for candidate commercials is
working in the public interest, or is it merely a statutory perk for candidates?
Given the shallow, misleading, and even mean-spirited nature of today’s
political advertising, should broadcasters be allowed to set extra high rates
for political advertising if they wish?
2. On the other hand, is it a wise use of the nation’s airwaves to stick to a
schedule of sophomoric TV sitcoms during the height of campaign season,
making it difficult for new candidates and potential leaders to become known
and to succeed? Would a significant amount of mandated, free air time for
candidates actually improve national discourse, help us solve problems, and
help us spot and elect tomorrow’s best leaders? Could such a system be
devised with some safeguards against abuse, or would that violate the First
3. Do you see any evidence that the children’s TV programming requirement
has had a positive impact in our society? As children shift more and more of
their attention to the Internet and less time to TV, does it make sense to continue
saddling TV broadcasters with the “kid-vid” programming rules?
Key Terms
core children’s programming
equal opportunities rule
fairness doctrine
must-carry law
network non-duplication rule
PEG channels
personal attack rule
political editorial

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UOTP Analysis of 2019 Annual Report And Federal Sentencing Statistics Question


Select a summary of an annual report from research.

Write a 525- to 700-word analysis of the report in which you:

  • Identify the report type.
  • Describe how it differs from the other primary report types.
  • Describe how the three-step writing process is evident in the report.
  • Discuss the best practices of business communication used in the report.

Format your assignment, including all references, according to APA guidelines.

Law Homework Help